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superhero sackboy

Archive: 6 posts

i made a sackboy have all these amazing powers if you could please check it out thatd be great thanks

2011-02-20 20:26:00

Posts: 15

it was pretty cool, and I liked the holographic effects, one query though, the prompts told me that R1 would cycle powers, and i am assuming that means the powers that you toggle with triangle, but pressing R1 didn't seem to cycle powers and I was stuck with flight/lightning. Is there somthing I am missing or is this yet to be added in?2011-02-20 21:06:00

Posts: 77

havent played it yet but i will. ive been watching Heroes on netflix, and im trying to make all there powers in sackbot form. i have flight, and im working on teleportation. add me as a friend, we can collab.2011-03-22 04:09:00

Unknown User

I'm also working on a four player super hero level so far I have Bruce Banner who transforms into The incredible hulk, While as the hulk he can throw objects jump larger distances and stomp enemies. His power only lasts a while before he turns back.
I also have Dr Strange that can shoot fire balls produce a shield and a levitating platform that you and you team mates can fly around on.
Ice man Who shoots Ice (water) that can freeze enemies trapping them in ice blocks also when he jumps he leaves a trail of ice that other characters can run across.
I'm still working on Iron man so far he can fly and shoot electricity i'm still working on his arc reactor blast and inferred sensor.
Ill get a little test level together soon and publish it ill then put A link in here
2011-03-29 13:45:00

Unknown User

Added to queue. You should check mine out (in my sig) if you're into this sort of thing.2011-04-04 07:22:00

Posts: 143

Worked well, until I killed myself with the lightning power. I like how the little lightning globes drop though, not something I have really seen before... just a shame that it dropped on me and i died.

I had a similar issue to iliketosayblah, where I could not cycle weapons. They worked fine until I electrocuted myself but then no more. Check what is going on under the hood there.

Also, maybe have a gyro that slowly re-rights you when you stop flying, the holo effect works well and I think the gyro would add to it. The lightning shot also is nice, with a clever use of global lightning.

Check out my stage if you get a chance!
2011-04-14 09:56:00

Posts: 1799

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