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Sacksung LED TV

Archive: 5 posts


A big Sacksung LED TV made by me:

-Each TV consist out of 512 'LED'
-placing more then 2 TV's will already overheat the level.-> point to change

How they work:
-Each tv has 512 hologram medium grid squares. these light up when a tag comes close, so basicly make a word or w/e out of tags and move it infront of the tv.

- planning on making a tv with individual customable LEDs(each single led can be turned on with a specific tag, in a sequencer for example), but that would require 512 different tags, and tagsensors, and lots of wires. So i am planning on makeing a smaller tv with this concept.
2011-02-23 10:57:00

Posts: 570

Good concept! By having several invisible holographic squares moving in front of the TV, you can probably make some fancy animations 2011-03-04 08:36:00

Posts: 450

Good concept! By having several invisible holographic squares moving in front of the TV, you can probably make some fancy animations

Not only that, but - if I'm not mistaken...

If the pixels on the TV were triggered by impact sensors (configured "include touching", "require tag"), instead of just tag sensors - you could move invisible, tagged holo through the same layer as the TV pixels and the TV pixels would approximate the shape of the invisible holo...

I don't know what the impact sensor's analog behavior is - whether it would be possible to vary the intensity of the pixels according to how much overlap there is with a tagged object...
2011-03-04 17:14:00

Posts: 187

Thanks, for the reactions , @tetsujin, that could indeed work, thanks for that suggestion, I will test that2011-03-06 10:50:00

Posts: 570

I made something similar to this in lbp1, it also was really thermometer-eating. I've been itching to make a colour TV ever since I saw that holo's mix colours correctly, so overlapped red, blue and green holos with the correct analogue signals to each one should be able to produce any colour you want.2011-03-12 12:18:00

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