Hello from China! :)
Archive: 10 posts
Hi everybody! Long time lurker, first time poster here (well technically third time). After surfing this forum for the past year or so, I decided I should finally introduce myself! I'm originally from the US but have been in Asia for the past ten years and am currently in Beijing. Although I had to wait longer than everyone else, I finally got the game last week! (my LPB 1 was bought in Taiwan and to be on the safe side, I had a friend buy and send me one from there.) What can I say? This game is awesome, quirks and all. ![]() I probably won't post much (still a lurker by nature) , as most people here are way more qualified than I to answer questions and help people out. But I'll try and chime in if I have something to contribute! This site has been great for helping me figure out the game, even before I had it. So if I can help others out that would be great too! Ok, off to post in the level showcase thread! (which I still feel kinda guilty about, don't know why) Cheers! BTW, if there are any other asia located players here, specifically China, feel free to add me. My PSN is Kemengjie. My internet is fast, but due to restrictions in China, its almost impossible to connect to others outside the "Great Firewall". | 2011-02-08 17:03:00 Author: kemengjie ![]() Posts: 42 |
Welcome! Glad ya made it! Cool China! I know of someone who was there, but is now back in the states. (amazingflyingpoo) Have fun! | 2011-02-08 17:58:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
I almost ended up living in China, I auditioned for a production company but family issues kept me here =( I've always wanted to go there. | 2011-02-08 18:43:00 Author: reiko57 ![]() Posts: 115 |
Uhm... Ni hao? Yeah, that's how you say it. :B | 2011-02-08 18:47:00 Author: SLS10 ![]() Posts: 1129 |
Welcome. ![]() I'm assuming you're the same kind soul who made this post (http://forums.littlebigworkshop.com/t5/PS3-Workshop/Wobble-bolts-just-stopped-working/m-p/76069#M15345) on LBW about two years ago, where you shared the contents of an email from Anton explaining what, from thereon, become known as the infamous "160-hour bug". Sad to see the bug still exists in LBP2, but at least knowing about how it works has helped several creators to avoid it, or correct it, although as far as I'm aware, noone else has been lucky enough to have their level timer reset by MM, and have had to resort to capturing the entire level, and pasting it into a new moon crater. | 2011-02-08 19:20:00 Author: Aya042 ![]() Posts: 2870 |
Oh wow.. that WAS him! I didn't recall he was in that thread! What is funny is I think that was my first posts ever at LBW! Good gravy Aya, what DON'T you remember?! | 2011-02-08 19:30:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
Welcome. ![]() I'm assuming you're the same kind soul who made this post (http://forums.littlebigworkshop.com/t5/PS3-Workshop/Wobble-bolts-just-stopped-working/m-p/76069#M15345) on LBW about two years ago, where you shared the contents of an email from Anton explaining what, from thereon, become known as the infamous "160-hour bug". Sad to see the bug still exists in LBP2, but at least knowing about how it works has helped several creators to avoid it, or correct it, although as far as I'm aware, noone else has been lucky enough to have their level timer reset by MM, and have had to resort to capturing the entire level, and pasting it into a new moon crater. Yeah that was me! I was totally $)%)# but at the same time completly impressed that MM would reply to one man's desperate e-mail to get his level fixed. Not only did they fix my level (TWICE! One for "level failed to load" and the other for the 160 hour glitch), soon after they started a thread where you could send in your profiles if you experienced problems. This is when I truly fell in love with this company. Although we all know there are problems with LBP1 and 2, they are 100% dedicated to their product and are constantly trying to improve it. <3 Haha that was one of my first post's too ![]() @reiko57 its definitly a place you should visit once (and then leave before the smog kills you ![]() @jwwphotos haven't met the flyingpoo, but I do believe I have played his levels. @SLS10 yes, that is how you say it. 你好, is how you write it (hope that shows up as more than random numbers on your comp) | 2011-02-08 20:14:00 Author: kemengjie ![]() Posts: 42 |
wow... good times good times. (yeah.. not really huh?!) Well, soon after that offer, they sorta left it all to us to fix and the issue remains if you waste time in create. I always recommend building in workshops rather than the level itself. We still like Mm though.. I don't think they imagined we would be working quite that long in create. lol ..anyway.. welcome again!! ![]() | 2011-02-08 20:19:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
Hi there! I'm also in China (from the UK but moved to China in '99). I'm currently living in Shanghai. Got the HK versions of LBP & LBP2 -- a bit cheaper than back at home. LBP2 seemed to come out earlier here too than Europe. | 2011-02-09 03:55:00 Author: PetPirate ![]() Posts: 8 |
Hi there! I'm also in China (from the UK but moved to China in '99). I'm currently living in Shanghai. Got the HK versions of LBP & LBP2 -- a bit cheaper than back at home. LBP2 seemed to come out earlier here too than Europe. hey! I'm not sure when the hong kong version came out but I know LBP2 hit the market in Taiwan on the 18th. Taking the international dateline into consideration, I think that it actually came out a whole half a day ahead of the US. ![]() In the end though that didn't help me much. I was tempted to buy the HK version, but was scared it might not be compatible with the LBP 1 I bought in taiwan. Actually, I wonder if there are any differences between our versions. We both have to use the playstation asia store to buy DLC and stuff. I have the English/Traditional Chinese versions, the box numbers on the box are LBP1 BCAS 20058 LBP2 BCAS 20113. Out of curiousity, do you know what version you have? I actually think they might be the same for Taiwan , HK, singapore. Don't suppose you've had luck playing online with anyone yet? I always get knocked off ![]() cheers! ![]() | 2011-02-09 10:46:00 Author: kemengjie ![]() Posts: 42 |
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