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Disc Drive not working

Archive: 6 posts

Help! I just took a break from a level I was working on in LBP, when I went back and turned on my PS3, the lbp disc no longer showed up. So I tried some other games...nothing. I tried some DVD movies, still nothing. No discs are being picked up in my drive, what am I to do? I am freaking out!2008-11-17 18:55:00

Posts: 19

If I were you I would take it back to the shop (if it is still in wananty) if not give Sony a ring

Thats what I did when my blu-ray disks wouldn't read. They are going to send out a new one, it was so esay.
2008-11-18 12:37:00

Posts: 46

Probably should call sony and get a replacement.2008-11-18 23:17:00

Posts: 73

This happened to my buddy I was playing alot with, had to send it in to Sony (they send you a pre-paid box), supposed to get it back within 3 weeks.2008-11-18 23:38:00

Posts: 1348

Yep I'm waiting for Sony to send me the box now, and then the replacement machine will be sent to me. I'm going to be without LBP for so long, gah!

Also, I was right in the middle of creating a really sweet level, it was coming along so nicely...when I tried to back it up after my disc drive died, it said my LBP profile data was corrupt. It was not a good day.
2008-11-19 00:01:00

Posts: 19

Yep I'm waiting for Sony to send me the box now, and then the replacement machine will be sent to me. I'm going to be without LBP for so long, gah!

Also, I was right in the middle of creating a really sweet level, it was coming along so nicely...when I tried to back it up after my disc drive died, it said my LBP profile data was corrupt. It was not a good day.

I'm sorry that happened.
I feel your pain though, I had 90% completed the game when I was hit with a "Internet connection" error that crashed my game while saving and I lost all my progress too, so you're not alone there.

Good luck getting back up there!
2008-11-19 01:53:00

Posts: 73

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