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Top-Down Twin-Stick Shooter AI

Archive: 2 posts

The barrage of questions continues (for which I apologise, I always seem to shoot for projects above my ability... I guess that's how we learn, though )

I'm working on a new top-down twin-stick shooter, same concept as my Sackometry Wars level but prettier and with more varied enemy logic.

I've managed to perfect enemies that chase the player, but attempt to dodge bullets. I've also figured out how to make enemies that 'orbit' the player to harrass them.

What I'm really struggling with is 'drone' enemies. The action occurs on a fixed screen with a solid border around the edge. I want the enemies to spawn from the outer boundry, move in straight lines without tracking the player, and 'bounce' off the walls (rather than stick to them). I had hoped a simple mover and max object bounciness would be sufficient, but it's not.

I tried using a centrifugal force tecnique (similiar to the wall-climbing gyro tank often seen in LBP1) but it's overly complicated and unreliable from certain angles.

Any ideas here would be greatly appreciated, as I'm running out of patience with this one. I suspect it's gonna involve some horrible tag-related nonsense... though I'm unsure how I could cause the 'bounce' angle to vary.
2011-02-07 16:38:00

Posts: 309

I think drop the mover off these drones and just have them emitted at the speed you want. Make them bouncy, not slow down, and completely unaffected by gravity. Now they should just move forever, bounce and not slow down. Hope this works!2011-02-07 16:42:00

Posts: 302

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