Portal Advanced (Includes Momentum)
Archive: 5 posts
http://i1.lbp.me/img/ft/5b1315add1f668756ca4bd62d453faaf2be0794b.jpg http://ie.lbp.me/img/ft/99e85f4f63ebc4803118d3950850a2ec76ca5aa1.jpg http://i5.lbp.me/img/ft/e757106d47069eaadc4261530b58fbfa7fd284f7.jpg there is still one or 2 small bugs to iron out but, but i'm interested in getting some opinions. i've worked momentum transferance into my portals to reproduce "speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out" you can also pick-up and drop the cube through portals without moving through them yourself, and there is a player select screen after the intro if there is more than one player so you can choose who is playing, as at this point in time my portals only support one player, although 2 player co-op isn't too hard to work into a future level, just time consuming (something i never have enough of) http://lbp.me/v/xsn36s | 2011-02-14 07:36:00 Author: evret ![]() Posts: 612 |
I just played this level and I cannot believe the number of plays it got for it quality I've seen. This is an excellent recreation of the portal gun. Most of the portal levels I've played so far don't even touch the concept of momentum and a lot of them break when the portals are place in the wrong way. This level however nails it. The level looks very professional and polished and the portal work perfectly. I especially like how you prepared the levels for failure, putting sackbot checkpoints after each challenge and respawning the cube in you possession if it breaks. This is the best portal level I've played so far. For suggestions I think you should make the portal emit from a microchip and replace the creatinator with a dummy (0 ammo) paintinator to make it look like a portal gun. Also I think you should space the rooms farther apart to give more focus to the challenge of the room they are currently in. | 2011-02-14 17:07:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
thanx for the feedback dude, as for the paintinator suggestion it's something i considered and even tested, but i found that to be able to fire a portal directly sideway the portals would have to be smaller as to not enter the floor when they appeared on the wall, and smaller portals would be harder to hit when falling toward them. my current portals are created based on the fact they would be fired from head height, and to change that now would pretty much mean rebuilding them from scratch. also, ever since i first started playing user created levels in lbp1 i started to hate levels that broke halfway through and force a restart, as a result i do my best to make sure my levels never have that issue | 2011-02-15 08:01:00 Author: evret ![]() Posts: 612 |
I just got to playing this and, I guess this could be a little bit of a bump, but I have been trying to get through every stage that I queued from the showcase since the PSN downtime... and this is pretty impressive. It has a fair chunk of plays at this stage but its worth looking at if you haven't played it yet. The only thing I could see that felt a little off was that the momentum tracking was a little imprecise at slower speeds. Walking through a portal at the slowest speed pushed you out a little faster than you entered. It got me killed once when trying to get a box on the ledge with electricity around it. I thought that I ran too fast the first time but the second time it happened I realised that it was the speed transfer. Not a big issue as you can grab a box through the portal, and I am sure that the reason behind this is part of the logic to maintain speed. So it is probably necessary to have. | 2011-06-04 00:07:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
I just played and I must say, I absolutely loved the gaming mechanics. | 2011-06-04 00:57:00 Author: fireblitz95 ![]() Posts: 2018 |
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