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Premade Basic Sackbot Powers.

Archive: 4 posts


Hey there guys. I have made a couplle of basic premade powers for controllable sackbots and condensed them down into custom logic chips. They are easy to set up and instructions are given in the level how to do so. If youa re interested in sackbot engineering or just want some easy to use powers then i'd appreciate it if you tried out the lvel, as the chips can be quite handy.
Anyhoo, dont expect anything too fancy or complex, theyre only simple powers in chips, so they cant use any rotation holographics things or what-have-you.
Have to wait for myTactical Goliath Armor to come out to see innovative powers..
Anyway, have fun with the powers guys!
2011-02-22 23:39:00

Posts: 77

You need to add short demonstrations in level. How are people supposed to rate this without first seeing them? My community object section is full. I need to see a demo in order to know if want to clear some room out and come back and play you level again.2011-02-26 06:08:00

Posts: 90

That's a fair point. Just published the update containing the demo sackbots, although I'm not sure whether this lbp.me tag here will update with it.2011-02-27 02:26:00

Posts: 77

I have tried after you added the demonstration bots.
I liked the flight suit a lot. It was the best of the bunch.
Your sackbot suit are hard to enter. Sometime I press triangle and I don't enter.
Some of your chips are redundant. You have three suits that shoot projectiles.
2011-02-28 23:19:00

Posts: 90

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