Final Obstacle build help, race starter help.
Archive: 8 posts
Ok my level is almost done, I only have one more obstacle I want to fit in before the end and I am struggling with it a bit. Basically I want a bunch of platforms and swingable objects suspended over a fire hazard (easy), then I want an emitter to shoot ninja stars from off screen stage right at different heights so that you have to maneuver past the flying deadly stars by using jump pads and grabable objects or possible the grapple (tricky part). I have rigged a piece of dark matter in the air and attached a piston with a block on the end with an emitter attached. This could be a final design but I am open to suggestions. I have made a star with a rotator on it so that it spins in the air. I tried putting an anti grav mod on it but it didn't seem to do anything when I turn it to zero, and I don't want it to float up but I don't want it to sink either. I can kind of accomplish this by turning up the velocity on the emitter but this makes the stars too fast to really have any chance to avoid on purpose. I got the race start handled, no need to go into that. | 2011-02-08 02:25:00 Author: Gutz ![]() Posts: 175 |
To make the stars move sideways, just use a basic Mover. If the stars come from the right, set it to a negative speed and a positive speed from the left. To make sure they don't go up or down when first emitted, set "Ignore Parent Velocity" on the emitter to "Yes". A suggestion from me for some visual flair would be to have the spikes spin, which you could use a basic Rotator for. ![]() | 2011-02-08 03:31:00 Author: booXely ![]() Posts: 654 |
Yeah I have a rotator on it to make it spin, I set a mover on it and it is working perfectly, now I just have to find the best way to deliver them. I had my original design, and I didn't have ignore parent velocity, and some were kinda falling so I set up a bunch of emitters on a piece of dark matter and then connected all of them to a randomizer now they are coming out but maybe a little too quick. I will revert to my old design and let you know how that works. | 2011-02-08 03:42:00 Author: Gutz ![]() Posts: 175 |
I reverted to my original design an when I turn on ignore parent velocity it just destroys the ninja stars as soon as it emits them, if I turn it off they emit like normal, any suggestions? Settings: Lin Veloc: 0 Angl Veloc: 0 Ignore parent: Yes Frequency: 0.9 Life: 6 Max Emit: Inf Max emit @ once: 5 Destroy Oldest: No Create: appear Destroy: Fade | 2011-02-08 03:46:00 Author: Gutz ![]() Posts: 175 |
Ignore parent velocity shouldn't change the lifetime of the spikes, you may have changed some other setting. | 2011-02-08 03:58:00 Author: booXely ![]() Posts: 654 |
I figured, but when I turn it off they spawn fine other than some of them dropping. Maybe its just bugged I will delete it and replace it with a new one. Edit- I replaced the emitter and its still the same issue, as long as I keep parent velocity off it spawns fine, as soon as I trn it on they spawn and destroy, I don't see anything but a flash of the object it destroys it so fast. I'm thinking about moving to my other design with the randomizer tied to like 10 emitters, I just have to figure out how to slow it down because they emit too fast that way (too many on screen) | 2011-02-08 04:36:00 Author: Gutz ![]() Posts: 175 |
You wouldn't need to use ignore parent velocity if you had all the emitters on a piece of DM, I only mentioned it for your block of cardboard on piston set up. | 2011-02-08 05:58:00 Author: booXely ![]() Posts: 654 |
Yeah I know I was referring to the piston method, though I switched to the single piece of DM method because I couldn't get the piston method to work. | 2011-02-08 06:49:00 Author: Gutz ![]() Posts: 175 |
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