Combat Cars: Who can survive
Archive: 9 posts
Hello, I put 40+ hours into this level. For some fun CAR COMBAT, please check it out and let me know what you think! I will be sure to check yours out if you comment or play it. Thanks... http://lbp.me/v/xt682b | 2011-02-15 16:01:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I thought this was pretty neat. I played solo, but I'll be sure to take note of this level and give it another go when I'm in a party. I liked how you had a sort of... dynamic arena with the walls poping up and down, I thought that was nice idea. And the intro is really cool. I think your AI is a bit out of shape, but I get that it's focus is multiplayer, so it's excusable. x3 If I were to suggest any improvements, I'd suggest perhaps a course and/or vehicle select option. Vehicles could perhaps come with different speeds, health and rate of fire stats. | 2011-02-15 19:43:00 Author: Ostler5000 ![]() Posts: 1017 |
Played this 4-player and we had fun. I think overall it was pretty simple but still fun. Maybe adding things like oil slicks (black gas?) to protect your rear would be cool. Also, being a square car in a square area you can get jammed in the corners and if you touch the sides you can have a tough time getting off them. If you make the sides curve inwards and make the corners curved it could make getting stuck much more difficult. We liked it! F4F: Dizzy Wheel Challenge in my signature | 2011-02-16 04:05:00 Author: RSQViper ![]() Posts: 302 |
Q'ing for later | 2011-02-16 20:00:00 Author: Hoplyte ![]() Posts: 100 |
Hey, my son and I had fun with the level. I'm hearting this for later play with friends. I LOVED the Repair Bay! To return the review favor, my forum page: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=49352-Sacknight-Fetch-Quest-of-the-King-(Funny-Medieval-Platformer) Direct link to level: http://lbp.me/v/xqgfb4 | 2011-02-17 02:15:00 Author: Hoplyte ![]() Posts: 100 |
Thanks everyone alot for the review and constructive criticism!. Thank you alot! | 2011-02-22 04:13:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Played this 4-player and we had fun. I think overall it was pretty simple but still fun. Maybe adding things like oil slicks (black gas?) to protect your rear would be cool. Also, being a square car in a square area you can get jammed in the corners and if you touch the sides you can have a tough time getting off them. If you make the sides curve inwards and make the corners curved it could make getting stuck much more difficult. We liked it! F4F: Dizzy Wheel Challenge in my signature Thanks for taking the time to reply. I took your advice and atleast rounded the corners now. Also, for a little more fun, i added random health powerups that restore your health to whoever hits it first. I also renamed the level to Combat Cars: Fight to the death! Thanks again everyone! http://lbp.me/v/xt682b | 2011-02-24 04:27:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
ilove car levels, so I checked this one out, and heres what I think: *the map coould stand to be a little bit bigger, I like how the sections of ground pop up for cover, and i'm just imagining a huge map and how cool it would be to be driving away from someone and they follow you right into a wall, with a bigger map, you could add extra hilarity like electrified walls that stall out the cars, or reverse the controls. or powerDOWNS (something that looks enticing but hamstrings the driver who activates it, always funny in a battle car type level) *the tightness of the cars seems a little off, maybe add a direction splitter with a not gate attached to the left and right on the L stick control to slow down your movement while turning, its fast and easy to do and would really add alot to the competitive nature of this level. *maybe add different weapons, also something easy and fast to do that helps out the look of a level, I have a level with 4 different colored ships, the red ship shoots fire, the blue ship shoots water, etc etc, it all destroys just the same if your projectile sensor is set to detect all projectiles (you can make custom projectiles too that look even sharper) *I think that with a bigger map the camera should follow the cars, like the snow ball fighting penguins, just something to consider if you like that idea. *maybe change the mechanism of the weapons emitters so its more like a twin stick shooter, with the simple controls, it would be sweet to be able to aim at who your shooting at, and with again bigger map, more ground pop ups, more potential awesomeness *make it a race, so theres a score for people to compete for, the empty scoreboard isn't fun man ![]() I had ideas about a battle car arena type level, I opted to make it a survival challenge, but I do have alot of ideas for this type of level, I just decided to do a kinda different one. its the one i want F4F on, its a car level too so maybe you can shed different insight on it, the link to the threads in my sig, thanks, and feel free to invite me to create mode! i wont jack up your creations or anything and I've spent alot of time messing with car logic! | 2011-02-24 05:51:00 Author: reiko57 ![]() Posts: 115 |
ilove car levels, so I checked this one out, and heres what I think: *the map coould stand to be a little bit bigger, I like how the sections of ground pop up for cover, and i'm just imagining a huge map and how cool it would be to be driving away from someone and they follow you right into a wall, with a bigger map, you could add extra hilarity like electrified walls that stall out the cars, or reverse the controls. or powerDOWNS (something that looks enticing but hamstrings the driver who activates it, always funny in a battle car type level) *the tightness of the cars seems a little off, maybe add a direction splitter with a not gate attached to the left and right on the L stick control to slow down your movement while turning, its fast and easy to do and would really add alot to the competitive nature of this level. *maybe add different weapons, also something easy and fast to do that helps out the look of a level, I have a level with 4 different colored ships, the red ship shoots fire, the blue ship shoots water, etc etc, it all destroys just the same if your projectile sensor is set to detect all projectiles (you can make custom projectiles too that look even sharper) *I think that with a bigger map the camera should follow the cars, like the snow ball fighting penguins, just something to consider if you like that idea. *maybe change the mechanism of the weapons emitters so its more like a twin stick shooter, with the simple controls, it would be sweet to be able to aim at who your shooting at, and with again bigger map, more ground pop ups, more potential awesomeness *make it a race, so theres a score for people to compete for, the empty scoreboard isn't fun man ![]() I had ideas about a battle car arena type level, I opted to make it a survival challenge, but I do have alot of ideas for this type of level, I just decided to do a kinda different one. its the one i want F4F on, its a car level too so maybe you can shed different insight on it, the link to the threads in my sig, thanks, and feel free to invite me to create mode! i wont jack up your creations or anything and I've spent alot of time messing with car logic! Thanks alot for the input man, i really appreciate it. I definitely don't or didn't want to make it anymore complicated. I am going to add stuff to the cars and things like that, but definitely like the 1 screen chaos. I don't want it to scroll or race. Right now: 1. I am fixing the arena to have rounder sides to avoid sticking. 2. I am adding your awesome idea of slower on turns. 3. i am adding a speed boost to all the cars for a short period. | 2011-02-28 02:40:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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