"Fireback" - Original Music
Archive: 1 post
I was going to put a lame sticker icon until I zoomed up on my Sackboy while testing that the music played properly... and found the visuals I put together actually make for a good picture ![]() ![]() With regards to the rhythm, the most notable 'impossible' rhythm is the snare roll/fills, especially at the very end. Like I said in the description, it's all a matter of placing the notes in creative ways to trick the ear - and/or the game itself - into creating, in this case, a snare fill. Also, the whole piece is in 5/4 time which is kinda cool ![]() http://lbp.me/v/x0std3 | 2011-02-20 05:26:00 Author: hilightnotes ![]() Posts: 1230 |
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