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??? Some General Questions about LBP2

Archive: 3 posts

Hey everybody,

So I guess this is sort of like an introduction thread for me to everyone on the PS3 side at LBPC since I have only created major levels on PSP. Before LBP2 I had played around with the create mode on the first LBP on PS3 with a friend creating simple levels, learning the logic, and all that stuff so I'm fairly experienced with the PS3's create mode. So, after playing LBP2 for two days I have beaten the story mode acing and collecting all the gifts in most of the levels so far. Now that I have most of the goodies I have begun creating my first couple of levels where I'm sort of learning the new tools and everything and now I have a couple questions:

1. So the rating system changed from LBP1 to LBP2, right? Let's say my level had a 5 star rating in LBP1, then what would happen if I republished in LBP2?
2. In story mode, I noticed a little heart symbol after completing a level where it says "Continue" and "Replay." Is this like hearting a level online and if so what does it do?
Create Mode:
1. I've been messing around with the controllinator and sackbots and was wondering how to keep the camera on the sackbot while you're controlling it. I've been able to succeed in doing this for a small zone, but when extending the camera zone, nothing changes and it seems like as soon as my sackbot leaves the view of my sackperson in the controllinator, the view jumps back to my sackperson in the controllinator. Does anyone know how to do this? It would be a HUGE help.

Please reply below with the answer to any one of these questions.
2011-02-20 04:32:00

Posts: 1651

check out the FAQ at the top of the help forum - it answers at least the question you have about sackbot cameras. here's the link https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=44764-Read-before-asking-questions-LittleBigPlanet-2-Help-FAQ

and yes, clicking that little heart after you finish a level is the same as hearting the level.

as for republishing levels from lbp1 in lbp2, as far as I can tell, the hearts that the level has remain, but the play count gets reset, and the star rating is now obsolete so don't show. the level will start fresh with zero "yays" and zero "boos".
2011-02-20 06:04:00

Posts: 228

check out the FAQ at the top of the help forum - it answers at least the question you have about sackbot cameras. here's the link https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=44764-Read-before-asking-questions-LittleBigPlanet-2-Help-FAQ

and yes, clicking that little heart after you finish a level is the same as hearting the level.

as for republishing levels from lbp1 in lbp2, as far as I can tell, the hearts that the level has remain, but the play count gets reset, and the star rating is now obsolete so don't show. the level will start fresh with zero "yays" and zero "boos".

Thanks so much man that helps a lot! I'll try the sackbot camera out right away.
2011-02-20 14:42:00

Posts: 1651

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