Pictures of my level?
Archive: 4 posts
Hi, just published my first level but i can't seem to find the way to find the pictures of it. What do i hace to do? I took some pictures ingame while doing pause... but what is the next step so that it appears on my level profile? http://lbp.me/v/x1j470 | 2011-02-21 10:19:00 Author: Stinkin Mushroom ![]() Posts: 117 |
Hi, just published my first level but i can't seem to find the way to find the pictures of it. What do i hace to do? I took some pictures ingame while doing pause... but what is the next step so that it appears on my level profile? http://lbp.me/v/x1j470 If you took the pictures in the published version of your level, all you have to do is simply to find the photo in your popit, press square on top of it to open the advanced settings, and choose "Upload". Now this image will be shown on LBP.me and to other people when they are checking your level out in game ![]() | 2011-02-21 11:12:00 Author: Slaeden-Bob ![]() Posts: 605 |
thyanks! didn't know i had to publish them ![]() | 2011-02-21 12:12:00 Author: Stinkin Mushroom ![]() Posts: 117 |
You are welcome ![]() If you ever get unhappy with the images representing the level, you can go to the published level on your Earth and delete any images posted by you or other players. | 2011-02-21 12:48:00 Author: Slaeden-Bob ![]() Posts: 605 |
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