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The XM3 Transforming Spaceship

Archive: 1 post

This is pretty much just a sneak peek at my upcoming level. I haven't thought of a good name yet, but it involves a very cool spaceship that can transform into different modes. I have some pics of it here:
This is normal mode, it has balanced stats:
This is attack mode, it moves slow, but turns fast, and has very powerful guns:
This is speed mode, it is very fast and shoots a weak, but fast laser:
Asides from guns, the three modes each have special alternate attacks, I already have most of them put in, but I won't give them away. You will have to see for yourself when the level comes out. I hope this has gotten you excited for my upcoming level, if you give it good ratings, expect more on the way.
2011-02-22 01:31:00

Posts: 131

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