Need advice on creating organic enviroments.
Archive: 5 posts
I've made my first level in a mountain region and I'm relatively happy with the way it looks. Now I'm trying to make a sort of grassy, hillside sort of setting for my next level but everything I'm coming out with is looking ugly and not "organic" enough. Not believable at all. Can any seasoned veterans give some sound advice? Perhaps what materials to use and how? What sort of scenery to add? | 2008-11-17 02:01:00 Author: UmJammerSully ![]() Posts: 1097 |
use sponge whenever you can or any other material like that and use the corner editor to edit the corners and make it look more organic | 2008-11-17 04:22:00 Author: RAINFIRE ![]() Posts: 1101 |
I think you should use mostly materials with rounded corners, like sponge but also keep in mind to vary the use of material. But the two things I think are most important for the organic look is: 1. Make good use of the different depth layers. Vary them a bit and never do anything on random, always do something knowing why. 2. Use decorations with care. | 2008-11-19 12:11:00 Author: Kizo ![]() Posts: 40 |
I think you should use mostly materials with rounded corners, like sponge but also keep in mind to vary the use of material. But the two things I think are most important for the organic look is: 1. Make good use of the different depth layers. Vary them a bit and never do anything on random, always do something knowing why. 2. Use decorations with care. That is actually very sound advice, thank you. | 2008-11-25 04:13:00 Author: UmJammerSully ![]() Posts: 1097 |
Yea Kizo's advice is very good ![]() I would suggest checking out other people's levels as well, look at what you like that looks like the style you are looking for, and inspire yourself, remembering to note how things you like are made. If you want to see some good organic looking levels, check out Cstrfrk's levels. You can find them in my hearted levels. He's really good at this sort of thing, I'm sure you'll find them helpful ![]() | 2008-11-25 04:38:00 Author: KAPBAM ![]() Posts: 1348 |
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