Tempelstadt Angkor
Archive: 5 posts
I don't know if anyone's known about this level yet, but it's pretty and the mechanics are good, though it's short and not that much of a challenge. It's called Tempelstadt Angkor (http://lbp.me/v/tekb6d) by Assassin7177, of the underrated Time series and the Water Factory levels. Sorry, I don't have pictures, guys. ![]() | 2011-02-12 00:38:00 Author: OcamposMoon ![]() Posts: 135 |
Let me just start by saying, "Isn't Falstad dead?" Anyway, you're right. This level has some beautiful scenery, and interesting design. It is short, but it's also very relaxing. | 2011-02-12 01:00:00 Author: alexstone108 ![]() Posts: 15 |
Who's Falstad? Isn't he from a Shakespeare play? OT there sorry. | 2011-02-12 03:50:00 Author: OcamposMoon ![]() Posts: 135 |
The Norse sounding title reminded me of something from World of Warcraft. Specifically, this: http://youtu.be/-GJ7eueZ1wY | 2011-02-12 03:58:00 Author: alexstone108 ![]() Posts: 15 |
The title is in German and means "The Temple City of Angkor", although I do believe the fellow has a research issue: The Temple City of Angkor, Angkor Wat, is in Cambodia, not China as mentioned in the description. Still, queued, will give it a whirl later. ![]() | 2011-02-12 11:01:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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