Plants vs Zombots
Archive: 11 posts
Hey guys. I just came out with a LBP2 version of Plants vs Zombies. I went through a lot off effort to keep the feel of the game as similar to the original as I could, from gameplay to visuals to music, while still keeping a bit of a LBP feel to it. http://i4.lbp.me/img/ft/4d4b83796e5101ec353e3b5312ac323bd46653de.jpg http://ia.lbp.me/img/ft/9eae88129bc7cdca4bcfbb3f914e958986ea0f80.jpg HD youtube video by Cog: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVoCkNh6OlM http://lbp.me/v/x252cr | 2011-02-22 19:33:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Omg this looks epic, i love the game. I can see a friend invite coming your way :d | 2011-02-22 19:45:00 Author: bakscratch ![]() Posts: 258 |
I loved playing Plants vs. Zombies when I first discovered the game. I'm definitely going to try this level out when I go on LBP2 before bed! ![]() | 2011-02-22 20:06:00 Author: Moonface ![]() Posts: 310 |
this is a definite play, queued! | 2011-02-22 20:12:00 Author: The-Urban-Ninja ![]() Posts: 7 |
Played it, and it was a really good recreation of the game. It was good you gave a quicker option to collect sun, since it would have become way too hard to try and collect them with the cursor thing. Perhaps you could try and do different levels for people to choose like a night one or one of the different locations the game has and each one would have different zombies/plants, that way you could have unique things to each map. Plus it'd be a more efficient way maybe to get different plants and zombies into it without them all being in just one level/location and thus giving too much for the player to use/fight against. Overall though a really fun level. ![]() | 2011-02-23 09:43:00 Author: Moonface ![]() Posts: 310 |
Hey! Thanks for the kind words. The sun-collection thing isn't actually my idea, but something that was implemented in the console versions of PvZ. I would definitely like to work on more content, and I would probably split them up into different levels as you suggested. I definitely need to worry about how much is going on at once, not just from the player's perspective, but also for the game engine... it's not so happy with what I'm doing ![]() | 2011-02-23 16:22:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Cog was awesome and recorded HD video of the level. Updated the original post. | 2011-02-25 05:38:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Holy pesticide control batman! This was well worth 5 minutes of my time. Well decorated, well designed, well everything! The only thing I could not figure out was after a while I had trouble planting plants but I could only assume that is because I am only allowed so many plants a time? Maybe but who knows, cause I never played the Plants vs. Zombies game. Never the less, great job. Definite 'Like', 'Heart', and 'Fackbook' from me. | 2011-02-25 06:33:00 Author: WyomingMyst ![]() Posts: 101 |
Holy pesticide control batman! This was well worth 5 minutes of my time. Well decorated, well designed, well everything! The only thing I could not figure out was after a while I had trouble planting plants but I could only assume that is because I am only allowed so many plants a time? Maybe but who knows, cause I never played the Plants vs. Zombies game. Never the less, great job. Definite 'Like', 'Heart', and 'Fackbook' from me. Yeah there is a cooldown for each plant. When the plant is ready to be planted (sufficient points and not on cooldown), the "shadow" of the plant under the cursor changes from dark/blue to its appropriate colors. When you place the plant, you can see its cooldown tick up on the top of the screen over the picture of the plant. For reference, here is the same level (with 1 more plant available) being played on the PS3 version. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aY0jozRqYzw&feature=player_detailpage#t=482s | 2011-02-25 07:04:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
lol, met the guy today, (Foggles) hes awesome and he said if i did them good enough, he is more than likely to use them in his next PVZ game.. fingers crossed Foggles! | 2011-02-25 20:51:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Congrats on the Mm Pick man, well deserved ![]() | 2011-02-25 22:04:00 Author: Symin ![]() Posts: 133 |
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