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help me please :D boss logics :D

Archive: 3 posts

hey all, i'm new to creating in lbp, and med and my friend is about to finish our first lvl , but we need a boss, can someone post som tips and tricks ? or even better a tutorial for making a great boss the best thing for me to understand, would be a short tutorial movie , but i can't seem to find any, so if you got some ? i would be great if you cold post them or link them ;D2011-02-07 17:09:00

Posts: 3

Questions belong into the Help! (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?42-LBP-Help!) section, not the tutorials section! (I'm assuming that you're playing LBP, not LBP2)
Well, did you already think of a few attacks? For example, he could fire fireballs at your Sackperson (use an emitter for this).
Using bolts to move the emitter might help in making the attack a bit more 'surprising'
Anyways, good luck!
And don't forget to place a checkpoint near the boss so that you can be revived
2011-02-07 17:55:00

Posts: 402

i'm playing LBP 2
Well we have thought about 3 staget, one with fire balls, another with plasma (mgs) and one where the ground will set on fire ... we just don't know how we should make it ?

if someone is interesting in helping us you can add my psn Gronhoj and help us in game
2011-02-07 18:42:00

Posts: 3

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