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Archive: 11 posts

So, i have recently started playing One of my favorite games of all time, dot hack (infection to be specific, going to use one character all the way to quarantine), as well as buying three new dot hack mangas in addition to my 3-volume set of .hack//legend of the twilight. Anyways, my point behind all of this is, i want to create a series of levels based on .hack, the .hackers to be specific. (kite, blackrose, etc)

As its near impossible to make a real rpg in little big planet, i am thinking we just make simple platforming levels. I am also thinking that we give away dot hacker costumes in root towns (which will be the only way to access the deeper levels) and allow the players to play through the levels as their favorite pc. Anybody who would like to help me is welcome to do so, and much appreciated. The idea is still very small, but i am sure will grow with time.
2011-02-10 04:47:00

Posts: 156

Cool, .Hack// is also one of my favorite sereies.
(Up to G.U., //Link is just...meh.)

Anywho, may wanna talk with Fumetsusozo, he's planning a .Hack// based level as well, so you 2 may be able to help each other out.

I'd help you out myself, I already have a ton of .HAck// Costumes, tho I've already got like 4 projects going atm. @_@
2011-02-10 04:55:00

Posts: 6707

Im currently reading the first link, and i enjoyed seeing kite again, as well as tsukasa (or however u spell it), and im looking forward to shugo if he is even in this book. Im really not a fan of haseo though, or any of the GUs. But thanks for telling me he is working on a dot hack project, maybe i can help him or he can help me.2011-02-10 06:23:00

Posts: 156

Yeah I've been working on a dotHack level. a Azure Kite level. "He's from G.U"
well not for some months now. I'm busy with my own level series.
and my dothack never got done. and now LBP2 is out, so I'd have to remake it from start so it don't suck.
plus I'm picky and never am happy with anything i make far as levels go.
so i got no levels uploaded online at all really.
I'm a high class costume overlord. so i end up making costumes 8 hours a day a lot
and do little else when I'm creating at all. but I'll get back to making the dothack level
when I'm in the mood. I'm lazy and don't create much. but I've been trying to fix that lately. xD *mew
2011-02-10 21:41:00

Posts: 4261

Im also a costumer, and i have decided to ditch the platformer idea, and i am currently making a topdown mac anu. I never really got into GU, but i do know who azure flame kite is.2011-02-10 21:45:00

Posts: 156

mines going to be a platformer. have you ever read dothack-4koma?
anyways mine is going to be a joke level. not a mean one mind you.
Aura keeps sending annoying emails to Azure Kite, just plan bugging him. wanting someone to play with ETC.
she sends another this time giving him a job to go delete virus that are buggy a town. he almost just deletes the email before reading it,
but does not and goes to rid the world of the virus. it has a lot of jokes and any dothack friends will see a lot of funny insides jokes. *mew
2011-02-10 21:52:00

Posts: 4261

Yes, i have read 4koma. Mine will be based more off the infection to quarantine era, as well as .hack//xxxx2011-02-10 21:56:00

Posts: 156

Yes, i have read 4koma. Mine will be based more off the infection to quarantine era, as well as .hack//xxxx

Well good luck. it's hard to make a good drama in LBP.
plus hope it won't be just a copy of the old games. not really a fan of remakes in LBP my self.
tho do what you want by all means~
2011-02-10 22:00:00

Posts: 4261

It wont be a remake, it will barely even have a story. It will be set in that era, but you just run around and pick up stuff in mac anu (such as sackboy costumes in the armor shop) and you can go to the chaos gate, then select some premade keywords and go to different levels.2011-02-10 22:05:00

Posts: 156

It wont be a remake, it will barely even have a story. It will be set in that era, but you just run around and pick up stuff in mac anu (such as sackboy costumes in the armor shop) and you can go to the chaos gate, then select some premade keywords and go to different levels.

Ah so it's kinda like more of a level of the game the characters play, more then it is a level that's about
the characters and stories. ok, could be interesting, go for it. *mew
2011-02-10 22:08:00

Posts: 4261

Hey. If interested, I can recreate the dot//hack sign Theme song for you. If you need it, message me on psn. pdizzles1252011-02-10 23:51:00

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