Trophies! ;D
Archive: 9 posts
Wh is everyone so "hyped" up, about trophies? | 2008-11-21 18:39:00 Author: Mitos ![]() Posts: 37 |
What do you mean exactly...? Like, are you asking about the huge amounts of bad trophy levels, or why people like to collect them at all? for bad trophy levels, it's because people want to get trophies, people exploit that, people rate those things high because they're stupid, ect. Basically, people are stupid. As for why people want trophies at all... simple. It's fun. That's all. It's not like everything has to have a point- when you think of it like everything having to give you something useful in return instead of just fun, then what's the point of videogames? What's the point of spending money on a dog that does nothing productive? Simple. It's fun (or provides something to do, or companionship in the case of the dog... yeah >_<). | 2008-11-21 20:51:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
I have no idea. Theres no real reward for em. I mean i guess its a social status on the ps3 forums or whatev, but xbox live achiements give you points to spend at the store.... | 2008-11-21 21:54:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
but xbox live achiements give you points to spend at the store.... no they dont!!!!!!! i have an xbox and the achivement score stuff doesnt do anything. it definatly can not be spent at store | 2008-11-22 07:17:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
Like RockSauron said, mainly because it's fun! But it's also nice for us to have something to show for the stuff we've achieved. | 2008-11-22 10:10:00 Author: Yana ![]() Posts: 134 |
basically trophies are good for two reaons, you can show of how good you are, or shows of how many games you have, what the point in having an online rank, what the point in leveling up, its to prove some things it also give games a better replay value, for example uncharted, good game but once you done it there nothing to do, then the trophies come allow and you have to complete it again to get all the trophies, it you something to do, it also a challage, like for examaple, get 1000 head shots with sniper through out the campagine, so people will play the game trying to get lot of head shots, so it can change the game play experenices, even though they are nothing and are usless at the end of the day, but tat least they give you something to boast about or to do | 2008-11-22 11:38:00 Author: panzer3000 ![]() Posts: 362 |
They go ding when theres stuff. | 2008-11-22 11:45:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
I would prefer if trophies actually rewarded you stuff for that particular game, such as getting a trophy in LBP would unlock a decoration,costume etc. | 2008-11-22 11:47:00 Author: Crusha_aa ![]() Posts: 48 |
is there a trophie for getting a 100% cause this is bascally near the same, once you unlocked all the costumes you get a trophie, so your reward becomes the trophies | 2008-11-22 11:59:00 Author: panzer3000 ![]() Posts: 362 |
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