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Top Down Sword Swinging

Archive: 11 posts

How would I make a sword swing from left to right in a top down level?? I really need help I had a way that worked but it totally messed up all control of the sackbot... Please if anybody could help me it would be greatly appreciated!!!2011-02-08 06:18:00

Posts: 10

Can you make it more specific i might have an solution for it.2011-02-08 09:08:00

Unknown User

id be intrested to know the same thing but swing right around my ship (like a sonic boom effect) so if any enemy gets to close you can use it like 3 times per game.2011-02-08 09:32:00

Posts: 180

i think i have the solution for that one in that case if your on littlebigplanet2 in 4 or 5 hours ill maybe be able to help you. i get to see im prtty new to LBP2 but who isnt it has only been released for 2 weeks but i played LBP for over a year 2011-02-08 09:42:00

Unknown User

ok great, ill be around, i never played LBP 1 i only just got a ps3 lmao2011-02-08 09:43:00

Posts: 180

Nice and if your new here welcome to the awesomest website about lbp comunity. I can teach u some logics and you can check out my sackbot logic level too just send me an invite to you and i accept it when i get home.2011-02-08 09:47:00

Unknown User

awsome i will do man, i dont have a mic tho, hope thats not a problem i do plan on getting one soon tho. what is your PSN?

sorry op for spamming your board, just realised.
2011-02-08 10:11:00

Posts: 180

@ SackGurl
I made a sword for my survival level i am working on, its not top down, but my method should work either, here it is:
(Lets assume you want to Swing the sword with the (X) button)

The sword should be glued onto a invisible holo. This simulates the arm of the player.
Place a microcip in the invisible holos center.
In the microchip place a Follow-Mover that follows the player or a tag, however you want it (you can toggle this to make the sword a pickup like object).
Now you want to place two gyros in the cip, one pointing in the swords default direction and one pointing where your sword swing will end.
Make both the gyros realy strong (80-90%) and make the second one, (where the sword swing will go to) fast (1.000-1.500) so you get a fast slash. The first one can stay slower, depending how fast the sword shall move back in position.
Place a counter on the chip, set it to 1 count (and make it 1 long if you want), this will be our "advanced toggle".
Place a timer with 0.1s time (or such) on the chip. This will be the "cooldown" necessary between two swings. Set the input action to start count up.
Place a NOT gate on the cip.

The output of the (X) Button goes into the "advanced toggle" (counter set to 1).
The output of that "advanced toggle" goes into the NOT gate and this output then into the first Gyro (sword start position).
The ourput of the "advanced toggle" (not with NOT gate) goes into the second Gyro (where the sword swing will go to)

Once you swing the sword now, the toggle will switch to on, and the sword will swing. I won't go back at this point.
To make it go back after a while we need to turn the "advanced toggle" off aggain.

The output of the "advanced toggle" (not with NOT gate) also goes into the Timer now.
The ourput of the Timer goes into it's own reset slot and inot the reset slot of the "advanced toggle".

Now the sword will swing down, the timer will wait 0.1 seconds and then the sword will go up aggain and you can swing aggain.

Hope that is understandable, I do not know the correct terms for the english game :S
2011-02-08 11:23:00

Posts: 51

my psn is I_L_T_C_L
whatz urs i can send invite to u
2011-02-08 14:10:00

Unknown User

my PSN is steadler69 but i have no mic 2011-02-08 14:14:00

Posts: 180

I want to make a sword that isn't always visible but can swing from left to right or right to left in a top down manner... I don't want it always there because it would then be always active which I have learned in my level it causes you to get stuck in some places because of the sensors I have on it.2011-02-10 01:01:00

Posts: 10

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