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Controllinator is too much in control!

Archive: 8 posts

What I am creating consists of MANY controllinators. possibly 20-40. every controllinator is a transmitter/receiver. There are only 8 colours. With the lack of Tags, this makes it a problem. Let me show what I'm working on...

In my project, there will be 20-40 sackbots running around all over the level/map. Players will walk up to any sackbot they want, and take control of them. Now this shouldn't be a problem, but since there are no tags, every controllinator that is on channel blue, will be controlled. which means that there will be 5-10 sackbots doing exactly the same thing. I've tried to work around this. On my microchips (on my sackbots), there is a Switcher. the switcher switches the behaviors from Acting mode to Idle mode when someone has taken control. I also made the Switcher activate the receiver controllinator, by connecting it to the center button on the controller. But I guess it doesn't do what I assumed it does, because the receiver is always on.

Is that center button supposed to activate it? Maybe I just hooked it up wrong? I'm not sure.

So I've come down to only 2 possible solutions of fixing this problem...

1. Find a way to make a "Tag" for a controllinator. Has anyone figured out a way to make one? Is there a patch coming that will add it? Or even just find a way to make them work with only 1 other controllinator

2. Find a way to turn off controllinators.

Any help would be super appreciated.
2011-02-09 03:26:00

Posts: 139

There may only be 8 colours of tag, but under the colours is a "label" option. If you use this option (which allows tou to name the tag) you can have virtually infinite combinations of tags.2011-02-09 06:41:00

Posts: 631

Well you can turn off controllinators by having them into microchips and only turning on those microchips when you need them on. I did this when I made my own version of telekenisis2011-02-09 07:45:00

Posts: 1125

Thanks for the replies. Turning off the microchip only half-solved the problem however, because if another player takes control of a sackbot, then one player will end up controlling both.

There may only be 8 colours of tag, but under the colours is a "label" option. If you use this option (which allows tou to name the tag) you can have virtually infinite combinations of tags.

Where is this label option? because i really can't see one. All i see is the "Name" option, but that doesn't do anything except remind me what it does. it does not associate with the receiver at all.
2011-02-09 23:10:00

Posts: 139

What would possibly need 20-40 controllinators?

For the receivers, you can put them inside microchips and activate or deactivate the microchip.
2011-02-09 23:36:00

Posts: 288

Every Tag can many labels - scroll down the tag options and you can give it a name. Tags will communicate with each other if they are the same color and name. For example - you can put a blue tag on 10 different boxes within the same vicinity, each with their own label.. That makes each one individual - so if something is looking for a blue tag only, non of the boxes will communicate. But, if something is looking to tag up with a blue box with a specific name, only that box will activate. You can had endless labels as long as the colors match also.2011-02-09 23:53:00

Posts: 19

So you're using hologram followers with controllinators remotely controlling sackbots, right? You have a separate follower with controllinator for each bot? If that's the case, you can just wire the two controllinators together and avoid using the remote transmit/receive function. When you stick a controllinator on a bot, you may notice that each button has an input as well as an output. Just hook the wires from your follower's controllinator into the corresponding inputs on the bot's controllinator and it should work exactly like you want it to.2011-02-10 02:11:00

Posts: 2188

So you're using hologram followers with controllinators remotely controlling sackbots, right? You have a separate follower with controllinator for each bot? If that's the case, you can just wire the two controllinators together and avoid using the remote transmit/receive function. When you stick a controllinator on a bot, you may notice that each button has an input as well as an output. Just hook the wires from your follower's controllinator into the corresponding inputs on the bot's controllinator and it should work exactly like you want it to.
THANKS A LOT! I was doing the invisible hologram, and this was the perfect solution. everything seems to be working perfectly, and it's even solved other problems I was facing.
2011-02-10 03:50:00

Posts: 139

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