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Seeing who hearted you as creator or for level?

Archive: 3 posts

as in title, is there a way to see that? i know for levels you can see recently given hearts on lbp.me but what about for the hearts as a creator?2011-02-09 13:26:00

Posts: 570

as in title, is there a way to see that? i know for levels you can see recently given hearts on lbp.me but what about for the hearts as a creator?

See this post (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=46300-My-Hearts-section&p=757845#post757845).
2011-02-09 13:30:00

Posts: 2870

Seems i can only find the levels/creators I hearted. :S but i want to see who hearted me. Or it can be just me and im blind.

EDIT, wait nvm, i saw it in the recent activity thing

2011-02-09 13:43:00

Posts: 570

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