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Sackbot gappler (Beta v1.1)

Archive: 23 posts


This is a prototype. Any help would be nice, If you want to come in game and help me then add zeel-01 as a friend. (If my list fills up please tell me).

The controls are the same as the normal Grappling Hook.

Holographic grappler sprite!

2011-02-11 19:38:00

Posts: 61

As I am dying for feedback F4F is now on. will do at least 5 maybe more.2011-02-12 22:03:00

Posts: 61

While this could be cool if it performed better, this in it's current state is a complete mess. You can't move normally. You cannot jump. Half the time it doesn't even fire. You can't aim it

I don't even see much of a point in posting something that is still such a glitch fest really.

Sorry mate.
2011-02-12 22:16:00

Posts: 790

I post because I don't know how to fix it, and would like some ideas.

Movement and jumping are a puzzle. it has something to do with the movers used to make it actually work. Can't aim? I can't aim the normal one, it just goes to the nearest sponge.

Won't fire? That's odd, it rarely completely fails for me. I'll look into it more. Can you tell me: when is it that it will not fire at all?
2011-02-12 22:18:00

Posts: 61

Hi Zeel,

I really like the idea, and I understand how difficult it is sometimes to get sackbots doing what you request of them. I've got some ideas on how to help you improve the grapple behavior. I'm looking forward to seeing how you've done what you got. I'm not sure what necessitated the funky gravity or control but the two ideas should require it: 1. Use a winch attached to sackboy on one end and the other to a block of holo material with a follower on it that is strongly drawn to some tag when R1 is pressed. This may be similar to what you have now.
2. Emit a winch attached to a sponge on one end and a holo block with a follower on the other. Have the sackbot activate up or down tags in order to remotely control the winch. This has the advantage of always being recreated so you're not stuck if it ever breaks.

The other thing you can do that will improve the reception is to make the demo area interesting. Give the player a few options in terms of playing around in the area, decorate it...

I sent you a friend request to help you out. I think this could be made to work well and adds to the tools available to the community.
2011-02-14 15:10:00

Posts: 68

Hi Zeel,

I really like the idea, and I understand how difficult it is sometimes to get sackbots doing what you request of them well not so much the sackbots, they obey pretty well.. I've got some ideas on how to help you improve the grapple behavior. I'm looking forward to seeing how you've done what you got. I'm not sure what necessitated the funky gravity so the sackbot (which is super sized) reacts more like a regular sized one. its isn't quite right though. or control not sure whats wrong with the controls but the two ideas should require it: 1. Use a winch attached to sackboy on one end and the other to a block of holo material with a follower on it that is strongly drawn to some tag when R1 is pressed. This may be similar to what you have now. basically, but instead of holo its metal that sticks. also a winch can not attach to the sackbot (it kills it for whatever reason) so it grabs a sponge instead.
2. Emit a winch attached to a sponge on one end and a holo block with a follower on the other. Have the sackbot activate up or down tags in order to remotely control the winch. This has the advantage of always being recreated so you're not stuck if it ever breaks. I used a DCS that pick up the same signal as the sackbot.

The other thing you can do that will improve the reception is to make the demo area interesting. Give the player a few options in terms of playing around in the area, decorate it...
it's a minimalist theme. . .?

I sent you a friend request to help you out. will respond ASAP I think this could be made to work well and adds to the tools available to the community. It would be better if MM would give us the real grappler. my problems are all in the device requiring to much complexity. the real grappler is coded, which makes it far more effective. emulated logic just can't compare. but hay, If i can get it right, it will hold us over until MM dose it.

I'm in red
2011-02-14 21:54:00

Posts: 61

I think you should definitely keep at it. When I was in the BETA I made a spiderbot that was actually pretty similar to what you've got going on here. It didn't look the best but it did it's job. It may seem difficult, but if you spend a little time on it and try different approaches, you could get it to look and perform accurately.2011-02-14 22:20:00

Posts: 494

New update v1.3:

Now far less glitchy, almost done.
-works consistently
-works with a normal sized sackbot
-doesn't make you float around

Still needs:
-a way to equip/unequip
-visual representation when equipped (it now emits every time it is used, so you can't see it on your hand)
-visual tweaks
-a good level to use it in

2011-02-17 01:31:00

Posts: 61

Can I earn this sackbot by playing your level? I could really use a look at the circuits in game to come up with a similar design for something I'm working on myself.2011-02-23 05:36:00

Posts: 9

when I perfect it ill make it available to all.2011-02-23 05:45:00

Posts: 61

you could maybe make the sack bot follow a tag in stead of having it grab but you would have to make it turn on and off when not using the hook.2011-02-27 18:29:00

Posts: 145

I'm making a level that could put this to good use. Add me on PSN: Patrickp3. No, it's not Spiderman. D:2011-02-27 21:12:00

Posts: 162

I don't get it. Can't sackbots use the normal grappling hook?
Nevermind, I see now that they can't.
2011-02-28 23:25:00

Posts: 90

Well, for "equipping/unequipping" you could put the thing that makes it work hooked up to an AND switch that requires a toggle switch which is used when you press a button. However, if you want, you could ALSO use a Selector, so when you run over a pre-caught grappling hook with a tag on it, it activates the grappling hook, and when you press circle, you deactivate it. You can ask me in person on the weekends.2011-03-02 01:05:00

Posts: 116

UPDATE: new Beta v1.1

works FAR better now!

Holographic grappler sprite!

2011-03-16 02:05:00

Posts: 61

Hmm it seesm you've come a long way since I first checked out your level. I must say I'm pretty impressed.
Two issues I had though:
Sometimes when I'd try to grapple while falling fast. I'd grapple, but still slide down a bit as if gravity were pulling me down extra.
And the grapple does not real in/out quite fast enough in my opinion. Maybe you should try and tweak that...
2011-03-16 21:08:00

Posts: 790

last time I adjusted the speed I had it exactly like the real one, but other edits may have had an effect, I will make sure to get that exact.

As for the other thing. . . such is the nature of the winch, I've been trying to fix that since. . . always. I will do my best to find a solution.
2011-03-16 21:50:00

Posts: 61

Well you've improved it a lot since you first published this object show case. I now have faith in you! XD2011-03-16 23:44:00

Posts: 790

Hi, recently, I was creating a level with a sackbot and a GHook, but only yesterday, i realized that the sackbot can't use the grappling hook, so I looked for a surrogate and find nothing, to late i find this thread, and tryed your level, i wonder why you call it Gappler? is not easy to find, unfortunately, before find your level, i set to create one and is almost finished, i rly need a Ghook for my level and soon! Can't wait for you finish it, but is there any chance you can share ur version before i complete mine? because seems to be well relize, can stick to any surface? or just some targhet? maybe we can help each other.

sry for my bad eng.
2011-03-22 08:32:00

Unknown User

It sticks to anything that has the purple "sponge " tag attached.2011-03-22 11:26:00

Posts: 61

BETA v1.2

450pts = prize bubble

increased retraction speed.
2011-03-23 22:48:00

Posts: 61

It sticks to anything that has the purple "sponge " tag attached.

Thanks for the info, sry for the late answer, yesterday i have I finished my Grappling hook for Sackbots, now i can proceed on my lev design.
I have not tried to emulate the LBP2 Grappling, but I created one specifically for my level, so it will be very different from your version.

Today I'm going to see your Gappler update, and hoping to see a final version soon, I wish you good job.
when you want to join me, I'll show you my version
2011-03-24 09:24:00

Unknown User

"Zupaton" is the first player to unlock the prize bubble!2011-03-25 22:10:00

Posts: 61

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