About FF remakes on ps3
Archive: 14 posts
Hey guys. i want to ask.. does the VII and VIII remakes have their graphics improved? and also does VII uses 3d graphics??.. please reply.. or pictures would be great ![]() | 2011-02-20 10:54:00 Author: -BlackChris- ![]() Posts: 132 |
They're not remakes. | 2011-02-20 11:02:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
The Ps1 classics on the ps3, they are exactly the same as on ps1 so no the graphics aren't really improved. Also FF7 is in 3d however apart from the world map (and the mini games)all the environment at 2d made to look 3d. Its a nice art style. | 2011-02-20 11:38:00 Author: robotiod ![]() Posts: 2662 |
Oh sorry >_< there not remakes but I can guess you got confused by that tech Demo long time ago square enix did. That made people go crazy XD but no theres no remake, there exactly the original. Only you can play them in PSP and some other features that arent exactly important, for example..im not sure if that W-Item glitch is still around...or the other ones, I havent tried them...But I think they were removed not sure. FF8 is still the same, not sure if the whole Buster Sword thing is there again XD im sure it is cause it actually looked like a part of the game.. and FF9...well maybe weird but I Did kinda notice a slight upgrade in cutscenes especially in the CGI ones..not sure though. FF tacticts and everything else is the same ![]() | 2011-02-20 15:11:00 Author: Bloo_boy ![]() Posts: 1019 |
and FF9...well maybe weird but I Did kinda notice a slight upgrade in cutscenes especially in the CGI ones..not sure though. They do look a bit crap when playing from the disc like most compressed/low res videos do. I guess it is possible that they coluld have put better versions of the cutscenes in when preparing the download version. | 2011-02-20 15:54:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
aaah . thank you for the info.. and sorry for mistaking. i didn't know that it was not a remake ![]() 8? | 2011-02-20 16:09:00 Author: -BlackChris- ![]() Posts: 132 |
8 has better graphics but it really doesn't matter at this point they all look very dated. Personally out of the three I find 9 to be the best then 7 and 8 is a distant third place. | 2011-02-20 16:33:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
8 is the worst IMO, 7 and 9 are both brilliant. I would choose 7 personally but thats the only one I haven't bought off the store (I have it on disc) Also they don't upgrade any ps1 games that are on the store. they only upgrade the emulator to try and help compatibility. Its the reason some games look better than they did on PS1 and some games look much worse. | 2011-02-20 16:41:00 Author: robotiod ![]() Posts: 2662 |
^ agreed. FF8 was pretty bad. me my self i have played. FF7, FF8, FF9, FF10, FF10-2, FF12, and FFT. i liked 7 best as of yet. 8 was bad liked i said. 9 was OK. 10 sucked. 10-2 was odd. little boring but was better then the first 10 in someways IMO. FFT had fun gameplay, story was boring tho. 12 was boring, only thing good about it was the moogles and bunny girls ![]() and i hear 13 is not to good. i got the PSN FF7, but been to lazy to beat it as i have already played it so many times in the past. x'P *mew | 2011-02-21 03:13:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
^ agreed. FF8 was pretty bad. me my self i have played. FF7, FF8, FF9, FF10, FF10-2, FF12, and FFT. i liked 7 best as of yet. 8 was bad liked i said. 9 was OK. 10 sucked. 10-2 was odd. little boring but was better the the first 10 in someways IMO. FFT had fun gameplay, story was boring tho. 12 was boring, thing thing good about it was the moogles and bunny girls ![]() and i hear 13 is not to good. i got the PSN FF7, but been to lazy to beat it as i have already played it so many times in the past. x'P *mew I liked 7 the most, I didnt like 8 much... 9 was awesome and 10 too..I dont see how anyone can dislike 10 >_< but everyones has different tastes, 10-2 was actually really good, just you know underated >_</ I hat 13 also XD, so far the only ones I didnt like were 8 and 13. And by the way I recomend getting them all from PSN ^____^. Tactis too its good. | 2011-02-21 04:54:00 Author: Bloo_boy ![]() Posts: 1019 |
ahh. so 8 is more bad eih?.. hmmm maybe 9 ? ![]() ![]() | 2011-02-21 07:41:00 Author: -BlackChris- ![]() Posts: 132 |
I'll have to go with the camp of 8 being inferior to 7 and 9. Gameplay wise, if you play like a casual gamer it turns into a very tedious affair of spamming GFs or limit breaks and drawing magic over and over whereas the most efficient method of playing the game is completely contradictory to what playing effectively in other FFs would entail. Storyline wise, it really feel short of character development as a whole compared to 6,7, and Tactics that came before it because your party members have very little character development overall (and, as a slight spoiler, nearly all of them literally have the same backstory) because of the emphasis placed on the main male and female leads (and lets just say that those two characters are people you'll either love or hate). I did like the Triple Triad minigame though (except when the random rule was in effect). 7 is a good choice if you've never played it before. Dated graphics aside it is a fan favorite for reasons other then it being many gamer's first FF. It's got an easy to grasp combat system that provides a great deal of variety, development and experimentation. Storyline wise it wonderfully mixes the personal issues of it's characters with the fate of the world with a healthy dose of psychological and Lovecraftian horror on the side. I'd just stay away from every FF7 spinoff they made since which ended up completely convoluting the original game's continuity. 9 is also good (in fact, it's the series creator's favorite) but it's quite different from 7 and 8 because it's a callback to earlier FFs with an emphasis on Fantasy as opposed to the more Sci-Fi elements of the previous 2, which is part of the reason many people originally critized its stylistic choices without understanding what the game was going for. Gameplay wise it's even easier to grasp then 7 but less potential because each character has a set number of abilities they can learn as opposed to just trading them; this is actually both a bad and a good thing because while you're characters might never get as many options as you'd like but each character comes off as unique in playstyle without any of them becoming overpowered (at least not too much) although the game as a whole is easier then 7 and 8. Storyline wise the game does a great job of developing most of its cast and there are plenty of humorous and tragic scenes. Again, because the game is a callback to older FFs there are also numerous in-jokes and call backs, many of which are so obscure they'd fly right over you unless you played all the FF games but it's satisfying when you recognize what you can. The main problem with the game is that the final boss literally comes out of nowhere but other then that it's of a very good quality. Also, I wouldn't overlook Tactics, in hindsight it's probably my favorite FF of the PS1 era. The main question I'd have to ask is if it's a direct port of the PS1 game or it's PSP "War of the Lions" version (does anyone know?). Gameplay wise it is easily the most complex of the PS1 FFs and probably was the most complex period until XI; Tactics reintroduces the job class system that hadn't been seen since FF5 but it also greatly expanded on it; you can change jobs which change each character's playstyle, unlock new jobs by playing as existing ones, mix and match abilities from assorted jobs to diversify you're playstyle even further. Tactics is also very much unlike all other FFs before it in that it is a tactical rpg in terms of combat as opposed to using solely turn-based combat; you have to deploy units accoss battlefields and take into account positions, terrain, and timing along with enemy units. Compared to 7, 8, and 9 it's also very challenging if you don't know what you're doing (until Chapter 4, for certain reasons). Storyline wise Tactics is also quite different then the previous FFs and very complex. You're not just trying to save the world from some evil force this time (although that's not to say there isn't an evil force about); you're caught in the midst of a massive European Middle Age-style power struggle, with political intrigues, class warfare, and copious backstabbing thrown into the mix. The main problem is that you kinda have to go out of the way to keep track of everything going on but it touches on themes no FF before it had addressed (and probably still hasn't quite addressed as intelligently) and the main character is quite possibly the most heroic main character in the FF franchise when all is said and done, while his opposite number is easily its greatest anti-hero. It should be noted that the original PS1 localization has a hilariously shoddy translation with numerous errors but they don't really make anything in the game incomprehensible, while the "War of the Lions" PSP port went in the opposite direction with ridiculously flowery Elisabethan prose which many people didn't care for. This is why I ask if anyone knows which is on the PSN; if it's the original PS1 you can at least laugh at the translator's efforts, if it's the PSP port you might actually want to overlook it. | 2011-02-21 18:44:00 Author: Dapiek Absaroka ![]() Posts: 512 |
^ its the PS1 game. | 2011-02-22 04:47:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
You guys are crazy - 8 was the best of the bunch - with 10 a close second ![]() (first one I played was FFII - and have played each one since) | 2011-02-22 17:51:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
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