Emitter Random help :P
Archive: 4 posts
Hey all uhmm......i wantto know what i need to create arandom way to emit 3 objects but not only with a randomiser i want the objects to be emitted every few seconds, so i have 3 emitters and 3timers and i need a way to reset those timers..or maybe theres another way..for example they all start at 0 untill the randomiser picks one timer then moves to the second timer buh only does untill the first timer resets?? understand no??? :S sorry im confusing... | 2011-02-13 22:11:00 Author: Joka232 ![]() Posts: 68 |
why don't you just place the timer to reset itself? and btw, if you plug a battery into a randomiser, it will continuosly randomize. Randomise? Idk if that is the rite term. | 2011-02-13 22:54:00 Author: 11204 ![]() Posts: 111 |
AGH kool i didnt know that . thanks a mill......i think its randominise...![]() | 2011-02-13 22:58:00 Author: Joka232 ![]() Posts: 68 |
Agreed, you should be able to plug each emitter into the timer then take each timer output and plug it into the bottom of itself (the reset) and it should work, you can add a randomizer and it should start randomly setting off the timers, I don't think you need the battery, If you were not using the randomizer you would need the battery I think but then I think it would just be a cycle. | 2011-02-13 23:47:00 Author: Gutz ![]() Posts: 175 |
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