Metal Gear Versus ops+
Archive: 10 posts
This level was inspired by my all time favorite game... Super man 64 ![]() The other weapons are: -Rocket (So original I know) -Noob tube (Lol I wanted it) -3 round burst plasma shooter ( the plasma travels through all 3 layers) I made this stage a little smaller then my first one but there is only like 4 bounce pads just to keep the pace of the battle fast. I want you guys to be honest and leave reviews and comments on what to improve on. Oh and have fun :]. http://lbp.me/v/xm5q2m | 2011-02-09 18:16:00 Author: Ghost ![]() Posts: 114 |
hello! anyone? | 2011-02-10 02:17:00 Author: Ghost ![]() Posts: 114 |
War has changed.... | 2011-02-11 03:40:00 Author: Ghost ![]() Posts: 114 |
It's no longer about Nations, Ideology, or ethnicity. | 2011-02-11 05:51:00 Author: Ghost ![]() Posts: 114 |
I Q'd it up chum. If you would like feed back you should edit your thread to F4F so others know your serious about contributing to feedback. It's hard to get people to play versus levels...I made what I thought was a decent one but i hardly have any hits on it. | 2011-02-11 07:17:00 Author: Siljin ![]() Posts: 76 |
Crap I thought I made this thread an F4F thread... | 2011-02-12 00:32:00 Author: Ghost ![]() Posts: 114 |
Pros: Small enough to keep track of other players yet big enough for a little wiggle room. It looks nice and I can tell you put some time into detail to make it look like a war torn area. Cons: Some of the areas are difficult to navigate into and hard to tell how to even get there, especially if you are frantically fighting other players. Conclusion: It is a decent vs level but it is really hard to get attention with versus levels that require the players to be on different PS3s. For that reason it probably has a low level of attention. I made a king of the hill map that I thought was pretty decent but it has practically no plays because people don't game with LBP2 on 3 different systems as much. I had to switch gears and make a single player level to get attention. I suggest you do the same. Take your love for MGS and make a survival level or a target level, or a race. Our vs levels are in the same boat ![]() | 2011-02-12 01:10:00 Author: Siljin ![]() Posts: 76 |
Pros: Small enough to keep track of other players yet big enough for a little wiggle room. It looks nice and I can tell you put some time into detail to make it look like a war torn area. Cons: Some of the areas are difficult to navigate into and hard to tell how to even get there, especially if you are frantically fighting other players. Conclusion: It is a decent vs level but it is really hard to get attention with versus levels that require the players to be on different PS3s. For that reason it probably has a low level of attention. I made a king of the hill map that I thought was pretty decent but it has practically no plays because people don't game with LBP2 on 3 different systems as much. I had to switch gears and make a single player level to get attention. I suggest you do the same. Take your love for MGS and make a survival level or a target level, or a race. Our vs levels are in the same boat ![]() Thank you for your input i have noticed its hard to navigate but i'd have to do a whole map re-do and I don't really want to seeing how not many people will prolly play this, but a friend and I are going to make an MGS story based level with our own story and boss battles. | 2011-02-12 04:04:00 Author: Ghost ![]() Posts: 114 |
Hey man, I just played this and its pretty awesome. Liked and hearted so I can play it with my buddies later. I really like the way you have the other weapons around it keep things fresh as your running around shooting eachother. The somewhat hidden weapon is fun too lol, you have a really nice arena set up and its cool that you made a more complex and compact area work. Nice job man, I just released a VS game myself, seeing the negative posts about VS levels now im worried >.> oh well, not the first time I've wasted 40 hours lol. Hopefully we can get some plays on these anyhow, I'd like to know what you think about mine as well. Its called Firefight VS. when you get the chance =) http://lbp.me/v/xpsggh | 2011-02-12 04:52:00 Author: Hexagohn ![]() Posts: 335 |
Pros The level itself has a good theme that closely represents Metal Gear Solid. A short timer is good since it prevents the players from getting bored, but with the option to play again shortly. The weapons were too bad, and had some good effects when fired. Cons Some of the editing through the level wasn't great and needed improvements. In my opinion, the choice of music didn't fit the level very well. Overall It is worth playing with your friends or other players, but I don't think players will come back to player it a second time. It has promising aspects and attention the theme, but that's about all. In return, please try and review my levels in the signature. Much appreciated! | 2011-02-12 15:24:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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