jjmac13's Music Levels
Archive: 1 post
jjmac13, the wonderful and musically gifted creator who is also helping me with my Metroid series, asked me to help advertise his levels a bit more. So, here I am. He wants them all noticed (don't we all? xD) but specifically his remake of Dancing Mad from Final Fantasy VI and his Music Gallery. He does an amazing job with his sequencers and definitely doesn't get proper recognition (Although his Megaman song is quite popular). Here are the LBP.me links: jjmac13's Music Gallery of Wonder and Music! http://lbp.me/v/xhhvmk Dancing Mad (4th Tier) - Final Fantasy VI Music Level http://lbp.me/v/xppz4h jjmac13's Profile http://lbp.me/u/jjmac13 Thanks, if you check'em out! I think he'd appreciate it waayyy more than I do | 2011-02-13 22:07:00 Author: Narwhal ![]() Posts: 111 |
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