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Using a US bonus code on a European PS3 with a European version of LPB2.

Archive: 12 posts

Hi Guys,

I was a little bit too fast with buying a bonus code from eBay. I purchased a code for getting the Ratchet and Clank costumes, and after finsishing the purchase, I read that this code is ONLY for use with US PSN accounts.

Is this really true? Or does it actually work fine with European accounts as well?

If not - is there a way to work around the problem?

2011-02-14 09:52:00

Posts: 7

Is this really true? Or does it actually work fine with European accounts as well?

It's true.

If not - is there a way to work around the problem?

If you create another local user account, register it on a US PSN account, you can redeem it with that, and effectively 'gameshare' it with your EU account.
2011-02-14 10:22:00

Posts: 2870

It's true.

If you create another local user account, register it on a US PSN account, you can redeem it with that, and effectively 'gameshare' it with your EU account.

OK, Thanks! This "gamesharing", how does that actually work? Is it just that, what is redeemed in one account on my PS3, is also available for other user profiles on the same PS3, or?
2011-02-14 10:30:00

Posts: 7

...what is redeemed in one account on my PS3, is also available for other user profiles on the same PS3...

Precisely. You'll have to download and install it with the US account, but once you've done that, it will show up on all accounts on the PS3.
2011-02-14 10:33:00

Posts: 2870

Precisely. You'll have to download and install it with the US account, but once you've done that, it will show up on all accounts on the PS3.

OK! Great! Thanks! I'll try to see if I can figure out making a US psnetwork account when I get home from work tonight!

Thanks again!
2011-02-14 10:35:00

Posts: 7

let us know if it works. I don`t think it will work since you have the EU game disc...2011-02-14 12:08:00

Unknown User

let us know if it works. I don`t think it will work since you have the EU game disc...

You might be right, I've never actually tested it, so the OP ought to bear that in mind. Might be safer if they first attempt to trade the US code for an EU code if possible.
2011-02-14 13:25:00

Posts: 2870

There's plenty of us who have US codes for Clu and more animals that we don't need (they came with the CE and as a gamestop pre-order bonus). I'd be willing to give my code to somebody in the UK to try so we can all know if it works.2011-02-14 15:25:00

Posts: 2188

There's plenty of us who have US codes for Clu and more animals that we don't need (they came with the CE and as a gamestop pre-order bonus). I'd be willing to give my code to somebody in the UK to try so we can all know if it works.

I'll try if you like. I got UK disc, UK psn account. If you do want to give it message me it
2011-02-14 15:58:00

Posts: 22

Maybe I could try?

Wait, so you can buy codes on eBay? Is it reliable?
2011-02-14 17:28:00

Posts: 55

I'd be willing to give my code to somebody in the UK to try so we can all know if it works.

Hey everyone!

I can hereby say: NO.

It doesn't work. I got very far - I made a US PSN account, I redeemed the code I had bought and I installed the DLC. But it simply doesn't show up in the game - not in the US account, or in any of my accounts. It just didn't work.

Sorry guys! If anyone wants to part with a UK code, I'd be happy.
2011-02-15 16:58:00

Posts: 7

Figured as much, but it's nice to have a confirmation now.2011-02-15 17:45:00

Posts: 2188

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