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Changeable Sackbots (on the fly)

Archive: 5 posts

I made a controlinator, which is able to change from one sackbot to another just by pressing the "o" button.
The camera also changes but I don`t know how to get it back to sackboy if you leave the controlinator.
It`s copyable and free to use but it would be nice to tell me if you are going to do so.
I used an earlier version in my "spaceific" level.
Thank you for any comment.
2011-02-14 22:53:00

Posts: 7

Oooooo, you made one of these too!

I switch between mine with triangle, but unfortunately I can't let a sackbot die or the system is ruined....

2011-02-15 08:54:00

Posts: 624

Got one or two ideas how to solve the dying problem.
Going to try them out at home later.
2011-02-17 11:53:00

Posts: 7

Yea, so, toggle switch + remote dcs's in microchips, whats hard about that?

Theres multiple ways to solve your problem, an easy one is tags on the bots, and a tag sensor + not gate hooked into a game camera on a peice of holo set to follow sackboy.
2011-02-18 00:47:00

Posts: 1800

Umm..About the camera swiching back to sacboy problem, set a movie camera that lasts a short time to be activated when the player leaves the controllinator and i think that'll do it.2011-02-19 17:50:00

Posts: 58

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