TweakZone Online
Archive: 1 post
Tweakzone online is a online multiplayer capture the flag (CTF) - Versus-Level for 2 or 4 players. Capture the opponents Flag and bring it back to your base. It's only possible to play it Online and not in local multiplayer-mode because the level depends on Splitscreen. Ingame-Features are: -Menu at the beginning -Settable Ingame Options (Music, Points to victory, friendly fire) -Action Combat System in space-style -Own Respawn-screen with 3 choosable weapons -CTF-Base system Here are some pictures of the level: Menu Screen: 30394 Map Design: 30397 Respawn Screen (3D) 30393 Ingame Scene (Guy with rocket launcher robbed blue flag) 30396 I hope you get interested in this level. Just invite some friends and start the ingame-party ^_^ Comments are welcome http://lbp.me/v/x9h12z | 2011-02-09 15:54:00 Author: tomatenbrei ![]() Posts: 16 |
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