Sackboy does Shadow Moses
Archive: 14 posts
Okay, i've scrapped everything from the thread before and started again... Basically, i don't get to play LBP hardly at all so i've FINALLY finished my first level!! So i've made a detailed level of the beginning of MGS1. Yeah, i know, real original. But it's a level i have had planned out for months and it's basically a level to get me into the swing of creating. I was thinking of doing the MGS1 series of levels... but i'm too eager to get onto original things now so unless the want is there from people to do it - i doubt i will. The level is called Sackboy does Shadow Moses. The level is basically this: http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/5758/metalgearpart1lbpib1.jpg However i've improved upon the design. While i'm overall pleased with the result... there's still a few things i'm not happy about. The overall way about the construction isn't too great... and you can constantly hear things break - but i'm pretty sure thats just due to the final boss. Nothing is actually breaking. Apart from that, i think any Metal Gear fan will feel at home here - so any feedback is appreciated. I wasn't going to publish this level, but honestly i don't think it'll pick up enough plays for it to be taken down. Here are some poor quality pics: http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b164/ryryryan/P301108_2018.jpg http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b164/ryryryan/P301108_201903.jpg http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b164/ryryryan/P301108_2022.jpg | 2008-11-16 22:40:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
I tried to go to it and it kept telling me "Failed to load level". | 2008-11-16 23:48:00 Author: Voltiare ![]() Posts: 646 |
I tried to go to it and it kept telling me "Failed to load level". That's wierd. I wonder if it's already been taken off.... no way though. It's only been up since 4 (now midnight). If this is the case, i'll have to reupload it and wont be able to get any feedback for ages. Grrr. Oh well. Here is an EXTREMELY poor quality vid. I suggest trying to play the level first. (turn the sound up for the lift part). I forgot to reset the second lift too.... lol. EDIT: Video deleted EDIT: Update! It does work - my mate who was gunna try it has done today. So if anyone can give it a go that would be great. thanks. | 2008-11-17 00:09:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
Came across this thread, gonna give your level a try ![]() | 2008-11-18 04:51:00 Author: SlippyScott ![]() Posts: 6 |
Came across this thread, gonna give your level a try ![]() Thanks ![]() ![]() Okay - i've updated the first thread. Redone it completely. Level is completed and uploaded. Only v1.0. May add more enemies/dangers. | 2008-11-30 20:51:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
Update - This level... WORKS!!!!!!! YES! After frustration and anger and almost getting rid of LBP cause this level would never work nomatter what i did (trust me - i tried EVERYTHING) when CY came out i decided to give it another go. I copied it to the moon in a new place and republished. And BAM! It works! Miracle! It's my first level, so i think it looks a bit... clunky lol. And the gameplay mechanics are lacking. But it's a bit of fun if you like MGS so i'd recommend it ![]() Oh... and i've started work on MGS2 Tanker chapter... coming on along better than this ![]() | 2009-04-25 01:07:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
Checked it out last night and it looks pretty cool. I did get the failed to load level once but tried again and it worked just fine. I never played MGS so I can't comment on how accurate it is to the stuff you based it on but as an LBP level it's got some cool stuff going on. The opening room is nice but it took me a few seconds to realize I could move behind the elevator. Also - there isn't any "danger" in that first hallway either. I loved that you put original game music (assumed on my part) in the elevator section. It made the ride up more interesting but you might want to put some decorations/details on the ride up to give the player something to look at while they wait. The helicopter and snow look really good on the top level. I did notice that the sponge you pull out of the truck is a little hard to move and if, like I did, you push the sponge into the truck by mistake it's really hard to get it out again. The shape on the sponge is odd too. Not quite a step shape and it's a bit tricky to get on top of it. Loved the lady doing sit ups - a first for me on LBP. The gas traps are effective enough and you don't use them too much for them to get repetitive. The final boss guy has a really challenging pattern to his firing. Took all my lives to take him out which is cool. Overall I liked the level. There are some plainer parts but it was solidly constructed and I didn't see any technical problems. If anyone on the forum has played MGS they should check it out and let you know their thoughts too. I rated it 4 stars. Thanks for sharing it! | 2009-04-25 15:36:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
Sadly i was never able to play MGS1, so i can't really tell how well replicated from the original is... But still i'll give it a go, and maybe watch some vids of MGS1 to see if i can compare it with just that ![]() | 2009-04-25 16:25:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
I will try this now then =D | 2009-04-25 16:26:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Checked it out last night and it looks pretty cool. I did get the failed to load level once but tried again and it worked just fine. I never played MGS so I can't comment on how accurate it is to the stuff you based it on but as an LBP level it's got some cool stuff going on. The opening room is nice but it took me a few seconds to realize I could move behind the elevator. Also - there isn't any "danger" in that first hallway either. I loved that you put original game music (assumed on my part) in the elevator section. It made the ride up more interesting but you might want to put some decorations/details on the ride up to give the player something to look at while they wait. The helicopter and snow look really good on the top level. I did notice that the sponge you pull out of the truck is a little hard to move and if, like I did, you push the sponge into the truck by mistake it's really hard to get it out again. The shape on the sponge is odd too. Not quite a step shape and it's a bit tricky to get on top of it. Loved the lady doing sit ups - a first for me on LBP. The gas traps are effective enough and you don't use them too much for them to get repetitive. The final boss guy has a really challenging pattern to his firing. Took all my lives to take him out which is cool. Overall I liked the level. There are some plainer parts but it was solidly constructed and I didn't see any technical problems. If anyone on the forum has played MGS they should check it out and let you know their thoughts too. I rated it 4 stars. Thanks for sharing it! Wow thanks for the feedback Morgana! Well it is a real old level so i havn't looked at it much recently (edited it with MGS music and a few things but not much). I don't know how you got behind the elevator... I'll need to check that out and fix it when i get home next month. I definitely need to edit getting the sponge out of the truck. And the pieces themselves. Do you think I need to make it more obvious that there is a second piece in there too? The Gas traps are supposed to be surveillance cameras ![]() Anywho thanks for the feedback ![]() ![]() Oh... AND PLAY MGS ![]() | 2009-04-25 16:40:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
Just played... loved the elevator music1 However, it felt like it had too many cheap death sequences... managed to beat it after a few tries, but, especially with the "bullet"s, and especially Ocelot, "cheap death" was all over :/. Still, 5 stars and hearted. So yeah, you thinking of finishing MGS1? I liked what you had, and would love to see what's next :O. | 2009-04-25 16:47:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Just played... loved the elevator music1 However, it felt like it had too many cheap death sequences... managed to beat it after a few tries, but, especially with the "bullet"s, and especially Ocelot, "cheap death" was all over :/. Still, 5 stars and hearted. So yeah, you thinking of finishing MGS1? I liked what you had, and would love to see what's next :O. Thanks dude ![]() Well i could carry it on... but i'm doing MGS2 tanker episode atm. ![]() ![]() But yeah... i may go back to MGS1 sometime. I have great ideas for psycho mantis. But not sniper wolf ![]() I already have ideas for the Big Shell part of MGS2... and i'm going to include a gurlugon just for fun! (youtube 'gurlugon mgs2' if you don't know what it is ![]() EDIT: I'm gunna make a project thread for my MGS2 one actually to track my progress/get tips or help on parts/welcome suggestions and such. Oh - and first person to find my Portal reference wins xD | 2009-04-25 16:59:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
I definitely need to edit getting the sponge out of the truck. And the pieces themselves. Do you think I need to make it more obvious that there is a second piece in there too? Probably should - I had no clue there were 2 in there - I just put the one on an angle and went for it! lol | 2009-04-26 06:19:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
Probably should - I had no clue there were 2 in there - I just put the one on an angle and went for it! lol Haha, you didn't even use the second one?? I'm impressed you got on the truck! I should really make it obvious. Maybe when the first peice gets pulled out, have a mouth piece trigger and say 'Looks like there's another box in here I can use to get on the truck' or something. | 2009-04-26 20:15:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
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