NGP: My Worries about LBP PSP's Future
Archive: 68 posts
I'd like to voice my opinion and start a big discussion here about the new NGP: PSP2 (http://www.engadget.com/2011/01/27/the-sony-psp2/). What will happen to LBP PSP? There are a few things I'm worried about, and I'd like to hear your opinions on them too. 1. It's possible Mm will develop LBP instead of Cambridge (low possibility). This isn't so much a problem, but if Mm develops we can expect #2. vv Look at the picture below taken from the NGP's announcement trailer. It could be a simulated image, but I'm pretty sure LBP will be developed. By whom, we don't know. http://i54.tinypic.com/141kqd3.png 2. Drop Static/Dynamic whilst adding Dark Matter, ![]() 3. Be unable to merge our community levels from PSP to NGP (high possibility), this could lead to the shutdown of our PSP servers. (medium possibility) 4. Screw up community projects. Seriously think about it. If LBP for NGP comes out soon after the NGP's release (which is sorta a possibility) three community projects I know of will be screwed. Kindred, (I'm not sure how close to being done they are yet), The spring project, (I'm not sure if this is still going to happen), and a fantasy project I heard about at littlebigland... I think. Even if LBP doesn't come out soon after the release of NGP, a lot of PSPers will buy the NGP and won't be playing the "old" PSP anymore. So these are my worries/concerns about LBP PSP's future. I just thought I'd like to share them. I know I'm kinda being a party pooper, but lets be realistic, LBP PSP's future is a huge topic to discuss. Leave your opinions or comments below. I'd like to hear what the fellow PSP community thinks. | 2011-02-24 04:00:00 Author: anoken ![]() Posts: 1654 |
Well I'm about to go to sleep so this will probably sound very mumblyjumbly and all that stuff but here's my opinion: 1. I don't necessarily mind having Mm develop the game since there are pros and cons to this. However, I think Sony Cambridge sort of added on to Mm's already great create mode so maybe Mm would adapt especially with what they've heard from our community about the corner editor being great and static and dynamic materials being just as good. 2. Goes with #1. 3. The shutdown of the servers would be drastic and I never really thought of it. I think if Sony Cambridge develops it they probably already have a plan for merging levels but if Mm does who knows. Maybe Mm will work with Sony Cambridge (they seem friendly? lol) but I think bringing the levels over is a must and if it can't happen at least don't shut down the current servers. (I realize I'm not talking to Sony Cambridge here but who knows maybe one of their minions is reading this...fingers crossed) 4. The community projects would be screwed over especially if they're already in development like Kindred. Unless a large number of the levels are still untouched or haven't been started yet I don't see anyone wanting to restart. (If levels could be carried over to the new game, however, this wouldn't matter since they could simply pick up their creating in the new version, and possibly have more thermo to work with!) - For me, I still have plenty of level ideas I'm working on, some of which I will NOT restart simply because I'm so far in working on them and I'm really improving at creating and have ideas for new styles of creating (the creatinator and 3d effects for example). As for you, you're not being a party pooper you're bringing up an important topic that needs to be discussed so hopefully it'll be noticed by some big names at big jobs..cough cough Sony Cambridge/Mm hahaha. I'd like to see how others feel about this too ![]() | 2011-02-24 04:15:00 Author: WoodburyRaider ![]() Posts: 1651 |
I think that the NGP will cost WAY too much money, and so many people wont get it too soon. And if anyone then publishes a level on the old version, it would not get any attention at all :/ | 2011-02-24 12:23:00 Author: Wertpol ![]() Posts: 264 |
Valamossi you have alot to worry about and so do I, I won't Rush out and Buy a NGP because I am still working on a few things and I will be for a while. and as A part of Project number 3 I am Extremley worried that most of the project workers will switch too The NGP. This is what I call PSP CODE RED, the end to all of psp life as we know it. ![]() pics of device at Japenease convention http://www.ps-garage.com/sites/default/files/5391825299_b53fe828c0_o.jpg | 2011-02-24 15:35:00 Author: butter-kicker ![]() Posts: 1061 |
It's a tricky one. Its not as if Cambridge have done a load of DLC in the way of levels and looked after us. The Turbo pack, which is good but you can hardly use any of it in your own levels as it crashes. They haven't fixed the problem so don't hold your breath they will interact the two, if they do they'll probably crash ya system. It's a sign of change I'm afraid which comes with all consoles and games lifes. I'm not sure how LBP1 & 2 work on PS3 what with interacting the two as I haven't got a PS3, how many people play LBP1 now 2s out? Just wait and see what happens and keep creating, you'll probably be so amazed with a new LBP on NGP it won't raise too many issues. | 2011-02-24 20:23:00 Author: JetArtois ![]() Posts: 232 |
The spring project, Trust me, the spring project died when I realized there were only 10 PSPers left. ![]() | 2011-02-25 00:10:00 Author: Silver39 ![]() Posts: 1703 |
Always a possiblity, but MM won't be making LBP PSP 2, as released by the list of developers at the NGP's unvealing... | 2011-02-25 00:57:00 Author: Random ![]() Posts: 673 |
Always a possiblity, but MM won't be making LBP PSP 2, as released by the list of developers at the NGP's unvealing... from the looks of it, lbp psp2 has a big chance of just being a port of lbp2. also, that list that you speak of doesnt have every single developer that is making an ngp game on it. I will be getting an ngp day one most likely so this doesnt really concern me too much. I plan on remaking any levels i have on here on that version with the issue of compatibility i cant see them making lbp psp2 compatilble with lbp psp1 just because of all of the bugs. it would do more bad then good if they were to make the two backwards compatible imo. Also i would rather see a mm developed game because you know for sure that they will provide plenty of support. We cant say the same for cambridge, especially with the way they treated the turbo pack. I CANT WAIT! | 2011-02-25 01:36:00 Author: spok22 ![]() Posts: 206 |
with the issue of compatibility i cant see them making lbp psp2 compatilble with lbp psp1 just because of all of the bugs. it would do more bad then good if they were to make the two backwards compatible imo. Also i would rather see a mm developed game because you know for sure that they will provide plenty of support. We cant say the same for cambridge, especially with the way they treated the turbo pack. I CANT WAIT! Yeah, I highly doubt they're going to convert the levels from PSP to NGP. (this makes me think they'll shut the server down) Also, there really aren't too many bugs with LBP for PSP. Turbo is an issue, yes, but I wouldn't lose faith in Cambridge just for that. I mean, without them we wouldn't have LBP PSP in the first place! | 2011-02-25 02:05:00 Author: anoken ![]() Posts: 1654 |
It would be awesome if they could bring together PSP and PS3 levels together ![]() hey guys why do I see this images like this: http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSF7Zm39-GJLAq_9NMUIPPiok9MjeUHMlD_tpH0pT3MwKAvyzye&t=1 http://news.cnet.com/i/bto/20090429/PSP_Go_rendering.jpg | 2011-02-25 04:54:00 Author: jimydog000 ![]() Posts: 813 |
because when these pictures were released, the didnt have something real to show about the game, so they took ps3 photos. Exactly like the ones with NGP, these are just screenshots of LBP2 for the ps3. | 2011-02-25 09:50:00 Author: Wertpol ![]() Posts: 264 |
Regarding the thread I can see there's gonna be a lot of potential problems, but that occurred with the arrival of LBP2 PS3 too and that's ended up looking stunning. Alright there's backwards compatibility there and countless other things the PSP is unlikely to see, but whether we like it or not it's gonna be developed so I guess we need to take it in our stride and adapt. The NGP could also bring with it a tonne of awesome new features (maybe we get something like the paintinator, that would certainly rock!), so at the moment I'm not too worried. Trust me, the spring project died when I realized there were only 10 PSPers left. ![]() Taffey AMF Silver B3 CheezeBo JeffCu Coxy224 WoodburyRaider VelcroJonze DizzyZebra Valmassoi JetArtois Kaiju_kid Just of the top of my head ![]() | 2011-02-25 11:24:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
Taffey AMF Silver B3 CheezeBo JeffCu Coxy224 WoodburyRaider VelcroJonze DizzyZebra Valmassoi JetArtois Kaiju_kid Just of the top of my head ![]() It was just an exaggeration so I could prove my point. ![]() | 2011-02-26 01:40:00 Author: Silver39 ![]() Posts: 1703 |
Taffey AMF Silver B3 CheezeBo JeffCu Coxy224 WoodburyRaider VelcroJonze DizzyZebra Valmassoi JetArtois Kaiju_kid Just of the top of my head ![]() I feel so... unloved. ;___; http://img840.imageshack.us/img840/6383/nolove.jpg Just kidding ![]() | 2011-02-26 02:17:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
Taffey AMF Silver B3 CheezeBo JeffCu Coxy224 WoodburyRaider VelcroJonze DizzyZebra Valmassoi JetArtois Kaiju_kid Just of the top of my head ![]() that's an exaggeration, 13 people made alismuffin's contest ya know | 2011-02-26 03:08:00 Author: jimydog000 ![]() Posts: 813 |
B3 - he got banned again ![]() He can still read these posts ![]() Let's stop trollin now, i wanna hear your opinions ![]() | 2011-02-26 06:40:00 Author: anoken ![]() Posts: 1654 |
He can still read these posts ![]() :eek: how about .corner editing with a touch screen? ![]() | 2011-02-26 09:10:00 Author: jimydog000 ![]() Posts: 813 |
:eek: how about .corner editing with a touch screen? ![]() NO! I think that touch screen on LBP will ruin it completely! I mean, I was never the best finger painter in my class. I don't want to start using a touch-screen-digital-brush to prove of my weakness in the art of the finger. ![]() | 2011-02-26 10:33:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
NO! I think that touch screen on LBP will ruin it completely! I mean, I was never the best finger painter in my class. I don't want to start using a touch-screen-digital-brush to prove of my weakness in the art of the finger. ![]() well... it could be used to move, rotate, resize objects and they'll probably be settings for that kinda stuff so don't go crying in you pillow ![]() | 2011-02-26 10:49:00 Author: jimydog000 ![]() Posts: 813 |
it looks like a fake psp would never have ps3 graphic | 2011-02-26 12:43:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
it looks like a fake psp would never have ps3 graphic Well,if you were paying attention it;s not a PSP its an NGP. Get your facts straight! | 2011-02-26 13:21:00 Author: Random ![]() Posts: 673 |
And back to valmassoi's point! | 2011-02-26 13:47:00 Author: JetArtois ![]() Posts: 232 |
While I wouldn't like to see the PSP's servers get shut down, old levels lost, and community projects getting messed up, I think a new LBP is for the best. At this point, we've really reached the max of what is possible on our current version; I really see levels these days that are completely innovative and community changing. The NGP's LBP could easilyy revitalize the community and produce a whole new batch of community projects and levels that could blow our old levels and projects out of the water. The only project left I'd really like to see how it turns out would be Kindred, which I think will basically be LBP PSP's final moment. As for whose producing the actual game: I don't know too much about the companies being speculated as the designers, but it'd be really hard to mess up a new LBP, unless it's completely unplayable due to bugs. I'd be satisfied if there were 3 layers, lighting, and some new story levels and materials, although I like to hope whoever's making it will shoot for way more. | 2011-02-26 20:15:00 Author: metsfan1025 ![]() Posts: 181 |
NO! I think that touch screen on LBP will ruin it completely! I mean, I was never the best finger painter in my class. I don't want to start using a touch-screen-digital-brush to prove of my weakness in the art of the finger. ![]() They could always include it as optional control scheme like im sure they will do with the move when they patch lbp2. also i agree that would be awesome if we could rotate/resize/ect just with our finger. all i really care about in ngp lbp is that they have lighting, a third layer, better graphics, and no game crashing bugs. but it would be a dream if they could somehow include everything in lbp2 on here along with the improvements of cambridge. ill be crossing my fingers. | 2011-02-26 22:21:00 Author: spok22 ![]() Posts: 206 |
but it would be a dream if they could somehow include everything in lbp2 on here along with the improvements of cambridge. ill be crossing my fingers. well... that IS a possibility since most people are saying that the NGP has the same(or a little less) graphic capabilities as the ps3 so maybe...they could finally have MULTIPLAYER!!!! ![]() ![]() | 2011-02-27 05:56:00 Author: sackboy7789 ![]() Posts: 280 |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUqD8zJJCZ0&feature=related @sackboy7789: yeah sure looks like it | 2011-02-27 07:31:00 Author: jimydog000 ![]() Posts: 813 |
well... that IS a possibility since most people are saying that the NGP has the same(or a little less) graphic capabilities as the ps3 so maybe...they could finally have MULTIPLAYER!!!! ![]() ![]() Hmm. I don't see how having greater graphical capabilities would allow it to have multiplayer, because multiplayer has nothing to do with graphics. LBP PSP didn't have multiplayer because of CPU constraints, not because of graphical capabilities. | 2011-02-27 07:43:00 Author: FlipMeister ![]() Posts: 631 |
They say that the NGP has the capability of actually playing PS3 games onto the system itself, so they might actually develop a cross-platform game, with the LBP.me running for both platforms, but that possibility may not happen. i just want to know how much that little cartridge will fit, as LBP2 is like 18GB to download it. It would be really awesome if we could edit LBP2 levels, we would be able to improve the levels and errors between platforms. the only concern is playing it both ways, NGP and PS3 controls. Multi-player with this finally gives people their view of where they are, instead of looking at one screen. it's a lot to look at and a lot to think about, but we'll have to wait, but i don't want to. And has anyone seen a developers video of a migration of any LBP onto the NGP itself, because there has been some games that has been tested from PS3 to NGP Like MGS4 | 2011-02-27 07:51:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
yeah sorry i ment maybe since it can play so many ps3 games we could...have...multiplayer since it has more memory for... stuff? | 2011-02-27 18:33:00 Author: sackboy7789 ![]() Posts: 280 |
well... that IS a possibility since most people are saying that the NGP has the same(or a little less) graphic capabilities as the ps3 so maybe...they could finally have MULTIPLAYER!!!! ![]() ![]() i no it has graphics that rival the ps3 but i want the improvements that cambridge made also, like static and dynamic settings. And ya! I forgot about multiplayer! Im pretty sure well see it this time, since it is a big part of lbp ps3 ![]() | 2011-02-27 23:54:00 Author: spok22 ![]() Posts: 206 |
They say that the NGP has the capability of actually playing PS3 games onto the system itself, so they might actually develop a cross-platform game, with the LBP.me running for both platforms, but that possibility may not happen. i just want to know how much that little cartridge will fit, as LBP2 is like 18GB to download it. It would be really awesome if we could edit LBP2 levels, we would be able to improve the levels and errors between platforms. the only concern is playing it both ways, NGP and PS3 controls. Multi-player with this finally gives people their view of where they are, instead of looking at one screen. it's a lot to look at and a lot to think about, but we'll have to wait, but i don't want to. And has anyone seen a developers video of a migration of any LBP onto the NGP itself, because there has been some games that has been tested from PS3 to NGP Like MGS4 im curious about that also but im pretty confident that sony wouldnt handicap their new handheld by not having sufficient memory for ps3 quality(or close to) games on their cartridges. Anyhow, im sure well be getting more information on ngp/lbppsp2 within the coming months or maybe even as soon as next week at gdc ALso, i agree, i would love to see a cross platform lbp game. It would definitely bolster the commnity alot and lbp level creators wouldnt have to choose one at the expense of the other. Endless possibilities if this were to happen. | 2011-02-28 00:05:00 Author: spok22 ![]() Posts: 206 |
Hmm. I don't see how having greater graphical capabilities would allow it to have multiplayer, because multiplayer has nothing to do with graphics. LBP PSP didn't have multiplayer because of CPU constraints, not because of graphical capabilities. Trust me. ngp blows psp out of the water in terms of processing power. | 2011-02-28 00:11:00 Author: spok22 ![]() Posts: 206 |
I just wonder when the official release date will be said for the NGP... | 2011-02-28 00:48:00 Author: sackboy7789 ![]() Posts: 280 |
Guys (and dizzy lol), lets not talk about all the features the NGP will have. This thread is about the PSP Community's future with the NGP, not the NGP itself. | 2011-02-28 00:48:00 Author: anoken ![]() Posts: 1654 |
Ok ummm...when the PSP side gets replaced by the "NGP side''(yes, i pre-called it that...) I wont be too mad... or sad... or dissapointed. the only bad thing is those amazing level creators like cybersora, valmassoi, amazingflyingpoo,sha-ja, struanmcd,and other people made will be lost, no, engulfed in the black hole that will appear in the imagisphere... ![]() | 2011-02-28 00:56:00 Author: sackboy7789 ![]() Posts: 280 |
Ok ummm...when the PSP side gets replaced by the "NGP side''(yes, i pre-called it that...) I wont be too mad... or sad... or dissapointed. the only bad thing is those amazing level creators like cybersora, valmassoi, amazingflyingpoo, struanmcd,and other people made will be lost, no, engulfed in the black hole that will appear in the imagisphere... ![]() no offense meant to any of the guys mentioned, and not to say that you guys arent really good at level creating but good lbp ps3 creators top anyone we have here by far. if you dont believe me buy lbp ps3 and look at the top hearted creators. Some of their work on there has me seriously speechless. Thats another reason why i want cross platform. because it will bring to the table a helluva lot more talent than lbp psp has or ever had. and you should consider adding sha-ja to that list. ^ | 2011-02-28 01:23:00 Author: spok22 ![]() Posts: 206 |
no offense meant to any of the guys mentioned, and not to say that you guys arent really good at level creating but good lbp ps3 creators top anyone we have here by far. if you dont believe me buy lbp ps3 and look at the top hearted creators. Some of their work on there has me seriously speechless. Thats another reason why i want cross platform. because it will bring to the table a helluva lot more talent than lbp psp has or ever had. and you should consider adding sha-ja to that list. ^ Or you could consider that the platforms have completely different limitations. Put all the PSPers into the PS3 and you'll get a much better level than on the PSP. For example, Valmassoi's Bubbly Garden (Remixed on the PS3) | 2011-02-28 02:01:00 Author: Silver39 ![]() Posts: 1703 |
no offense meant to any of the guys mentioned, and not to say that you guys arent really good at level creating but good lbp ps3 creators top anyone we have here by far. if you dont believe me buy lbp ps3 and look at the top hearted creators. Some of their work on there has me seriously speechless. Thats another reason why i want cross platform. because it will bring to the table a helluva lot more talent than lbp psp has or ever had. and you should consider adding sha-ja to that list. ^ Yeah like silver said, the things is the limitations are way different on PSP and the ability for us to create literally outside the box with glitches and tricks is remarkable in its own way. I realize you're not bashing anyone but I'm saying that PS3 creators can't be considered better (no offense to them either) since it's a different system with different controls (some making creating easier, others harder). I guarantee you the same outcome from a PSPer to PS3 as a PS3er to PSP - you just don't hear about it. Honestly I think a PS3er would be lost picking up the PSP version for the first time, at least initially. ![]() | 2011-02-28 03:13:00 Author: WoodburyRaider ![]() Posts: 1651 |
Or you could consider that the platforms have completely different limitations. Put all the PSPers into the PS3 and you'll get a much better level than on the PSP. For example, Valmassoi's Bubbly Garden (Remixed on the PS3) ill have to give that one a go sometime then. and true dat about limitations but i still think that the lbp ps3 level design overall on there is better than anything ive seen here. theres nothing in terms of, level design you can do on lbp1 thats not possible on the psp version with exception to obstacles that use water or plasma. again this is just my opinion. No offense meant to anybody. | 2011-02-28 06:12:00 Author: spok22 ![]() Posts: 206 |
Yeah like silver said, the things is the limitations are way different on PSP and the ability for us to create literally outside the box with glitches and tricks is remarkable in its own way. I realize you're not bashing anyone but I'm saying that PS3 creators can't be considered better (no offense to them either) since it's a different system with different controls (some making creating easier, others harder). I guarantee you the same outcome from a PSPer to PS3 as a PS3er to PSP - you just don't hear about it. Honestly I think a PS3er would be lost picking up the PSP version for the first time, at least initially. ![]() i no exactly what you mean. lol im actually reluctant to start creating on the ps3 because i feel totally lost when i start creating with the ps3 tools... but i just cant see significant enough differences between the two games to create limitations on the psp in terms of level design. anyways lets stop talking about this because i have a feeling this will end up going nowhere good. Its just an opinion anyways. | 2011-02-28 06:27:00 Author: spok22 ![]() Posts: 206 |
If there's one question that's left echoing through the game-o-sphere following Sony's announcement of their ambitious new handheld, it's the obvious: How much is this thing going to cost? Sony definitely isn't ready to tell us the price yet, but they're willing to admit that it's been a concern from the start. While speaking with Sony Computer Entertainment president of worldwide studios Shu Yoshida about the NGP, I asked if he was worried about the problem of pricing, given the powerful (and presumably expensive) technology that's built into the device. He responded by acknowledging that Sony is aware of price being an important issue: "From the very beginning of the project -- since 2008 -- pricing was one of the considerations that we had. Hopefully when we announce the price, people will see the proper value." I hope so too, but that's going to depend pretty heavily on what that price is, especially if we have to add in a payment plan for 3G coverage. Yoshida did provide one further hint to go off of as we begin speculating about the price. When I brought up the initial shock at the PlayStation 3 launch price, he laughed and assured me, "It's not going to be $599." Well, that's a start. Here's the link if you guys need it: http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2011/01/27/sony-39-s-yoshida-on-pricing-the-ngp.aspx Now I see a lot of you saying that this is going to ruin LBP PSP's days, but I can tell you that we still might have another year and a half to have fun with LBP PSP. The quote above was from the Gameinformer website, although I have the new issue of the magazine. While I was reading it, a few pages in I saw what I expected to see in the issue. That is of course the NGP's highlight. While I was reading through it, I saw a paragraph or so about the price of the NGP, similar to the quote above from the website. Now in the magazine, it said that Gameinformer heard a rumor of an estimated price of about $400. Can you believe that? Well, you better believe it. I mean with all the new hardware, why wouldn't the price be that high? The expected release date is by the end of this year, but I'm thinking not a lot of people will get it that quickly due to the high price tag. For me, I'm not sure whether or not I should get the NGP. I mean most of us will probably just end up getting a PS3 with LBP2. Would you guys get a PS3 120GB for $299 or get the NGP for about a $100 more? I'm literally asking you guys by the way. If some of you are going to stick with the PSP and LBP PSP, then I will still keep creating for you guys. I'm still creating a few levels at this very moment, so why should I stop now? But if the PSP Community does dwindle down into nothing, then I probably will stop. | 2011-03-10 05:49:00 Author: TheNerd ![]() Posts: 840 |
BIG NEWS This is already starting to have an effect on the LBP PSP community as The Questor has given up On LBP PSP and has announced his official LBP PSP retirement. I thought that the Other great creators had done this too and formed a quick group with LBP PSP Rookies. Hopefully LBP PSP will be popular enough for a long time so us Rookies can shine through. | 2011-03-10 21:13:00 Author: butter-kicker ![]() Posts: 1061 |
I mean most of us will probably just end up getting a PS3 with LBP2. Um... Most of us already did. ![]() | 2011-03-10 23:01:00 Author: Silver39 ![]() Posts: 1703 |
BIG NEWS This is already starting to have an effect on the LBP PSP community as The Questor has given up On LBP PSP and has announced his official LBP PSP retirement. I thought that the Other great creators had done this too and formed a quick group with LBP PSP Rookies. Hopefully LBP PSP will be popular enough for a long time so us Rookies can shine through. You "rookies" are doing a great job with your levels. You shouldn't even call yourselves rookies anymore. If you guys need help, most of us are still here, just not looking on this side. It sucks how I can't be active on the site or on LBP PSP anymore. That's what you get when you join soccer and cross country ![]() Anyways, it's almost the end of both soccer and cross country season for me. So as soon as I'm free, I'll try to help out with the PSP community, in terms of sprucing it up a bit. | 2011-03-11 07:07:00 Author: TheNerd ![]() Posts: 840 |
no offense meant to any of the guys mentioned, and not to say that you guys arent really good at level creating but good lbp ps3 creators top anyone we have here by far. if you dont believe me buy lbp ps3 and look at the top hearted creators. Some of their work on there has me seriously speechless. Thats another reason why i want cross platform. because it will bring to the table a helluva lot more talent than lbp psp has or ever had. and you should consider adding sha-ja to that list. ^ I agree with everyone up there about the PSP having limitations. The PS3 is completely different and we've said this many times, you cannot compare the PS3 levels to the levels on the PSP. If you really think that PSPer's can't shine on the PS3, I think I might just have to send you a key to my level in progress and ask for your opinion. ![]() | 2011-03-14 19:30:00 Author: eagerneph ![]() Posts: 1536 |
I had A Xbox360 Way before I had LBP on PSP..So Im not going to cheat on my Xbox360 by getting a PS3. She may Have her Faults But I love the XBOX360 ![]() | 2011-03-14 19:58:00 Author: butter-kicker ![]() Posts: 1061 |
I had A Xbox360 Way before I had LBP on PSP..So Im not going to cheat on my Xbox360 by getting a PS3. She may Have her Faults But I love the XBOX360 ![]() No. No deal. Haha first of all I know you're kidding, but that wouldn't even be close to a fair trade anyways lol. The only reason I got a PS3 was because of the free internet. I got it a few years ago (when the slim came out) and was only planning on playing COD (MW2 was my thing). I just figured buying an XBOX360 was a waste since after two or three years of paying for online, I would've been able to buy another PS3 by then. Although all of my friends had XBOX, I made the smart decision and got PS3 and more followed. So I can see how you're attached to it since you've had it awhile, but honestly, I think you can see how PS3 is a much better deal by now and you probably would've chose it looking back. I agree with everyone up there about the PSP having limitations. The PS3 is completely different and we've said this many times, you cannot compare the PS3 levels to the levels on the PSP. If you really think that PSPer's can't shine on the PS3, I think I might just have to send you a key to my level in progress and ask for your opinion. ![]() Exactly. I'd gladly show you my level on LBP2 that I'm working on. It's nowhere near done but you'll be able to see that my level so far looks just as good as any other, and I have some original logic ideas working with sackbots. (/End my arrogant-sounding attitude rant-like-thing). | 2011-03-15 00:53:00 Author: WoodburyRaider ![]() Posts: 1651 |
HOW ABOUT THE PS3 CAN HAVE GEARS 3 --- I think BulletStorm will cover that up quite nicely. | 2011-03-15 10:59:00 Author: TheNerd ![]() Posts: 840 |
@ Woodbury raider: IM SAD NOW ![]() ![]() The Main Problem With this NGP is that it will make the PSP look bad And no one will play it (Hey, At least it would close the mouths of those rude DS players...They say we made the wrong decision whilst were playing LBP and theyre playing cooking mama ![]() @ The Nerd: Fine..mmmm...How about Halo Reach?...Alan Wake?...CMON WE GAVE THE PS3 MASS EFFECT 2....Give ME LBP 2 NOW!!!!! | 2011-03-15 19:55:00 Author: butter-kicker ![]() Posts: 1061 |
Quick Question: What does "NGP" stand for? | 2011-03-15 20:00:00 Author: junk-Warrior7 ![]() Posts: 276 |
@ The Nerd: Fine..mmmm...How about Halo Reach?...Alan Wake?...CMON WE GAVE THE PS3 MASS EFFECT 2....Give ME LBP 2 NOW!!!!! You do know that Mm is owned by Sony... Right? | 2011-03-15 20:38:00 Author: FlipMeister ![]() Posts: 631 |
Quick Question: What does "NGP" stand for? Next generation portable. Not to be rude, but how long would it take to look that up? ![]() @ All, this has started to become more spammy than a thread about ponies! Lets stay on topic about the NGP and what your concerns about LBP's future is. Srsly, I think I saw something about XBOX earlier. really? I had A Xbox360 Way before I had LBP on PSP..So Im not going to cheat on my Xbox360 by getting a PS3. She may Have her Faults But I love the XBOX360 ![]() There is too many errors in this post to compute. Especially how it has nothing to do with the thread ![]() | 2011-03-15 20:55:00 Author: anoken ![]() Posts: 1654 |
Next generation portable. Not to be rude, but how long would it take to look that up? ![]() @ All, this has started to become more spammy than a thread about ponies! Lets stay on topic about the NGP and what your concerns about LBP's future is. Srsly, I think I saw something about XBOX earlier. really? Butterkickers, not only do they kick butter but they talk about XBOX's as well. ![]() Like I said before, I think LBP PSP won't die, games don't die, they're not alive ok? But it will grow old once the NGP comes out in a sense that no new players will come to the older system. I for one will keep playing it here and there, and I'm sure many others will do the same. Seriously though when games get old, they do exactly that, age - they don't necessarily get boring (even though it's certainly possible). I don't think LBP is one of those games that can get boring since YOU pretty much make it what you want it to be. If you have a bad attitude when you go to play a game, it's not gonna be that much fun but if you decide, "Hey, maybe I'll pick up LBP PSP again today" you're more than likely in the mood to play it. | 2011-03-15 21:34:00 Author: WoodburyRaider ![]() Posts: 1651 |
Yeah..even though people are playing PSP now there is going to be a time when the PSP'players list will SkyRocket Down and You won't to be able to find a MOH or New Good LBP PSP level anywhere!! THE QUESTION IS...HOW LONG DO WE HAVE? | 2011-03-16 19:43:00 Author: butter-kicker ![]() Posts: 1061 |
1. I hope that they have a MUCH more reliable create mode ![]() ![]() ![]() | 2011-03-18 03:39:00 Author: Trev0115 ![]() Posts: 14 |
Wow, I'm a bit..uh really late to this conversation, but I wanted to pop in to reply to spok's comment and agree with those who replied and said that these are two completely different platforms and it is not even close to fair to compare the two. But even with that in mind, there are levels from jeffcu28 (i.e.:Zen) and SalieriAAX (i.e.:Curses!) which I would take over any of the LBP1 levels, and that is with the PSP limitations! I'll always agree that there was a larger influx of good levels on PS3, but that is more due to the face that there was a much larger community. I believe that we had/have authors that could stand toe to toe with LBP1's best. But that is just my opinion, and I completely respect your opinion Spok! We have had many encounters before and I know your a great guy. Everyone looks for different things in a level, and we probably just look for different things ![]() | 2011-03-18 05:43:00 Author: amazingflyingpoo ![]() Posts: 1515 |
@poo yep, there's 250+ outstanding levels for PSP out there! :hero: there's no way I'm spending 500+ for a PS3 :kz: when I can only play it in one place! | 2011-03-18 06:11:00 Author: jimydog000 ![]() Posts: 813 |
Yeah, I'm pretty late too, just wanted to say something about the backwards compatability. It's gonna be a 95%+ no go. 1. SD PSP- HD NGP, I dont know if they could mingle together well. 2. They didnt even merge the LBP2 Beta with the LBP2 game because of a few bugs; LBP PSP has the near same bugs and more. No way they would merge the two on PSP, unless Cambridge would stop being lazy and just try to squish some bugs, half of them out there really arent that big, such as pesky wobble bolt and one shot piston issues. 3. LBP2 PSP will probably be multiplayer, that may strike issues up with LBP PSP1. Dont mean to be a debby downer here, but I seiously doubt itll happen | 2011-03-23 17:52:00 Author: Ricky-III ![]() Posts: 732 |
Yeah, I'm pretty late too, just wanted to say something about the backwards compatability. It's gonna be a 95%+ no go. 1. SD PSP- HD NGP, I dont know if they could mingle together well. 2. They didnt even merge the LBP2 Beta with the LBP2 game because of a few bugs; LBP PSP has the near same bugs and more. No way they would merge the two on PSP, unless Cambridge would stop being lazy and just try to squish some bugs, half of them out there really arent that big, such as pesky wobble bolt and one shot piston issues. 3. LBP2 PSP will probably be multiplayer, that may strike issues up with LBP PSP1. Dont mean to be a debby downer here, but I seiously doubt itll happen I may sound crazy... But I honestly don't want multiplayer for LBP for PSP2. Honestly, its super laggy on PS3, which stays put so it can have a steady internet connection. I can't even imagine the laggyness for having multi for PSP2. I can see the trolls now saying how awful LBP is for PSP2 because of the multiplayer -_- In other news, why is everyone against Cambridge, including you?? I don't get it. I mean, if you got LBP for PSP recently I can understand, but if not, really? As said before... "They created an awesome, phenomenal game called LBP for PSP. Without them most of you (including me) would not be here on this forum. Sure they haven't really been with us anymore, but they planned out their year of DLC and did their thing. They're simply moving on!" That's what I have to say. Val out. ![]() | 2011-03-24 01:42:00 Author: anoken ![]() Posts: 1654 |
NGP............hmmmm this is news for me, lol. | 2011-03-24 01:54:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I may sound crazy... But I honestly don't want multiplayer for LBP for PSP2. Honestly, its super laggy on PS3, which stays put so it can have a steady internet connection. I can't even imagine the laggyness for having multi for PSP2. I can see the trolls now saying how awful LBP is for PSP2 because of the multiplayer -_- In other news, why is everyone against Cambridge, including you?? I don't get it. I mean, if you got LBP for PSP recently I can understand, but if not, really? As said before... "They created an awesome, phenomenal game called LBP for PSP. Without them most of you (including me) would not be here on this forum. Sure they haven't really been with us anymore, but they planned out their year of DLC and did their thing. They're simply moving on!" That's what I have to say. Val out. ![]() Yeah what he said! __________Sony Cambridge came out with more DLC than any PSP game I've had, in fact, most haven't even had DLC. I think it was great that they came out with so much and it's also understandable that they stopped throwing more out there. Plenty of other games - even on PS3 - only come out with 1 or 2 DLC packs, be it maps or story mode add-ons. Sports games come out with brand new and improved versions every year with new DLC that only works for that version. I realize that they are coming out with new games, but they're not supporting one game, say Madden NFL, and updating it every year with the new players and features because they could, the only thing stopping them is the millions or billions or gazillions (I don't know how much) money they make each year with the new game. Only a couple of months ago, one of the best FPS's of all time, Modern Warfare, (not to be confused with the more recent Modern Warfare 2) was taken offline so that people could no longer play the multiplayer function which was basically the entire game. __________All I'm trying to say is that at least this is one game that had new DLC for a solid year or so, and can still be played afterwards. We should be grateful of Sony Cambridge for creating this game and supporting it for as long as they did. Yeah it would've been nice for some more DLC, but obviously, they're ultimately working to make money and are working on new projects with new technology. | 2011-03-24 02:45:00 Author: WoodburyRaider ![]() Posts: 1651 |
We Are all hopin that Little big planet PsP doesnt Die but what you all have to know is that LBP PSP Has to Die for Little big planet PSP to Evolve Into It's Full Potiental and I can't Believe That You Valamossi of all people don't want Multiplayer For the PSP and POO is right some of us can stand up to the LBP PS3'ERS (Not me...haha) I Really Hope That One Day everyone Notice's US little big planet PSP'ers Creativity and Finnaly Show Respect Not for Just Little big planet But the PSP in general. However I doubt It and we are Just going to Put up with the DS'ers Banter At how much better there portable is then ours (There's still sucks though) Lets Have Faith though as For This Discussion....Butter-Kicker IS out of here! I love You guys PEACE <3 | 2011-03-24 21:41:00 Author: butter-kicker ![]() Posts: 1061 |
We Are all hopin that Little big planet PsP doesnt Die but what you all have to know is that LBP PSP Has to Die for Little big planet PSP to Evolve Into It's Full Potiental Fair enough.. I can't Believe That You Valamossi of all people don't want Multiplayer For the PSP If you haven't played LBP for PS3 and seen the lag it has, you can't possibly imagine the lag there will be for multiplayer on the PS3. Also, nice spelling of my name ![]() POO is right some of us can stand up to the LBP PS3'ERS (Not me...haha) Poo? You mean Amazinglfyingpoo? Why would he stand of to the PS3? I'm sure he prefers PSP's create mode (if you listen to his podcast with taffey), but he's not gonna stand up to the PS3! In fact, he has lots of levels for PS3 if you didn't know. Also, you can't really judge LBP for PS3 unless you've played it. I Really Hope That One Day everyone Notice's US little big planet PSP'ers Creativity and Finnaly Show Respect Not for Just Little big planet But the PSP in general. I agree and disagree. True, PSP does not have as much popularity as PS3. But if you look at the level showcase (I'm trying not to bash on anyone) you can see that not much effort is put into the PSP anymore. I've played some from the showcase, and I have to say some of them look like they were put together in 5-10 minutes. A Good level should take at least 3-8 hours, depending on what type of level. So, yes, I believe lots of PS3ers don't understand that good things can be made on PSP, but I also believe the PSP community is losing lots of respect because of the crappy levels being published nowadays. However I doubt It and we are Just going to Put up with the DS'ers Banter At how much better there portable is then ours (There's still sucks though) Lets Have Faith though as For This Discussion....Butter-Kicker IS out of here! DSers? Does this really fit into a thread about LBP's future with NGP? Sorry to be a bit of a jerk, but I think that was unnecessary. | 2011-03-24 22:27:00 Author: anoken ![]() Posts: 1654 |
the PSP community is loosing lots of respect because of the crappy levels being published nowadays. I thanked your post just for that. | 2011-03-25 00:19:00 Author: Silver39 ![]() Posts: 1703 |
I thanked your post just for that. Same here. I think there was the same amount of crappy levels earlier, however, I completely agree that now there seems to be more because more of them are being published in the level showcase thread and shown off when they shouldn't be. | 2011-03-25 03:16:00 Author: WoodburyRaider ![]() Posts: 1651 |
Hey. Lets not worry about that. This is the now. Do not worry about the future. Do not live in the past. Make the "Now" better than the "Then". Make the "Here" better than the "There". You are part of the community. You make it good or bad. If YOU do not make the community good. It will not be good. I have quit a job to spend more time with this community and I am dissapionted in the way you have been acting. I will do my best to make this a better community not just by posting here but, by making levels and starting things up, arousing intrest in the psp side and all sorts of things like that. You know what I am going to do.I want to know what are YOU are going to do. | 2011-03-25 13:40:00 Author: unXpectiD ![]() Posts: 1132 |
Last night, I saw not one but TWO "Kill Justin Bieber" levels on the Community Moon. Is LBP PSP Newgrounds now? By the bye, I did only just get the game recently (less than a week ago), so you'll have to forgive my ignorance regarding DLC and such. I can say I doubt they'll take down the server. It's not exactly a huge drain on their resources to leave it open, ya know? | 2011-03-25 13:43:00 Author: BlackWolfe ![]() Posts: 299 |
Locked per request | 2011-03-28 04:42:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
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