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Grass objects?

Archive: 6 posts

I'm looking for some grass objects ie. bushes, little flowers and leaf like plants.
There all over the SP but can't find or haven't collected any in the game .

Anyone willing to pass me some if they have them?
2011-02-12 08:06:00

Unknown User

For grass,I use Black fur decoration.
It somehow fits the best.And for bushes...I use the same thing with some dark leaves around it.
Best material for grass is Green Damask.
2011-02-12 11:06:00

Unknown User

there are lots of leaves and flowers in the "foliage" section of your decorations bag, try searching there.2011-02-12 11:47:00

Posts: 920

Thanks for the suggestions, but I need 3D ones that lay on a flat face. Basically I need ones like that for my topdown shooter.2011-02-12 13:16:00

Unknown User

Grass is an issue for me as well! My level isn't going to be top-down, but I'm not quite sure if I have any fur decorations...2011-02-12 13:21:00

Unknown User

The best leaf-type decorations are in Eve's Asylum. get 100% items and ace all those levels and you should hae it.

The earlier mentioned Black Fur deco is found in Avalonia I think. It may be another 100% and ace thing there.

2011-02-12 13:34:00

Posts: 516

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