The Infecction (TOP DOWN)
Archive: 3 posts
The Infection (TOP DOWN) A mysterious comet has landed on earth spreading a virus that transforms life into vicious mutants and as a scientist trapped alone in the military base in this top down shooter. 1 player ONLY. Before playing BACK UP YOUR PROFILE. THERMO AT 95% Welcome to the ultimate top down shooter published so far on the LBP2. The game features a scientist trapped in a military base and must escape from various mutants. It has four weapons: a machine gun, flame thrower, laser gun, and wave rifle. All weapons feature a loading system. The level took a approximately a month to make. Please report if there are any bug present in the level. ![]() Here is the LBP.ME link: http://lbp.me/v/xx9bg4 http://lbp.me/v/http://lbp | 2011-02-17 09:09:00 Author: TheDesertDrifter ![]() Posts: 72 |
Sorry to be replying to this so lae but I'm helping the Spotlight crew clear the backlog. Why should I back up my profile before playing this? Sounds like you have some dangerous glitches here? | 2011-05-15 20:23:00 Author: roux- ![]() Posts: 379 |
None that I ever heard of yet, it's just that sony versus marvel vs capcom was so overheated that it had the potential of corrupting save data. But i was making sure in case anything that went wrong happened but i don't believe that this level doesn't have the potential to corrupt data though. | 2011-05-16 08:20:00 Author: TheDesertDrifter ![]() Posts: 72 |
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