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Emitted objects bugging out

Archive: 2 posts

I made a sackbot that emits flames, and sometimes the layer they show up on seems to change all its own.

Every so often when I work on my level, and then switch to play mode, the flames begin to show up in front of the sackbot rather than behind him. The confusing part is that I have not touched the emitter reference objects (the flames) or the sackbot. they just suddenly got switched. then i have to go into the emitter and change the placement of them to behind the sackbot again.

it's a bit of a hassle. curious if anyone else has seen this happen or know why it may be happening.

you may be able to tell by my wording that the flames being emitted are captured from an area off to the side of the level. i am pretty darn certain that when this error happens i have not touched them at all.
2011-02-16 03:03:00

Posts: 17

you may be able to tell by my wording that the flames being emitted are captured from an area off to the side of the level. i am pretty darn certain that when this error happens i have not touched them at all.

I've heard many reports of this behaviour when emitting an object which is "captured" from something in the level, rather than selected from your "My Objects" list. I'd say MM still have a few bugs to resolve in this area, so in the meantime it might be safer to use a version from your "My Objects" list.
2011-02-16 13:51:00

Posts: 2870

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