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Easy to use teleporters.

Archive: 8 posts


I've made some teleporting booths that are designed to be easy to use by any creator, even if you're not comfortable with LBP2's logic system. The set has two parts: An invisible controllinator (4 seats - though 4 person transportation is a bit shakey at the moment) and the teleporter booths themselves.

To use them, you place the controllinator somewhere outside the play area, and up to five booths in the level. Each booth microchip has two tags with text labels: one to give the booth a name, and one to say which of the other booths is the destination. After you tweak those, it's all ready to go!

It's not just an A-to-B system, it's an A, B, C, D, E system and you can choose which ones go where. You could, if you want, place multiple destination tags on a booth and control which one is active with a selector. You could, if you want, use randomisers on the destinations, but don't blame me if people unheart you!

The equipment is given as a prize in the level. It's fully shareable and therefore fully editable. Beginning programmers should be comfortable editing the logic in the booths, which is heavily documented by notes. Intermediate programmers probably won't need this object to help them, but if they take it for convenience they'll find all the functionality in the controllinator is tidy and encapsulated within named microchips so that they can get an understanding of the system quite quickly.

If you use the objects, there's no need to give credit or anything like that. As soon as you pop those prize bubble it's yours, no strings attached.

Apologies if something like this has been done.


Teleporter System - Free and Shareable! (http://lbp.me/v/xk7z94)

*This teleportation system is delivered 'as is', and Munrock accepts no liability for any loss of transported sackfolk due to misuse or unendorsed tweaking. Heisenberg Compensator not included.
2011-02-09 16:31:00

Posts: 96

does it emit/destroy sackbots? and where can i buy a heisenberg compensator?2011-02-09 16:34:00

Posts: 5078

It doesn't emit/destroy sackbots - but if a sackbot can use a controllinator, it'll get transported.

As to Heisenberg Compensators, try ebay. Or go without one - if you transport two sackfolk and they get merged into one on the other side, you can split them by popping. Presumably.
2011-02-09 18:51:00

Posts: 96

I'll give it a try then! 2011-02-09 22:08:00

Posts: 5078

But is your velocity maintained?

"speedy thing goes in; speedy thing comes out"
2011-02-11 17:16:00

Unknown User

No... but it would be cool if it did! If anyone knows how to 'record' a player or sackbot's velocity and restore it at a later point, I'd love to know too!

I almost made a rather good portal creatinator, but that's been done quite a few times over now, and I don't have anything new to add to the designs. Erm, having said that, have people used the stickiness property to attach portals to walls, therefore making a portal-proof property of non-stick?
2011-02-12 11:11:00

Posts: 96

Er... Hologram with followers?
Am I close?
2011-02-14 23:17:00

Posts: 15

Er... Hologram with followers?
Am I close?

You hit the spot on the nail on the head, yes. That bit isn't rocket science; the value of the objects here is in having up to 5 teleporters that can do more than just one-to-one pairings, and all the logic being confined to the hologram part so that even the most technophobic sackluddite can open a teleporter's microchip and configure its 3 tags without being intimidatinated.

Thing is, the hologram moves to collect the passengers and then moves to drop them off - it would be more efficient to move to the destination and use a massive activation range to collect the passengers. I need to update it when I finish my current project.
2011-02-15 09:21:00

Posts: 96

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