Got a notice about an infraction for Double post!!! please help
Archive: 5 posts
i just got a bunch of notices for saying that i double posted and that that is an infraction to this website. but im pretty sure i didn't do it. can anyone help me with this? | 2008-11-16 08:24:00 Author: kit07 ![]() Posts: 84 |
don't post a thread about it, send a pm to admins, like lbp, confused cartman, marino... lots of em... they're nice, they'll explain or help you | 2008-11-16 08:34:00 Author: big93 ![]() Posts: 262 |
Marino ain't admin, he's a mod. The only admins are lbp and ConfusedCartman ![]() And yeah, what he said, just send them a private message outlining the issue ![]() | 2008-11-16 08:45:00 Author: Stix489 ![]() Posts: 2080 |
Quozl reversed his mistake, you have nothing to worry about now. http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq262/Code1337777/lock.gif | 2008-11-16 08:54:00 Author: Code1337 ![]() Posts: 3476 |
Yes I reversed the original infraction because it was meant to be a warning, I told you as much in the second message I sent you for the double post (which was your warning) explaining what had happened. But then on the second page of the thread in question I found a triple post by you so at that time issued an infraction for that second transgression. Members should make themselves aware of the forum rules to avoid these issues. Cheers QuozL | 2008-11-16 14:12:00 Author: QuozL ![]() Posts: 921 |
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