The Epicness Alert (READ THIS!)
Archive: 11 posts
so how is it possible that all the super soft games I played are in cool levels. What makes them cool, I don't understand. I plus many other creators have spent months perfecting lvls and we have 20 plays with all like and what not. But people that make soft stuff like Little Soft Space (Little Dead Space) Sonic the Softhog, wheel games! (WTF!!!!!) Have you played Spectral Fear, The Haunted, Forest of Dreams. Saviour Machine: Prologue, Aptitude. Those games are 10x better than whatever is on cool picks and mm lame picks combined. As a matter of fact. Play my intro lvl and I bet you feedback that its way scarier than whatever is under the scary fillter of cool and mm lame picks...uugh, is there a forum that shows only epic lvls instead of the crap I see all the time. I actually am thinking of giving up on creating sense theres no possible way to make my lvl known because 1. only 10 people max will play your lvl if your new on this site. Most people only play your lvl if your popular. 2. If people don't see you have 1000 hearts, your crap to them and they wont play your lvl. a couple of people played my lvl and there like my best friends LBP2. (Im actually helping one of them with creating exp) All The Epic sacks of Lbp 2 I call out to you. Join me! show me your most epic lvl, I will give free feed back. dislike the lame picks and comment with anger on how unepic a lvl is. friend each other and create small groups to create even more epicness. Thankyou | 2011-02-07 08:06:00 Author: InfinitiMinded ![]() Posts: 50 |
Tbh, I don't think having an attitude like that is going to help you. And this, dislike the lame picks and comment with anger on how unepic a lvl is. Is definitely not going to achieve anything, also I quite like the MM picks that I've happened to play. There's 10's of 1000's of other people just like you who have exactly the same problems and gripes (myself included). All you can really do is improve your creations, advertise your levels and get get your friends to play it. There's no use trying to force complete strangers to play your level and like it. Just appreciate what you do get. | 2011-02-07 08:35:00 Author: SR20DETDOG ![]() Posts: 2431 |
Play my intro lvl How about no... I actually am thinking of giving up on creating Please do, you'd be doing people a favor there. For what I read here, it would seem you;re one of those people who think ethey're "Ub3r 1337" that everyone's levels suck, and they are the only ones who make good levels. Yeah...no, last person to act like that got themselves perma-banned, so I wouldn't reccomend to keep acting like that, dude. That you don't like something doesn't make it bad. Ironically, you yourself seem to be one of the people you dislike so much, throwing out good levels for no apparent reason, and giving favoritism to others, so before you rant about people discarding good levels, maybe you should try NOT discarding good levels yourself. | 2011-02-07 09:11:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
You honestly believe your level is scary? Seriously? | 2011-02-07 10:22:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
@SR208Dog I guess I'll just do that thx for the advice. Just one thing. I wasn't really trying to make anyone play my lvl or like it. I actually like it when people crap on my lvl, its the only way to make them stronger. I wanted to play other creator's epic lvls and rate them. I only said "play my lvl" to prove "its better than cool picks scary lvls". Guess I shouldn't have done that. @Silverleon lol noway dude I played lvls way better than mine, and I dnt think I can stop LBPs like an addiction. hay thats not fare "discard lvls?...for no reason" I always leave feed back ![]() @Rabid-Coot I don't know you tell me ![]() So Im guessing i should have worded this differently ...like this maybe...All The Epic sacks of Lbp 2 I call out to you. Join me! show me your most epic lvl, I will give free feed back. friend each other and create small groups to create even more epicness. Thankyou...eh sorry folks | 2011-02-07 10:52:00 Author: InfinitiMinded ![]() Posts: 50 |
by the way any suggestions on mm picks because I'm still not finding any | 2011-02-07 10:55:00 Author: InfinitiMinded ![]() Posts: 50 |
@Rabid-Coot I don't know you tell me ![]() LBP just isn't very good at doing scary. | 2011-02-07 11:07:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
LBP just isn't very good at doing scary. Yeah, atmosphere, yes, but actually scary? No. By the way, OP. Overusing the word "Epic" takes away all meaning of the word. People have killed it. "Epic," should be left for things that are truly epic. So fa,r on all my time on LBP, I haven't seen anything truly "epic." Brilliant and creative genius, yes. But nothing that i'd call "Epic." | 2011-02-07 11:16:00 Author: Mr_T-Shirt ![]() Posts: 1477 |
@Rabid - Coot. dude you must not be scared of anything. try spectral fear right now its the scariest for me. If your not scared of that than I must be a wuss or somethin. (be honest too) @Mr T-Shirt. well it kinda depends on what you mean epic. for example (excuse me if this sounds lame to you) the final fight on assassin's creed BH was epic. I literally had to stand up and play that **** because of how epic it was. Dead Space 2. that was just continuous epicness...or genius or w/e. But thats just things I think are epic. Lame, Maybe. Do i care? heck no! I guess what Im trying to say is that epic is an opinion of what gets the adrenalin pumping or is really cool to you. unless someone is gonna post the actual definition of epic off of googs or somethin. | 2011-02-07 11:30:00 Author: InfinitiMinded ![]() Posts: 50 |
@Rabid - Coot. dude you must not be scared of anything. try spectral fear right now its the scariest for me. If your not scared of that than I must be a wuss or somethin. (be honest too) Just played it, great setting but still not scary. When stuff is described as scary it just means that at some point while walking through this dark room something will appear or furniture will move probably accompanied by a sudden loud noise. Once you're expecting those kinds of things they just get a reaction of oh thats it rather than fear. | 2011-02-07 12:43:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Well just cause its lbp doesnt mean something cant be scary, it can depending how much effort etc someone puts to into it, in other words someone who knows the meaning of "Horror" and what it is, so I wouldnt agree with a level in lbp or lbp2 not being scary. Another thing, rather you improve your creations or not, thats pure bull--- in lbp its all about luck and "Using" your friends or...no dont call them friends (cause thats not what a friend is for) using them to play your levels etc, thats just wrong, and people dont see that cause there blind with all this competition and crap, LBP is full of jealousy and heartless people, envy and so much more (before you know it Negativitron is gonna come back lol) just like any other thing in life, but theres still good people. out there, great creators and friends...REAL friends. I wouldnt call whats in the Cool pages bad..thats really wrong...very very wrong to put others down etc but I do agree that some of the most unique and great levels barely get any attention and dont make it to Cool Pages, but that doesnt mean whats in the Cool pages is bad, just always keep in that in mind I mean its the truth no matter what way you look at it. But we cant change anything, thats just the way things are and nothing will change...it sucks alot I know. Cause I know alot of People who deserve alot. And by alot I mean having there own studio to make a whole game or something. An Artist or Music anything. Just think things through and jus tbe yourself, be positive, dont be mean to anyone, just be you and have pride in what you do, dont let anyone tell you to give up creating or not, if your level didnt get to Cool pages, so what just keep doing what you love to do, dont let anyone get you down. Just dont be mean to people cause people who are like that *Wont mention names* are just...un-likable and you know. Just go with what drives you to create and dont let anyone give you any s.. (Dump). | 2011-02-07 16:44:00 Author: Bloo_boy ![]() Posts: 1019 |
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