Dance Dance Resolution! Funtastic Arcade game!
Archive: 11 posts
MASSIVE UPDATE POSTED! Change list: -The Action buttons can be used in addition to the dpad! - Game is a bit more challenging and doesnt have repetitive arrows anymore! - Decorated the Arcade a little more and replaced the PRESS X and PRESS 0 to match the new controls. - Arrows now look like arrows and are much brighter/more colorful. - Added a skip intro feature in the ball pit. And some new non voiced dialouge telling you so. - Tweaked song has been placed in the prize bubble. -Text Boxes match what the voices say. - Song has been tweaked to sound better, has more balanced instruments, more effects, etc.... - Arrows are lined up WAY better, and do not curve towards the hit zone. Atleast not enough to notice. -Song syncs up to arrows a little better.....again! -Arrow button pulses now, so you can't hold it down to cheat =D -Maybe some other stuff I forgot! Still working on: Nothing at the moment. Give me some advice! I made a funky fresh song that I worked really hard on, so I wanted to show it off without making your average music box level. So I made THE DD Arcade! A magical place full of bad voice acting, a fully functional DDR machine complete with music Synch powers and flashing lights and animations! And an apple that you probably won't find! PLAY IT! http://lbp.me/v/x6yh90 http://lbp.me/v/x6yh90 | 2011-02-24 04:54:00 Author: kirbycool ![]() Posts: 30 |
I got one more play and one more like =D 5 plays in 10 hours! Thats gotta be a record! Im going to go to sleep now, maybe my plays will surprise me in the morning! | 2011-02-24 07:04:00 Author: kirbycool ![]() Posts: 30 |
This level has potential but serious needs some real work to be appriciated by hardcore DDR fans (like myself). For starters controls are not quite complete to those who don't have a dance pad and cannot press combinations like up and down at the same time. You can fix this by having the controllinator to use the action buttons to also register up, down, left, and right, then have something like a shoulder button to disembark the controllinator. The DDR Machine interface needs a lot of attention as well, I do not know how close you are with overheating (especially with all of the voice-overs in the level), but I'd rather see a more user friendly interface, especially with the appearance of the arrows (they look like crosses to me). Secondly the music wasn't the greatest, it sounded like a bunch of drums and 8-bit that just blended throughout the whole song. Third, the step chart felt like it had no rhythm to the music, which yes is important to me because I am a hardcore DDR fan. To elaborate, to have jackhammers (the same arrow for at least 3 or more steps in row) is never fun when actually playing (and rather painful) and there definitely was not enough stream in the chart (stream is where you are fluently changing arrows). Now the best part of this level is the voice acting, you have some decent puns in your dialog, but it will help to make sure your captions display the exact same message. The level design of the arcade is slightly cute but it is scary to me (why, because I work in an arcade and I would never have a ball bit), okay maybe this part is irrelevant. It is a great start to a work in progress but still a work in progress in my opinion. It almost earned a 'Like' from me, but with it needing work in all three areas of technical and appearance, music, and step chart, I want to see more before I can grant it a 'Like'. p.s. Is 'Resolution' in your level title deliberate? Because the real game is called DanceDanceRevolution, if you want to attract more DDR fans through Text Search, I'd advise renaming the level. | 2011-02-24 07:43:00 Author: WyomingMyst ![]() Posts: 101 |
WOW that's alot of criticism! Thanks for the help! Well I guess I'll adress your critiques in order! 1.) This pretty much is a tech demo to show off my song so thanks for saying it has potential! Funny thing is, I actually considered setting the controls like that but I already had the X and O buttons programed, so I never went back to do it. I can change them if it causes to much of a problem. As for the interface, what didn't you like beside the arrows? Do i need to decorate the game screen better?if you meant a menu, actual DDR options such as difficulty and song selection, I would have to re program an entire new game for each difficulty or song. It's just the way I have it set up to allow the notes to sync as well as I can. Did you have something else in mind? When get closer to perfecting the system I'll probably make a sequel with multiple songs and a menu, but I'm not sure what kind of menu options I could add. Oh and as for the arrow graphics, its the holo material that makes them look wierd, but it's the only material that emits at a constant velocity. Maybe I can use a different material with a material tweaker, not really sure how to go about this, but I'll work it out. 2.) ouch! That hurt. I can promise that the song was more than 8 bit and drums, I spent alot of time making sure all the instruments work together. It has 2 rhythm guitars, bass guitar, synth, drums, and piano at the start. But I do think it could benefit if I turned down the synth and drums a bit and cranked up the guitars. Would that make it any better? 3.) I completely agree about the jackhammer comment! It was actually worse when I started off, the randomizer just picks the same arrow a bunch of times before moving onto the next! I just started with logic so I'm not sure how to fix this, but I definitly prefer more mixed up notes to keep the action flowing, I'll work on it. But I hope you realize there is no way to completly sync each arrow to the music. You would need a different emitter for every single arrow. 4.) Thanks! Im an animator in the making so I'm used to voicing my own work. Its hard for me to make something without adding random humor hahaha. Still need to work on the voices though :/ not changing the text bubbles was just me rushing to publish it when I had to be somewhere. It was the last thing I was working on. 5.) Yep I called it resolution on purpose. As in screen resolution, for the game. I was to afraid of copyright problems to call it revolution. But I'm fine with this name too. People can recognize what I'm imitating. So yeah I have so fixing to do, I'll work on it until I think it's good enough for a sequel. Thing is I needed help, but after 2 days of nobody replying I just finished it on my own. if you have some solutions to any of my problems and want to help your more than welcome! Thanks for the detailed review ![]() | 2011-02-24 09:18:00 Author: kirbycool ![]() Posts: 30 |
Oh and I just found out a way to make the note hitting tighter. So you won't be able to hold down the button to hit every arrow. | 2011-02-24 21:48:00 Author: kirbycool ![]() Posts: 30 |
Ok i have been busy updating it! Heres the change list so far! - Arrows now look like arrows and are much brighter/colorful. -Text Boxes match what the voices say. - Song has been tweaked to sound better, has more balanced instruments, more effects, etc.... - Arrows are lined up MUCH better, and do not curve towards the hit zone. Atleast not enough to notice. -Song syncs up to arrows a little better. -Arrow button pulses now, so you can't hold it down to cheat =D Still working on: -Less repetitive streams of arrows. -Maybe changing Action buttons to mimic a second Dpad. (theres not really many double notes though.) - Better game screen decoration. And maybe improving the arcade too. Lemme know what else I should change/add! Im going to try and fix the arrow stream problem and the post the update! | 2011-02-25 01:23:00 Author: kirbycool ![]() Posts: 30 |
I changed even more stuff! Im done updating for now. Please try it, and give it another chance if you already did =D Change log is up top ^^^^^^ | 2011-02-25 04:41:00 Author: kirbycool ![]() Posts: 30 |
Much better, much better. You pretty well took everything in my last review and really tried to improve it. So I am changing this level to a 'like'. Music is still a tad bit bland, but it sounds improved from the last time I played (that or the coffee is actually kicking in this time). Voice dialog seems to have become patchy for some reason so I recommend double checking it for errors. Arrows still need a little work, I recommend try looking into what DanceDanceRevolution's arrows look like in shape and work off of that if you can. The background in the interface is also improved it seems (more vivid) but don't be afraid to utilize all seven layers of the playfield to create deep animated backgrounds and you'll have an interface that even looks better than the interfaces from 1st through 5th Mix of DDR. I'd recommend decorating the arcade with phony games to make it really look like an arcade. Also there appears to be a new dialog from one of the kids in the ball pit, and I'd advise caution about the line "Keep your hands off my balls," which could be misinterpreted as a inappropriate comment by some and could result in a 'good grief' report against the level, so I'd change that to stay out of trouble. Keep working on improving this, and you'll get a heart from me in no time. | 2011-02-25 05:49:00 Author: WyomingMyst ![]() Posts: 101 |
Wow knowing that I changed your rating is very reassuring =D I don't have access to my Ps3 on the weekend so I won't be doing anything to it for a little while. ill be sure to fix any bugs I find but im saving a lot of stuff for the sequel. I just wanted to get the base gameplay down. Things like big graphical changes will be made for that. I planned on making a bigger animated background but it would probably be to much of a distraction if I put it behind the arrows because holo is transparent. Ill think of something! I also planned on the arcade "Upgrading" due to its success with the only existing DDR game. Oh and im not sure about the voices, I didn't notice when I play tested last =/ Maybe it was a loading error. Ill check it out. Thanks for the support. Ill get more artistic next time around! | 2011-02-25 06:14:00 Author: kirbycool ![]() Posts: 30 |
still need plays =/ Ill stop pushing it when I get to 50. | 2011-02-25 18:28:00 Author: kirbycool ![]() Posts: 30 |
Only 11 more plays =D Ill fix the dialogue bugs sunday. | 2011-02-26 07:52:00 Author: kirbycool ![]() Posts: 30 |
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