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Random emitting stuff, and some questions

Archive: 4 posts

im, building my first level and got a lack of logic there.

Objects should fall from emitters down to the ground.
Those hazardous objects are doomed to get shot by a cannon which will send them into Nirvana. Fine.

1.The emitters need to spit the objects out on a Timeline, i took the Sequencer for that, worked.
The playtime is 3.00 Minutes, and i want it so that more objects spawn over time so you have to react faster to shoot the falling objects.
But now i want some randomness in the spawning of the objects. Otherwise it would be boring. The emitters have to spawn more randomly the objects (but still spawn faster over time). How?

2. When one of the objects hits the ground, the ground needs to explode (so that the player falls to a funny death), i tried to do that with Markers on the Ground and Object without luck because the Markers Activating-zone cant be set higher than the Object is when you turn the Marker upside down to get a straight Zone-line.

Any help for the Shampoodle?
2011-02-08 15:46:00

Unknown User

1. Maybe try to use the Randomizers for this effect. Along with OR gates, I think you could be able to make them fire randomly. Instead of where the things are which cause the emitters to emit the objects, place the emitters there, connect them to OR gates and connect them with the emitters somehow. It sounds weird, but try it, I think it may work.

2. ...I don't really get it... but... your objects don't explode? Uhh, try those sensors which activate stuff as soon as it touches the ground, maybe.

I hope this helps you a bit!
2011-02-08 15:52:00

Posts: 402

1. Maybe try to use the Randomizers for this effect. Along with OR gates, I think you could be able to make them fire randomly. Instead of where the things are which cause the emitters to emit the objects, place the emitters there, connect them to OR gates and connect them with the emitters somehow. It sounds weird, but try it, I think it may work.

I tried those randomizers but my mind freezes dead cold when i think about the effect, atm. I will test that.

2. ...I don't really get it... but... your objects don't explode? Uhh, try those sensors which activate stuff as soon as it touches the ground, maybe.

They dont explode, they just fall to the ground. When they hit the ground the ground needs to disappear.
Those Touch-Sensors dont work because you have to connect them, and that doesnt work with an emitted object.

If you shoot them they splash
2011-02-08 16:41:00

Unknown User

Ok i put now a microchip where the emitters are on, in the sequencer and hooked a randomizer to all emitters on the chip.
works. But sometimes the emitters dont spawn anything, when they get activated by the randomizer.
2011-02-09 11:41:00

Unknown User

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