Archive: 6 posts
This is now my... 4th or 5th level? Dunno. I've made quite a few on my moon, but most are half done projects I'll get around to publishing one of these days. This is a redo of my first elvel, Gravity Well (published atm, but I was pretty noobish so it has a number of glitches, but uses an interesting concept mimicked in this level) My goal was to create a level that put good use to LBP's incredible physics engine (I believe they use havok, no? Seems like it, I'm gonna put my money on 3DS max) Thus, the birth of this level, I put a lot of effort into it, but the best part is, as complicated and itnricate as it is, it only takes up like 1/8th of the thermometer so it loads at the snap of a finger. Name: Eviscration Publisher: Me; lionhart180 Style: omgwtfbbq? Notes: This level only took a night to make, but holy crap, the sheer complexity of it, I don't really know how to explain it to you but with pics, which I'll upload soon. Basically I have two 24 way, yeah, 24 way, switches, hooked up to a and or switch, which turns the entire level 90 degrees back and forth via sponge grab switches all over the level. Thus you'll have an obstacle of a wall, grab the switch, and the whole thing flips 90 degrees, and that annoying wall just became your floor, and your floor just became a wall. Use a different sponge to flip it back. I split the level into 3 parts, each a different difficulty. To add to the emphasis, the lightning blocks (glass too), sponges, and walls are all green, blue, and red, respectivly. Then, to really add the effect, I cranked up the fog, darkness, and killed the light, and plastered LCD lights with capped fog all over the palce, creating an interesting illusion of, well, looks liek a freaking rave party if you ask me. Topped off with the sweet desertint music, specificly focusing on the techno melody the whole time (it's the music you here when doing the mine cart level), I have basically created a very pleasent, off balance, throw you into a lightning wall that used to be floor, techno, psychedelic feel. Glitches: Due to the complexity and technique of the level, there is often a point when if you let go at the wrong time, fall in the wrong spot, you're stuck. I'm working on fixing this, but your best bet is to restart. Also, a couple of the buttons on the switch will collide with each other and break if you try to grab the wrong combination. This is sheer fluke, but you mainly need to watch out for 2 of them on the blue section. It's a 1/10 chance, and it sucks when it happens cause you need to restart, but luckily it's near the start so you don't have to retravel too far. SCs and maybe a video if someone uploads to come! Please /please/ reply, I really would like feedback on what you all think, this is my first true attempt at a really sweet level. Don't forget to heart! ~lionhart180 | 2008-11-21 07:48:00 Author: lionhart180 ![]() Posts: 200 |
I want to see this. I'll add you on PSN tonight so I can check it out. By the way, LBP uses a physics engine created by MM. It's much less advanced than havok, which is a true 3D physics model whereas LBP's physics engine is only 2D. | 2008-11-21 07:56:00 Author: Dijkie ![]() Posts: 42 |
Ah, I see, makes sense, nonetheless, a very cmpelx and semi accurate one ^_^ Alriht, there's still a really major glitch with my switches, so I'll need to remake the entire switch system, I'll use a palceholder peice of dissolving material, but it is probably gonna take awhile to do. Also, after adding some bubbles, I've rfoudn otu they don't agree well with my foggy level, and lag it to hell, so now I need to go through and sytematicly delete them all. You can try the level anyways, but your chances of making it through the blue area without wrecking the switch system is like a 1/10, =/ I'll try and fix it asap. | 2008-11-21 16:39:00 Author: lionhart180 ![]() Posts: 200 |
Ah, I see, makes sense, nonetheless, a very cmpelx and semi accurate one ^_^ Alriht, there's still a really major glitch with my switches, so I'll need to remake the entire switch system, I'll use a palceholder peice of dissolving material, but it is probably gonna take awhile to do. Also, after adding some bubbles, I've rfoudn otu they don't agree well with my foggy level, and lag it to hell, so now I need to go through and sytematicly delete them all. You can try the level anyways, but your chances of making it through the blue area without wrecking the switch system is like a 1/10, =/ I'll try and fix it asap. I'm sure this is what your already working on but all was going well until in the blue area one of the switches doesn't work. It's where the prize bubbles. Indent the ground. Lag is weird only happens when you pickup prize bubbles? BTW level looks awsome. Love the concept!!! | 2008-11-21 18:14:00 Author: mikeniccy ![]() Posts: 52 |
I'm sure this is what your already working on but all was going well until in the blue area one of the switches doesn't work. It's where the prize bubbles. Indent the ground. Lag is weird only happens when you pickup prize bubbles? BTW level looks awsome. Love the concept!!! That's the same place it stopped working for me. I still hearted because I love the idea of it. I've seen it done before, but never this well. Can't wait till it's fixed. ![]() | 2008-11-21 20:01:00 Author: Cloud ![]() Posts: 74 |
That's the same place it stopped working for me. I still hearted because I love the idea of it. I've seen it done before, but never this well. Can't wait till it's fixed. ![]() Fixed. Just need to getround to reuploading it. Just gotta fix a coupel spots where if you flip it and go backwards instea dof forewards you get stuck. Just gotta add some more switchers, I'm about 98% done, like 2 more to stick in, but I'm busy atm, so I'll do that for you all in a couple hours. Later on I think I'll add more level, specificly a second path you can choose to take when you egt to the scoreboard. You'll be given the choice to just end it, or use a jetpack to fly right voer the board and go itno the uber hard mode. I'll be adding things like floating blocks, super gravity chambers where you get really heavy, flipping hallways, and other interesting things, all revolving around the concept of gravity. Also took out the score bubbles, they just lagged the game out way too hard. It has too do with the fact they're a hard objects to render, glassy, and all the lights make it lag out hard when it tries to render the animation of the bubbles popping, so it will pretty much entirly revolve around races for points. If you have any ideas for mroe rgavity related challenges, pleas epost them, and I'll see if I can incorporate them, I still have 7/8th of my thermometer left =o EDIT: Level done and ready for playing, fixed 99.9% of bugs, all thats elft si for the other wierd little oens to crop up as it's played a bunch of times, hope you guys enjoy the red area, seeing as how you haven't been there yet. Needless to say, it's relativly hard compared to the blue room, and the green room is a cake walk. For added effect, wear the neon glow in the dark outfit, or ninja outfit with glowy eyes, specificly for the nice snapshot halfway through. Good luck! | 2008-11-21 20:23:00 Author: lionhart180 ![]() Posts: 200 |
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