An Idea...
Archive: 2 posts
Whilst watching my brother get the lowest score ever on Skate To Victory (620), which is ranked something like 280,000 , I struck upon an idea. Rather than fight to get the highest score, why not fight to get the lowest. Its actually harder than you think, as there are score bubbles placed everywhere on certain levels and to avoid them could be quite hard. Thoughts? | 2008-11-16 12:58:00 Author: floor3013 ![]() Posts: 287 |
People do this all the time on other online games to get noticed as having the lowest score. I played that stupid level where there is a massive trophy and you spring board off into loads and loads of score bubbles and it's the easiest thing in the world to get the 1,000,000 points. But when you finish the level you and it says your score, obviously you are at the bottom of the 1000's of others that got 1 million. But some dude has a score of 999,934 or something like that. So basically everyone that goes on that level gets to see his name under theirs. That's the sort of things that people do to get noticed lol | 2008-11-16 13:12:00 Author: dorien ![]() Posts: 2767 |
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