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How to migrate savegame from one system to another?

Archive: 18 posts

Hi there,

I need some help. I have played LBP and unlocked a lot of nice items. It would be hard for me to do it again. For unpleasant reasons, my old PS3 has to be replaced. I did a complete backup and restored it on the new PS3. All did ok unless I tried to fire up LBP. It loads fine but states my savegame was created under a different user account and I would not be able to unlock any more trophies. That is untrue: User account and profile are the very same - just the PS3 is different. I want to play MY savegame on a NEW PS3. It is not a stranger's savegame, it is mine!

Please tell me this can be done. I would love to hear a workaround so I can continue my journey with joy.
2008-11-20 02:27:00

Posts: 8

Unlock everything again and hopefully excessive drinking will erase your memory of having doing so. 2008-11-20 02:31:00

Unknown User

You can't be serious.

Unlocking stickers is one thing, acing the harder levels again (I am missing two) is another story. That would take time I would prefer to spend in building own levels...
2008-11-20 02:42:00

Posts: 8

Basically, save data can't be transferred. Sorry, but looks like you're going to have to if you want those goodies.2008-11-20 02:46:00

Unknown User

So... even a backup recovery of your savegame on the very same PS3 is impossible? I cannot believe that.

Edit just to make my point clear: I don't want to copy my friend's savegame nor one from the internet. It is my savegame, created under my user account I re-installed under the very same user account just on a different machine. If that is impossible - well, then why let us copy savegames at all? It would be absolutely user unfriendly to restrict a backup of one's own achievement.
2008-11-20 02:49:00

Posts: 8

So BASICALLY.........once you earn all the trophies you're not screwed if you should encounter this problem XD2008-11-20 10:37:00

Posts: 2391

If i want to play a saved game at my friends house on his ps3 i put the save file onto my usb and then i can transfer it onto his ps3 when i get to his house.

Are you saying it works with all of your saved games except for LBP?
2008-11-20 12:11:00

Posts: 843

Are you saying it works with all of your saved games except for LBP?Well, it works with most of them. The new games implement more and more restrictions. MotorStorm Pacific Rift or Rock Band don't even allow to copy your savegame at all. I hope this aspect will be mentioned in more reviews so the gamer can decide to accept this policy or not and force the publishers to re-think their strategy.

LBP allows to do it but it does not work as advertised. You should be fine as long as you stick with your own user account but for unknown reasons it looks like you have to do it on one and the same system, as well, so no, you cannot go with your savegame to a friend and unlock more trophies with him together - even if you log in with your own account data.

That needs to be fixed soon!
2008-11-20 12:54:00

Posts: 8

Yes I have just had this same problem...
Transferred my save game to a usb stick, to play at my mates house with my personal sackboy and have all the stickers etc. I had earned. It worked fine, even posted high scores to the community under my user name....
I had collected a few more items, so copied the new save game back to the usb stick, to take home. When I loaded the game up, it recognizes the profile data has been copied from elsewhere, thus disabling trophies!!! Everything else is fine, it has saved my progress and everything, but if you copy the save game profile data file from anywhere, even under the same user, it will disable trophies.

I can see why this feature is in place - to prevent people downloading from the internet, gaining easy trophies and such. But i thought the feature of being able to have more than one person play together and all log into their account was a a great idea, but pointless with this limitation in place...
2008-11-23 23:31:00

Posts: 4

So the limitation is just that you don't get like the "falling from great height" acheivement or "finished islands level" and that sort of thing? I can't see those things doing anything other than being a reference for other people.

I would have thought the objects, stickers, saved story mode and such would be the important things. It sounds like the original poster is having more trouble than what sbwalker5 had...
2008-11-24 13:01:00

Posts: 1280

Yes, you can still play the game. But every time you start you get that annoying and untrue error message and you are unable to collect any more trophies with your copied savegame. So you cannot do much with your savegame anymore. All you have are the collected items but you cannot progress in the game any further as far as trophies are concerned. This will be an issue for many gamers out there.

Official support was of no help, neither. I have re-played all again, finished & aced it a 2nd time but it was no fun at all. I would have prefered to explore creation instead.
2008-11-24 17:47:00

Posts: 8


I wanted to create levels before unlocking and acing everything and so I downloaded a 100% savefile and it worked fine, except for the throphies, but I don't really care about them anyway.

My friend tried the same, and it didn't work, we backed up his original save...but the PS3 copies something...but it does not work. so he lost everything.

He is not a hardcore gamer and thinks about laying the game down...I think that would be a shame, so I am looking for answers everywhere but can't find any.....

It is really weird, that on some systems it works and on others it doesn't.
2009-01-06 03:13:00

Unknown User

I'm pretty sure this is true for most games on PS3 - if you import a saved game then you cannot use it to unlock trophies.

Incidentally, the 'account' it is refering to is the user login that you've set up on your PS3 not your PSN account. Regardless of whether you reassociate your user login to your PSN account it will still be seen as a different account due to unseen unique user IDs in the PS3's operating system. There is no way to recreate your previous user login.

Saying that, you could probably backup your PS3's HDD before having it replaced. How you would do this I'm not sure, and whether your backed-up OS would recognise the new PS3 as a different system and refuse to operate I don't know.
2009-01-07 13:12:00

Posts: 54

Don't worry about trophies....
When you unlocked them, just sync with the server, to save them on your PSN ID.
You'll still have them on your account, but not your PS3.
2009-01-07 13:45:00

Unknown User

Don't worry about trophies....
When you unlocked them, just sync with the server, to save them on your PSN ID.
You'll still have them on your account, but not your PS3.This is no solution because we see more trophies to come with the level packs. Having followed your advice, you won't be able to unlock them and will be stuck on the level of progress you are now.

There is very much speculation involved in this topic. Official support does not respond to requests of this kind but I discovered another interesting thing. Backup migration from my old 60 GB PS3 to a newer 80 GB unit did not work as described in this thread. But I could make a savegame migration work from one 80 GB PS3 to another 80 GB system (manually via USB stick). The user account was created and linked before the (manual!) transfer took place. So I assume savegame migration should be possible and failure is nothing else but a bug due to overdone security restriction.

If we were not allowed to backup our savegames, it would be restricted. For some reason something happens - not every time but occasionally - to the savegame data LBP recognizes as manipulation. This issue should be adressed in an update asap IMO.
2009-01-07 14:11:00

Posts: 8

Well this was all done because of trophies so people can't cheat but I say hey who cares, I don't really care if someone wants to cheat to get trophies, they are the ones who have to live with the fact that they had to cheat to get those trophies.2009-01-07 15:24:00

Posts: 813

Very true, I don't care neither. If they can prevent cheating, it is fine for me; if not, I don't care much. I have a problem when the usablity for all of us - including the "honest" trophy earners - begins to to suffer.

Btw: What is with the fellows asking for online assistance to master a level or get items? I assume most of us took other's advice or online (multiplayer) help and gave something back in return. I think the grade between cheat and friendship is not as clear as it may look at first but you are correct: cheating (meaning spreading savegames around the web) seems to be a problem the publishers are more concerned with than the user's desire to backup their own "work". IMO the priority is not correct: customer's usability should be top-priority all the time.
2009-01-07 15:59:00

Posts: 8

Seems like something else is going on. I backed up my daughters LBP info to USB drive and put it on her new PS3. She recieved no such message and has been playing fine for weeks. We have even backed that into up to the drive and put it back on my PS3 when she wants to play on the big TV.

I set the new ps3 up with same master account as mine and her same account info. The only thing different is its a different PS3 and even has a different PS3 name.
2009-01-07 16:02:00

Posts: 340

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