Zombie Island
Archive: 5 posts
Ok, just fell in love with the new level "Zombie Island (Full)" from Nathan900. It is seriously a Little Big Planet version of Nazi Zombies, and it's great. Huge props to Nathan900. Everyone should play it at least once, and I was also wondering if there were any other levels like that one. If there are, tell me! ![]() | 2011-02-12 20:49:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Yeah i played it last night. I thought it was amazing and liked the way it cut away and announced each round. That BIG zombie was a bit of a pain though. I got to round 7 and i kept respawning on top of his head! Dooh! ![]() | 2011-02-13 08:41:00 Author: RtooDee2 ![]() Posts: 175 |
I didn't think it was good, I jumped of the roof and landed in gas! And the zombies get stuck below... | 2011-02-13 09:14:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
It's okay, though the community has yet to make a REAL zombie level, without buttons, without grab switches, and without creatinators. The best zombie levels to date are "Zombies: jungle" and "Zombies: rooftops" and they have the problems that the zombies are too fast and the rounds are not announced. This zombie island level has no logic whatsoever, and the scenery is, well, lacking. The level is fun, though. But the flaws in it's design keep me from enjoying it to its fullest. We still have to wait for THE best zombie survival. | 2011-02-13 09:43:00 Author: TNSv ![]() Posts: 302 |
It's okay, though the community has yet to make a REAL zombie level, without buttons, without grab switches, and without creatinators. The best zombie levels to date are "Zombies: jungle" and "Zombies: rooftops" and they have the problems that the zombies are too fast and the rounds are not announced. This zombie island level has no logic whatsoever, and the scenery is, well, lacking. The level is fun, though. But the flaws in it's design keep me from enjoying it to its fullest. We still have to wait for THE best zombie survival. Zombies: Rooftops and jungle get piled and too many for thermometer... Zombies Island gets in the way and not that good... | 2011-02-13 09:56:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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