Destination: Metropolis
Archive: 4 posts
Hey there! I've been reading the forum for a while, for finding new awesome levels and tips on my little big planet carreer ![]() Destination: Metropolis Short level, my second (my first is still in WIP ![]() Go trough the desert in Jalape?o's car, fight the police and reach the country border! Search for 'Destination: Metropolis' or my PSN: 'JostVice', The level should appear around Mexico, just where the Canyon levels where placed. Comment, critics... I may post photos. | 2008-11-22 16:22:00 Author: JostVice ![]() Posts: 7 |
Posting on this as a reminder to play it later, i'll feedback soon hopefully ^_^. | 2008-11-22 18:05:00 Author: FrozenNeon ![]() Posts: 77 |
Tricky/fun level. Liked how it revolved around driving a car through obstacles. | 2008-11-22 19:40:00 Author: whatisnarwhal ![]() Posts: 164 |
Any suggestion for adding more stuff to this level? | 2008-11-23 18:11:00 Author: JostVice ![]() Posts: 7 |
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