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Grand Theft Auto IV and DLC

Archive: 14 posts

Hey I realize this game is older and I did just get it but I thought since it was a classic it would be fun to talk about and share anything you know that could help a beginner out! (I've already noticed the "annoying" driving controls but I've sorta gotten used to them.) I have the complete edition too so anything you know about the two DLC packs would be great.

Oh and please don't ruin the story or anything...at least put it in a spoiler or somethin if you absolutely have to.
2011-02-07 23:29:00

Posts: 1651

Hey I realize this game is older and I did just get it but I thought since it was a classic it would be fun to talk about and share anything you know that could help a beginner out! (I've already noticed the "annoying" driving controls but I've sorta gotten used to them.) I have the complete edition too so anything you know about the two DLC packs would be great.

Oh and please don't ruin the story or anything...at least put it in a spoiler or somethin if you absolutely have to.

The game is reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally long (if you keep your friends happy and do all the side-missions that is). It's a great game and both DLC's are good too, a bit short but still worth while.

Can't tell ya any tips without spoiling the game though if you have any questions about future decisions, you should look up what the consequences/rewards are for each choice. You might regret choosing one thing over another
2011-02-07 23:38:00

Unknown User

I loved the driving controls- the first GTA game that made a car feel quite real.

Unfortunately I needed money more than I needed the game about a year ago, so I sold it on eBay.
2011-02-07 23:45:00

Posts: 2105

Beeeeg American Teetees.2011-02-08 00:04:00

Posts: 6728

For messing about and free roaming TBOGT is the best, parachutes and no annoying cousin

Roman"Let's go BOWLING"
Niko:" Sorry being chased by 5 cop cars, 2 noose tanks and a buzzard not now"
2011-02-08 12:05:00

Posts: 224

Beeeeg American Teetees.

cousin! let's go bowling!
2011-02-08 19:37:00

Unknown User

I love the GTA4 radio and TV stations. They are seriously hilarious.

My favourites are the "Republican Space Rangers" TV show and "Judge Grady's Just Or Unjust" Radio show. The "News" is hysterical too!
2011-02-08 19:52:00

Posts: 1477

The game is reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally long (if you keep your friends happy and do all the side-missions that is). It's a great game and both DLC's are good too, a bit short but still worth while.

Can't tell ya any tips without spoiling the game though if you have any questions about future decisions, you should look up what the consequences/rewards are for each choice. You might regret choosing one thing over another

Sounds good I'll be sure to let you know if I have any questions. Is the online any good? Still haven't tried it because I wanna finish the story mode somewhat at least.

For messing about and free roaming TBOGT is the best, parachutes and no annoying cousin

Roman"Let's go BOWLING"
Niko:" Sorry being chased by 5 cop cars, 2 noose tanks and a buzzard not now"

Lol that made me laugh. I agree though free roaming is SO MUCH fun haha just loading the same file with a ton of ammo and a nice car over and over getting in huge chases and shooting up random bars.

I love the GTA4 radio and TV stations. They are seriously hilarious.

My favourites are the "Republican Space Rangers" TV show and "Judge Grady's Just Or Unjust" Radio show. The "News" is hysterical too!

I know! I think for the music the "B107" channel or something like that is the best IMO.
2011-02-08 21:27:00

Posts: 1651

I know! I think for the music the "B107" channel or something like that is the best IMO.

You don't mean "The Beat 102.7" by any chance do you?
2011-02-08 21:46:00

Posts: 1477

You don't mean "The Beat 102.7" by any chance do you?

Probably. I've only had the game 2 days so I still can't recall everything haha. So far though I haven't recognized any songs...don't get me wrong they're good but I find it strange that I haven't heard of any of them before.
2011-02-08 23:34:00

Posts: 1651

You'd best be looking the things up every time you get a decision... just saying.2011-02-11 02:13:00

Posts: 6419

You'd best be looking the things up every time you get a decision... just saying.

Thanks man. Since I don't wanna accidently read something that gives away the story I've just been saving the game under a different save file every several missions or so in case a decision pops up. It's great that they put in like 10 save file slots. I just figured out the parking glitch too and have 20 cars in my first safe house parking space 20? Yeah 20. I added to the glitch and found a way to drive up on the train tracks too and if you have one wheel of a car above the parking space you can have as many as you can fit up there too.
2011-02-11 04:03:00

Posts: 1651

I have never heard of this car glitch :o2011-02-12 00:38:00

Posts: 6419

I have never heard of this car glitch :o

Yeah I read it online that all you need is one wheel of a car in the space and it'll save so cram as many as you can in there! I haven't tried a chopper yet, but so far I have 5 maseratis (gran turismos), an ambulance, a cop car, a taxi, a garbage truck, and 2 muscle cars. There's always a traffic jam when you walk outside too since the garbage truck sticks out into both lanes lol.
2011-02-12 02:23:00

Posts: 1651

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