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Creator Spotlight 27 - Dimo1138

Archive: 60 posts


Robot Revolutionary
Interview conducted by xkappax (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?1864)

The year is 20XX and Dr. Dimo has taken over the world with his robot bosses. Do you have what it takes to stop the evil inventor and save the world from his mechanized creations? To be honest, probably not. Or at least not right away.

See, Dimo's levels are hard. And not stupid hard like a level that hasn't been tested properly. Hard like Mega Man 9. Each stage in Mega Man 9 was punishing, but once you beat it, you felt absolutely wonderful and proud of yourself. I know I did, at least. Dimo's levels are like that. Each platforming element is extremely harsh, but you are able to get past it with a little patience and practice. Levels like these most certainly won't appeal to your average cool leveler who just wants to smash rocket cars into bombs, but that was never Dimo's target audience, anyway. These levels appeal to the gamers who suffered through old '80's Nintendo games that were unforgivably hard on purpose so the player has to keep coming back for more. The games would take longer to beat and it would justify paying 50 dollars for a game, because of how much time you took to pass it.

So, if you guys are up for the challenge, let's all go on a Robo Rampage and explore Dr. Dimo1138 and his robotic creations!



I forgot to water the plant, and THIS is what happened!


All right, this one isn?t really a question, but if you would be so kind, please list the levels you?ve published to date and any statistics you?d like to share with us, i.e. plays, hearts, how many rocket animals per level, etc. Whatever you feel like sharing.

My first levels are Robo-Rampage, Robo-Rampage II ? Dr.Dimo?s Great Escape, and Robo-Rampage III ? Dr. Dimo?s Last Stand. These were the first levels I had made. They?re a little rough around the edges, and they are VERY difficult. I only suggest these for those who have finished the Robo-Rampage X series that want a little bit more of the back story.

After that, as soon as the paintinator was released, I made Robo-Rampage X and Robo-Rampage X 2. These levels were a significant improvement over my previous attempts, and by this time, my sense of LBP aesthetics had improved as well. Again, these levels are intentionally difficult, but highly rewarding when completed.

At this point, I had all but given up on LBP for a lot of reasons. Untill, that is, I heard about LBP2. At that point I decided to go all-out, and bring the RRX series to an epic finale. I teamed up with a good LBP friend of mine, Vmethos, and started work on my most recent project, RRX3, which consists of the following levels: Robo-Rampage X 3 (part 1), Robo-Rampage X 3 (part 2), Robo-Rampage X 3 (part 3), Robo-Rampage X 3 (?????),Robo-Rampage X 3 (final) and Robo-Rampage X 3 (final part 2).

And, riding the high that gave me, I popped out a quick mini-level, Robo-Rampage X 3 (prologue).

Now, tell me... of these levels, which is your favorite? And why?
All the levels of RRX 3 are among my favorites. They?re the most technically and aesthetically sound. RRX 3 (final) and (final part 2) are up there, as they?re both huge boss-fights, which is my favorite thing to make. RRX3 (prologue) is also up there. It's got a great look, and a really cool boss.

How long have you been playing LBP?
How long has it been out?

What was the first full level you ever built? And what was it like?
My first full level was Robo-Rampage. It had some cool things going for it, but, honestly, it's kind of a mess. But, who?s first level ever isn?t?

What creators and levels (if any) have inspired you to create?
Well, there?s not a whole lot of creators out there that really do the same style of stuff I do, so no one in particular inspired specific creations, but there definitely were a few people that inspired me to create, in general, even at times when I wanted to quit. My levels always got kind of a bad rap because of the difficulty level, but there were a few people that supported what I was doing, and, really, if it weren?t for them,I may not have done anything beyond my first level. Among those are my long-time LBP friends: Vmethos (created RRX 3 (?????) for me), Foofles, Maraz Matari, Grantos UK and a talented creator duo, xKappax and Catiers, among others. And, of course, there were a few people I met here at LBPC that were really inspirational, like Ccubbage and Ninjamicwz, just to name a few. And, frankly, there?s a few people that, though we?ve never met in person, have become good personal friends of mine, beyond the LBP realm, for whom I am eternally gratefull. You guys know who you are

Aside from drawing inspiration from other creators and levels, is there anything in the world outside of LittleBigPlanet that inspires you? This could be a hobby, profession, or even a particular movie or type of music. Pretty much it can be anything in your personal life that has contributed to your experiences as well as inspired you as a creator.
When it comes to LBP, I make the games that I want to play. I?m probably a bit older than a lot of LBPers. My first home gaming console was an Atari 2600, and I still, to this day, think that the days of the NES/SuperNES were the pinnacle of gaming. That being said, I wanted to re-capture, in a way, the ?olden days? of gaming where a game had to rely on gameplay over graphics and a high challenge level was needed for replayability.

What are some of your favorite video games (excluding LBP) - new and old?
My favorite games, in a nutshell, are the original Mega-Man games and the Legend of Zelda series. These days, though, I don't play a lot of video-games. I feel that most developers aren?t making games for people like me anymore, so I stick to mainly just LBP when it comes to console games. I also like a lot of non-video-games, like MtG. Anything where you have to exercise your mind and outsmart your opponent.

If you could list your favorite things about LittleBigPlanet, what would they be?
Create mode, and the awesome people I've met from the LBP community.

And your least favorite thing(s)?
To be frank, the general population of LBP sometimes ticks me off. So many people are trying to make LBP levels, instead of making their own games and ideas. I also think that, when it comes to the community, we have a good grasp on only two thirds of what it means to be an LBPer. People, in general, have a good grasp on Create and Share, but I feel that Play is lacking. Any other game that people play, they try to get better at or master, no matter how challenging. But I feel that, with LBPers in general, they can?t be bothered to actually master the gameplay and control. If it's slightly harder than easy, people can?t be bothered. I think that?s my biggest complaint. I just don't understand why people in general avoid challenge when it comes to LBP. This is particularly frustrating to me because I intentionally build challenging levels, and I?m continuously getting poor ratings because LBP payers just can?t play. But, I suppose two out of three aint bad?

What?s the worst thing that?s happened while creating?
Man, there?s been a few scares, but the one that sticks out in my mind is, shortly after I published RRX2, the level was unloadable. I freaked out for a bit untill I realized that, somehow, a magic mouth I tweaked messed up the level. Once I knew what the problem was, it was a quick fix, but it certainly was scary for a bit, after all that work, to have the level be unloadable for other players.

On a sort of similar subject, have there ever been any great ideas you had that failed or for any other reason you never implemented?

Hrmm. No, nothing major, really. Maybe a few enemy designs I found to be impractical, but nothing huge. And, now with the LBP2 tools, I can go back to them and give them the life they couldn?t have had in LBP.

If you worked for Media Molecule, what would your first order of business be? This could be anything from adding materials or tools to eradicating H4H.
Giving me a crown, lol. Just kidding. I don't know, I think for the most part, MM is doing a phenominal job. Sure, there?s some issues, like H4H and the Cool Levels page being filled with uncreative, poorly implemented non-sense. But, LBP, as a whole, is still very young, and I trust that MM is going to do everything they can to progress the LBP experience. If you had asked me this before I had gotten into the LBP2 beta, I would have had a list, but LBP2 seems, so far, to have everything anyone could want, at least for the time being. Awesome and varied materials, and cool effective new tools.



Dimo's insane boss battles are what set him apart from many creators in LittleBigPlanet


You've been doing the Robo Rampage series since the very first days of LittleBigPlanet, back in 2008. Do you have any interest in doing levels that follow a different theme, or do you feel you'll continue on with Robo Rampage in the future?
I?m definitely into doing something different. With LBP2 around the bend, it opens up a lot of options. That?s said, I will continue to make levels with the established Robo-Rampage themes.

We've already established that your levels are really hard. A lot of players, to counter that, place Infinite Check Points in their levels, but you haven't, not even in your newer levels. Do you think you might ever give in and make "Easy Mode" versions of Robo Rampage at some point?
Simple answer: I don't think so. The levels are as they were intended. Though, the thought has crossed my mind more than once. Again, with LBP2 on the horizon, there will be more creative means of adjusting the difficulty.

Your boss battles are very interesting and extremely innovative. Most of your bosses even have several different forms or states. What goes into creating these boss battles and getting them to perform the way you want them to?
Bosses are one of my favorite parts of the gaming experience. Games like Zelda and Mega-Man have bosses that, in one way or another, you need to figure out and exploit a weakness. It's not necessarily just run n? gun. On the other hand, there is something to be said about a Contra style boss-fight. Quick reflexes, accurate aim and patience. I try to bring a combination of the two, and the future is looking brighter, in terms of the possibilities.

On a similar subject, your little characters that scurry about the levels trying to kill you are also quite unique. I've always thought that the little descriptions that go with these enemies was a nice touch. It gives the enemies a bit more depth and personality. What made you decide to do this, and how much thought goes into these little descritpions?
Well, I usually don't have the thermo space or time to focus on creating ?story? type content. I fit it in where I can (RRX 3 final and final part 2 are fair examples of the extent of the actually story line). Despite the story aspects of my levels being very slim, that?s not to say there isn?t a world surrounding these levels. By showing that these robots have likes and disikes shows that they?re more than just ?baddies.? They?re just following bad programming, and some of them even openly express thier dislike or indifference to their task of killing you. So, when it comes to the enemy text itself, I usually try to get a sense of the above. Either that, or I use a pun.

You recently did a collaboration with the very underrated and very talented Vmethos. Up until that point, you had been strictly a solo creator, so what was it like suddenly working with someone else on the Robo Rampage series?
I absolutely loved working with Vmethos. Maybe too much, I may have ran up his phone bill. I have a tough time finding compatable people to collaborate with in general. Trust is very important when it comes to something you?ve invested time in. Out of everyone I knew, Vmethos was the obvious choice. He had been playing RR levels since the beginning, and I knew he had a really good sense of what I was trying to accomplish. From playing his stuff, I knew he had the technical knowledge and the sense of aesthetics to make something amazing. What he brought to the RRX series was far beyond my expectations. Truly amazing work. You can see it in RRX 3 (?????), if you can find it

In LittleBigPlanet, there are two kinds of "Hard" levels. There are the "stupid hard" levels that just have bullets and bomb-sharks flying haphazardly all over the place, and there are the "challenging hard" levels. This is the category that your levels fall into. There are WAYS to get past all of your enemies with a bit of strategy. Does it take a long time to work this sort of thing out? How do you approach something like this?
I usually get an idea for a trap, obstacle, or enemy, build it, and test it. I know how far sack boy can jump from a running start, a standing start, etc. I know how fast he can move, and how quickly he can build momentum. I know how he reacts to most possibe situations. I usually make something so it's just barely possible, and then bring it back a few shades. I figure, if I can do it very easily, then it should provide an appropriate challenge to the more casual player, or someone that may not know ?what?s coming.? Sometimes this is easier than others. And some times, it may prove more difficult to make a concept more challengeing.

The number 5 plays a very big role in the second level of Robo Rampage X3, and I've heard it's a great story. So, spill it. What's the significance of the number 5?
I couldn't say. Next question.

Your levels have always been very Mega Man-esque in nature, yet LittlebigPlanet lacked a proper gun until December of 2008. What sort of challenges did you face trying to create Mega Man style levels in pre-gun LBP?

I try not to think of those days. That?s part of the reason why I ended the original series and started Robo-Rampage X. The paintinator changed everything. Not to say the older levels aren?t worth playing, just expect a different experience. They are rather primitive.

Color scheme and theme both play a big part in your levels. What comes first, choosing a theme or choosing the colors that will represent that theme? And how do you go about doing this?
I usually do this in a similar way to the way I do most everything. Muck around with a bunch of crap that I don't like untill I find a combination of materials and colors that I do like. I usually like to mix ?robotic? themes and colors with more natural themes and colors, like rocks and water. Lighting can be important, as well.

You've been working with the beta for a little while and probably have a good understanding of the tools by now. With this knowledge, what are your plans for LittleBigPlanet 2?
Well, I don't want to say too much, because there?s no saying how much I?m actually thinking of will get done. I?m planning on continuing the Robo-Rampage games in a new series called RobotXplodeR (RXR), which will feature a custom weapons system, unlockable abilities, more advanced enemies and bosses, and tons more neat stuff. The story of the game will take place years after a ?robot civil war.? Using that theme as a backdrop, I plan on doing some different types of games to fill in the storyline between the end of RRX 3 and the beginning of RXR. Most likely something top down, and most likely something more strategy or puzzle based.

And now, a lighthearted question... and BE HONEST. Since your levels are so gosh darned hard, do you have a hard time completing them at first?
lol. Ok, so after not playing for a while after making RRX2, I finally came back to LBP. I decided to play through my old levels for inspiration, and there were a few points where I was cursing myself for being such an anti-social prick. So, yeah, sometimes I have a hard time. That said, I can still finish all of my levels, most of the time. RRX3 part 1 is the only level I've made myself that I've been able to ace.

Finally, is there anything you, as a creator, would like to add to this? Or any other experiences you?d like to share? If not, I?d like to ask one more question of you: If you could give any bit of advice to new creators out there who are thinking about entering the wonderful world of creating, what would it be?

My advice to all creators is: Make the levels YOU want to play. BE what YOU want to see more of in the community. If you tailor your levels to simply get hearts, stars and/or approval, you limit your own creative output, and potentially deny the community of some truly amazing creations.

Also, in celebration of this honor of being highlighted, and to prove I?m not a total villian, I am going to UNLOCK ALL ROBO-RAMPAGE X 3 LEVELS on the publication date of this interview! I suggest you still play them in order, and try to find all the secrets. Enjoy!



This guy stole BoxGhost's lunch. This means war!


Great Scott! It's awful! The crew has a Spotlight due this weekend, and they're not done with it! If only they had a little bit more time... and perhaps a shiny DeLorean!

And for those of you with shiny iPhones and iPads, the direct link is here! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fV0GoTSAKZg)


So, let's have a short recap, shall we? Awesome visuals, insanely hard, but extremely fun gameplay, and giant robots. Sure, hard levels might not be for everyone, but come on! Who DOESN'T love giant robots? I'm going to be honest with you. You're going to die. Alot. But once you get past the fact that Dimo doesn't spoonfeed his gameplay to players, I think you can appreciate how much work goes into one of these RoboRampage levels. So, pull up a chair, charge your blaster... erm... I mean, your controller, and get ready to take on Dr. Dimo in a fight to save man- and robotkind!

Dimo1138's lbp.me profile: http://lbp.me/u/Dimo1138

Well, that's all, folks! We hope you have enjoyed this installment of the Creator Spotlight. For past spotlights, please visit this link (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?100-Creator-Spotlight-Archive). See you in two weeks!
2011-02-13 19:23:00

Posts: 5983


That is all.

EDIT: Okay, now that I've gotten that in, good job on fixing whatever disaster I hear befell the team. Nice work.
2011-02-13 19:25:00

Posts: 1702

Nice spotlight guys! Keep it up!2011-02-13 19:33:00

Posts: 1010

Congrats Dimo1138! Well deserved spotlight.
Great interview. Love the Creator Rewind.
Awesome work.
2011-02-13 19:43:00

Posts: 758

Yay! Fourth comment!

Well done spotlight team, a good review which has kept me reading for a while. I love these spotlights and well done Dimo, I've never heard of your levels but the bosses look PRETTY AWESOME and they definately stand out.

You'll have some VERY interesting stuff in LBP2 and I'll be sure to check it out!

Thanks again, spotlight crew. I've been waiting a while since the last review an I'm glad I've finally got some paper to sink my teeth into. Not literally.
2011-02-13 19:46:00

Posts: 516

Wow, looks like this is going to be another great spotlight. Congratulations Dimo! I can't play your levels yet, but this is the next best thing. 2011-02-13 19:59:00

Posts: 1316

Words can't express how much work the crew puts into these. *Round of applause*

And Dimo is such an under-rated creator, the bosses he comes up with are better than any I've ever seen. A well deserved spotlight as always.
2011-02-13 20:03:00

Posts: 2266

The irony here is just hilarious

And hey, any future built by Dimo sounds like a great place to me! Congratulations on the spotlight!!
2011-02-13 20:05:00

Posts: 2105

NICE!!!! Dimo you PWNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2011-02-13 20:06:00

Posts: 3

Exactly why I like the spotlights. They feature jewels underrated by the junk on top. I haven't heard of this guy so that proves my point.

I should go play his levels.
2011-02-13 20:09:00

Posts: 578

*Sigh* Those levels look awesome... OH WAIT! i got a PS3 now, I can play the spotlight levels Finally!

congrats on the spotlight! Loved the video!
2011-02-13 20:44:00

Posts: 1668

I'm inspired by his use of colour, too! The 2nd and 3rd screenshots are beautiful :&apos2011-02-13 20:52:00

Posts: 2105

This spotlight excites me for many reasons. 1. It's been about five months in the making, 2. Dimo is an EXCELLENT and extremely underrated creator.

I met dimo two years ago on gamefaqs, and I started playtesting some of his levels. The difficulty discouraged many players, and it always made me extremely sad because of how well put together the levels are. Players in lbp generally shy away from challenging levels, and that's why I chose dimo for the spotlight. I seriously hope you guys can appreciate these levels for the masterpieces that they are. And be warned: You're going to die a lot!

Congratulations, Dimo! ^__^
2011-02-13 20:53:00

Posts: 2569

Well deserved spotlight. I still haven't beaten the midboss for RRX but I still find myself giving it a play every now and again. Dimo is a great creator!2011-02-13 21:01:00

Posts: 468

Wow, I don't think I have ever played any of Dimo's levels, and they seem right up my alley. A focus on gameplay..*drool*
I've queued all unlocked levels to try out today.

You're going to die. Alot (http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html).
2011-02-13 21:02:00

Posts: 2513

And be warned: You're going to die a lot!

Challenge accepted! I WILL ace one of his levels by the end of the month!! >: )
2011-02-13 21:03:00

Posts: 2105


Those Boss Battles look INSANE!!!

Mad Skiiiiilz Dimo1138!
2011-02-13 21:05:00

Posts: 1328

Awesome spotlight!! I've gotta check out some of these levels 2011-02-13 21:30:00

Unknown User

Woah, one very inspiring creator right here. I'm not really sure if I've heard of these levels but I certainly haven't and right now I know for sure that I have to.
Great job on the video and interview, really interesting stuff. It was nice to see LBP1 stuff in the video, I really have to play that too once in a while. Old levels just look way better there and I still have to do one F4F that is terribly late and the level is LBP1 only (sorry Umjammer )

Boss levels are always awesome if done well, although those looked hard. Ah well, I usually like challenges, at least up to that point where I realize it's too hard for me. At least I forced myself to finish roller inc and subterranian setbacks, maybe I will also somehow manage to complete the robo rampage levels

Once again a big thank you for doing these spotlights, I'll be waiting for the next one
2011-02-13 21:45:00

Posts: 1653

Insert epic comment (again).

Another insane creator spotlight.
2011-02-13 21:46:00

Posts: 777

Wow, I don't think I have ever played any of Dimo's levels, and they seem right up my alley. A focus on gameplay..*drool*
I've queued all unlocked levels to try out today.


Same here man! Dimo you already got a heart from me and I haven't even played yet.

I have pretty much beaten every Mega Man game so this is certainly going to meet my fancy.
2011-02-13 21:53:00

Posts: 136

'bout time Dimo got some props. I was borderline livid when RRX3 didn't get any spotlight love, and have always been annoyed that the wimpiness of players 'caused his talent & level quality to be overlooked. One of the all time veteran champs, and you don't know LBP if you don't know Dimo.2011-02-13 22:04:00

Unknown User

Nice Job going to check this levels out now!2011-02-13 22:13:00

Posts: 188

Hey, thanks everyone for the warm reception. Spotlight crew did a great job, the creator rewind made me lol myself. It really is an honor to have been chosen for a spotlight.

However, I bring news of the not-so-good category: Robo-Rampage X 3 (at least, possibly the rest of my levels) is UNPLAYABLE IN LBP2. I do not think I will update these levels for play on LBP2, so if you happen to want to check them out, you will have to do so on LBP1 in order to complete them, and play them as they were intended. I am terribly sorry if this inconvieniences anybody.

Otherwise, thanks again to evetrybody, and try not to die too much
2011-02-13 22:30:00

Posts: 179

Just finished RR1+2+3(prologue), what a work out!
Good stuff.
Tough but fair (99% of the time) gameplay.
2011-02-13 22:46:00

Posts: 2513

Hey Dimo, any thought to putting back together the review league?2011-02-13 22:48:00

Posts: 468

Oh, I don't know how I forgot this. Robo-Rampage X 3 (?????) was made by a very talented creator named Vmethos. He was awesome enough to make an extremely kick-@$$ level for the RRX series,which blew away any of my expectations, and is just as much deserving of some praise of his own. He really outdid himself, and I am thankful for his contribution to the RRX series. PLAY HIS LEVELS!

Hey Dimo, any thought to putting back together the review league?

Man, that goes back a bit, eh? As much as I would love to, I just don't see myself having the time to have the level of dedication to be a steady contributor. But, just because I can't do it doesn't mean anyone else out there won't, and I'd support anything you did with it.
2011-02-13 22:57:00

Posts: 179

Kappa....I missed box ghost it's been such a long time...but you lot are awesome and quite happy it's lbp 1 most if the stuff...

What happened to boo?.....the one with the ears?
2011-02-13 23:00:00

Posts: 247

Nice spotlight, I am one of the people who can appreciate the old-school goodness and handle the challenge of Dimo's levels lol. I look forward to your work in LBP2.2011-02-13 23:00:00

Posts: 1536

Kappa....I missed box ghost it's been such a long time...but you lot are awesome and quite happy it's lbp 1 most if the stuff...

What happened to boo?.....the one with the ears?

Unfortunately Boo's too busy with life stuff to be here =/

Also, I think xkappax is wanting to ease back on LBP too, so you may not see BoxGhost for a while...
2011-02-13 23:41:00

Posts: 2105

Great show...

But freaking coincidence! For no reason, I watched the Back To The Future Trilogy a few hours ago!?
2011-02-14 00:11:00

Posts: 918

Very good spotlight! I'm checking all his levels out tonight!2011-02-14 01:34:00

Posts: 1654

wow congratulations! thank you spotlight team for creating another spotlight! Also I know im not the only one that notice this but why are you guys using the beta server then which to LBP1?

Is it because you when back in the future! or was it back to the pass I dont remember
2011-02-14 01:47:00

Posts: 1843

This Spotlight has been a long time coming (and a long time in the works too!), and I can't tell you how happy I am to have had the opportunity to work on this one with the rest of the crew. Like kappa, I first met Dimo way back in 2008 on GameFAQs. I remember spending countless joyful white-knuckle hours playing and reviewing Dimo's masterwork robotic creations. He also happens to be one of the reasons I ended up here at LBPC in the first place, so stop what you're doing and go play his levels now!

Congrats Dimo, you deserve it.

Also I know im not the only one that notice this but why are you guys using the beta server then which to LBP1?

Is it because you when back in the future! or was it back to the pass I dont remember Ah, well you see, we filmed the previous present in the beta. Then we went back in time, Boxghost smashed a bug, and when we returned to the alternate present the beta servers had been shut off and LBP2 was already published.
2011-02-14 04:29:00

Posts: 3187

Hey, Dimo! Woo hoo! Great read.

Wow, takes me back. First time I played your levels - wow, tough - but some of the best early times I had playing LBP. Not too many creators can grasp "tough as nails" but "fair" at the same time. I was always impressed by the detail that went into making sure every area was completely fair, no matter how much plasma was flying around the screen.

Great interview!
2011-02-14 04:47:00

Posts: 4430

Great job spotlight team! And Dimo, congrats for the spotlight. Just one thing: isn't it supposed to be community spotlight?2011-02-14 05:54:00

Posts: 2462

No, there are two different spotlight teams for two different teams. One team spotlights multiple levels per spotlight (community spotlight), and the other (us) produces a spotlight focusing on one creator! (creator spotlight). 2011-02-14 10:45:00

Posts: 2105

sure looks awsome will check you out DIMO when i am on lbp next. love playing new levels.2011-02-14 11:55:00

Posts: 20

Alright, kind of ashamed over here for missing to post the last poem, but I did get to give it to Velcro anyway so that's the most important I guess... By the looks of the level I am now trying to consider if I won't be able to come up with a poem because I won't be able to play them through XD (jk), I am looking forward to play them!

And thank you spotlight team, this was a really good creator rewind, I had to hide a smile in the falling-rocks part
2011-02-14 16:31:00

Posts: 1627

Dimo? Who's Dimo? *watches the "rewind" video".

Dimo is AWESOME! As far as i can judge from the videos; He seems to have; Original and creative gameplay elements AND art style (It is pretty hard to be original in a single point, but being creative in multiple points; now that's talent!).

Gameplay appears to be hard. Dimo is not the first creator to be famous with hard levels, but his levels seem to be so well built that it makes you want to see further, and enjoy the challenge!

These are LBP1 Levels? Wow i CAN actually check them without being have to visit my friend (who's lucky enough to have a US LBP2) !
2011-02-14 18:01:00

Posts: 83

Great interview and video, once again! Thanks!

I must admit that I never heard or even played Dimo1138 levels... :blush:,
but thankfully the spotlight is here to make us discover new talented creators we didn't know about...

I'm not into hard levels, but his work is really impressive, and I love his visual graphical style!
I guess it's a must see : levels queued!
2011-02-14 18:16:00

Posts: 1486

Hey, just wanted to pop in and say that if anyone gets stuck at a particular part of any of these levels, I'd be more than happy to share tips, tricks, or strategy. Many times a seemingly difficult part is actually very simple, and a slight oversight of a particular detail could be what's actually causing the difficulty. So, let me know if you guys/gals have any questions.2011-02-14 21:03:00

Posts: 179

You totally earned it!2011-02-14 22:15:00

Posts: 193

Congrats Dimo1138! Well deserved spotlight.
Great interview. Love the Creator Rewind.
Awesome work.
2011-02-14 22:38:00

Posts: 429

Ahhh, so I am to play the levels in LBP1... I'll use that as excuse for my anticipation about not managing to complete a single one of the levels I did play XD I just want to say "WOAH" to you Dimo, Playing the prologue boss was probably the hardest, but funniest thing I have ever done in a while!.. Though I never managed to beat it. Love the likes and dislikes

EDIT: I did in fact manage to complete 2 when I played them in LBP1 :hrmf: (almost a 3rd, but I accidentally died when I managed to beat the boss XD)
2011-02-15 10:30:00

Posts: 1627

i think this guy desrved the spotlight and deserves more attention !
awesome job guys ! <3
2011-02-15 11:44:00

Posts: 147

I just realized hippie box ghost!
Good job!
2011-02-15 21:14:00

Posts: 682

BoxGhost is actually dressed like Jennifer from Back to the Future 2. Jennifer wears pretty much those EXACT pants throughout the 2nd movie. 2011-02-15 21:15:00

Posts: 2569

GRRRREEEEAAAAAAT!2011-02-16 00:50:00

LOLinator v1.02
Posts: 101

Woohoo, actually completed 6 of them... That 3rd one with the roller boss is going on my nerves though, I will surely complete it tomorrow, just you wait :kz: After finishing the series I will rewards my self with cookies 2011-02-16 21:30:00

Posts: 1627

Excellent spotlight! I will check this out (although I fear I will die many horrible deaths!)2011-02-17 20:49:00

Posts: 12

Have not been able to complete the final part 2 and the ????, but I got a vacation to deal with those anyway I think I will just write the poem here and now so I don't forget (again)... *ahem*

Robot Rampage?! What-the-LED is going on?
What's up with this system, I can't believe I just won!
A certain logic to it all behind the grand scheme,
make these levels utterly supreme!

Robot Rampage X!!! What-the-cogs is happening?
So shiny, decorated like awesome looking bling!
I'm gonna get you Dr. Dimo! You can't hide from me!
... Holy Schmoly, what a machine, I think I'll just leave you be.

I like the fact that you may observe and realize
The pattern is decipherable, in itself it is a prize
I dislike though the fact that I don't have the sufficient skills
To avoid even a single little machine that kills

Dimo1138, master of the machines and dangers,
Creating levels that really angers
Because it is you and not the level
I tell you, Dimo1138 is nothing else less than a shining giant jewel!

Hope you like it Dimo
2011-02-19 11:14:00

Posts: 1627

great spotlight. I've actually learned some things from this. didn't know much about this creator before.2011-02-25 15:01:00

Posts: 258

Hee hee... Box ghost is so funny, and so is jww.2011-02-25 22:51:00

LOLinator v1.02
Posts: 101

What is the first (Classic) Song/Music called?


A very nice spotlight guys!
And a nice blooper Taffy! XD
2011-02-27 19:48:00

Unknown User

*Sigh* Those levels look awesome... OH WAIT! i got a PS3 now, I can play the spotlight levels Finally!

congrats on the spotlight! Loved the video!

oh i cant wait until i have one too
sketch why are you taunting me so

just kidding
2011-02-28 19:46:00

Posts: 5482

Nice!! cant wait till tomorrow so I can play this! Congrats on the Spotlight great work! 2011-03-01 11:06:00

Anomandaris Irake
Posts: 10

You go
t some serious skills
2011-03-15 03:48:00

Posts: 2

If I ever worked for Mm I would hide user comments that get more than 2 frowny faces so we could do something about these parasites who advertise on other people's comments. 2011-03-19 13:20:00

Posts: 8

Locked and archived. 2011-03-26 21:54:00

Posts: 2870

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