Man escapes prison in a cardboard box, MGS style
Archive: 3 posts
http://www.ps3fanboy.com/2008/11/18/man-escapes-prison-in-a-cardboard-box-mgs-style/ Here's a curious incident in Willich, Germany that sounds suspiciously like something out of Metal Gear Solid: a 42-year old Turkish man that was serving a seven-year sentence climbed into a 150cm x 120cm (about 59" x 47") cardboard box and was successful in getting himself delivered out of jail. When an express courier came to the prison to pick up some inmate-produced merchandise, the box containing the prisoner was also loaded onto the truck. As soon as the truck passed through the prison gates, the prisoner made a run for it -- he is currently still at large. Ingenious. Interesting to think that MGS is given credit for coming up with the old "hide in a box and get out of jail" trick. I mean Kojima is brilliant, but do we have to throw praise his way every time someone does something sneaky? ![]() | 2008-11-18 21:47:00 Author: supersickie ![]() Posts: 1366 |
http://www.ps3fanboy.com/2008/11/18/man-escapes-prison-in-a-cardboard-box-mgs-style/ Here's a curious incident in Willich, Germany that sounds suspiciously like something out of Metal Gear Solid: a 42-year old Turkish man that was serving a seven-year sentence climbed into a 150cm x 120cm (about 59" x 47") cardboard box and was successful in getting himself delivered out of jail. When an express courier came to the prison to pick up some inmate-produced merchandise, the box containing the prisoner was also loaded onto the truck. As soon as the truck passed through the prison gates, the prisoner made a run for it -- he is currently still at large. Ingenious. Interesting to think that MGS is given credit for coming up with the old "hide in a box and get out of jail" trick. I mean Kojima is brilliant, but do we have to throw praise his way every time someone does something sneaky? ![]() hahahahahah funny | 2008-11-18 21:52:00 Author: ea9492 ![]() Posts: 444 |
"Otacon? Snake here. That podunk prison couldn't hold me." "Good work, Snake. Now find a way to infiltrate the prison to stop Metal Gear!" "Wait...I just escaped from there. Why - HURRRRRRRGH! Foxdie!!" "Snake!? SNAAAAAAKEEE!!" FISSION MAILED. | 2008-11-18 22:05:00 Author: Voltiare ![]() Posts: 646 |
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