Games that changed you as a child
Archive: 4 posts
What I mean by this is simple, we all played mario and other normal non violent games, but what was the game that kinda crossed you into that other side? For example... I used to play alot of normal kid stuff, until I accidently played a game called "Warlock" as a kid wow it messed me up, after that came Bad Fur day which I accidently saw that flower scene >_> and you can imagine in how much trouble my cousin got XD, and from there on I was already playing games like Metal gear solid, castlevania, Tenchu, final fantasy etc. So anyway I just though about this, and I think it would be a interesting topic, for those of you who dont know the flower scene XD Sorry i wont post it =P but I do have a video of what Warlock was and you can see how it messed me up =/ (The game wasnt just scary "In that time and for my age", but its also one of the most hardest games in history, what really messed me up was the music and the friggin game over scene of the game >_<) Video of a Review ofWarlock SNES--->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xglm38X8xE&feature=related | 2011-02-06 16:30:00 Author: Bloo_boy ![]() Posts: 1019 |
Maybe I didn't play anything that violent of stuff, but I played Yoshi Story and Perfect Dark (both on N64). So one day I would be throwing dinosaur eggs and the next I'd be killing people. Perfect Dark was da best! ![]() | 2011-02-06 16:42:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
oh... the flower scene? saw it in an article about sex in video games... its messed up, BIG TIME LBP was in the article as well... My games that changed me? my parents were very strict when i was younger... so not much. Shadow the hedgehog was one though (to this day, i wonder what the hell the ESRB was thinking, when they rated it E+10... it has killing people with guns, spurts of blood... and the people beg for mercy!!! add in the cursing.... should have been M-rated. its messed up) | 2011-02-06 18:06:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
oh... the flower scene? saw it in an article about sex in video games... its messed up, BIG TIME LBP was in the article as well... My games that changed me? my parents were very strict when i was younger... so not much. Shadow the hedgehog was one though (to this day, i wonder what the hell the ESRB was thinking, when they rated it E+10... it has killing people with guns, spurts of blood... and the people beg for mercy!!! add in the cursing.... should have been M-rated. its messed up) Agree, I remember playing that. Yeah that flower scene was something >_> it was everywhere lol, I forgot to mention one..Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie..those 2 games wow..im actually gonna make a separate thread so people see how much subliminal stuff it has...its crazy. =/ | 2011-02-06 18:17:00 Author: Bloo_boy ![]() Posts: 1019 |
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