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Darkness Strikes Intro

Archive: 5 posts

http://ie.lbp.me/img/ft/e5eea105b28bc45e1b4630350edb690f6c7df6a2.jpghay wassup everybody. I just wanted to show you all my that I worked very very hard on so if it sucks please be very very cruel in comments so that I can fix it and make the game perfect. Darkness strikes is a thriller full of deadly slaves and soldiers you fight off in DARK, (a resistance dedicated to taking down Light Corp.(A corporation that overcharges people for power. If unable to pay for the power LCorp lends. They will take the power back with deadly force or enslave the lender Its usually enslaved.))I actually thought of the story right off the top of my head and its being carried pretty well. I guarantee the player that they will get spooked, If not. then I just have to step my game up on the 2nd level. reading is very important on this level so please pay very close attention to Liz: you will know who that is when you begin the game. Thanks and enjoy Also a proof reader is needed for second lvl. So if your available hit me up on psn lpb
2011-02-06 06:16:00

Posts: 50

Played it and it was fine shocking level. Plot was pretty enjoyable.
Shooting enemies in such disturbing area with flashing lights felt like it was real thing!
Only issues I find are lack of polishing with materials placed and jamming elevators.
Overall, I give it a yay!
2011-02-06 08:51:00

Posts: 384

Grappling the elevator seemed difficult took me a couple tries to realize I should grapple it while its going up and not its way down. The switch right before the Level Link doesn't appear to be glued down maybe the flashing screen made it look that way I'm not sure. After turning the light back on it wasn't that apparent that I should back track I was looking for something up ahead still try to grab the wall and such. Great visual effects on falling through the roof onto the boxes I was having fun watching the boxes move around and how they acted that is until one squished me. Maybe consider the glowing evil eyes for some of the enemies but I wouldn't keep it unless it looked good that way.

Overall was very good just had some trouble on which direction to go next.

Not sure how possible this is I'm just thinking of it maybe having a sackbot copy of the player and giving it a flash light that you can turn on and off... of course there could be a tag in the level so the flash light doesn't work while near that tag. I imagine you could glue the light to a sackbot I think but not entirely sure if its possible.
2011-02-06 09:18:00

Posts: 17

oh trust me its gonna happen. changes are underway. third lvl being created, and epicness crashing through your walls thx for the idea Also I've tried the glowing eyes thing earlier, totally wasn't working out. theres only one slave glowing eyes and hes at the beginning of the first level and ill fix the switch2011-02-06 10:48:00

Posts: 50

lack of polishing? do you mean not enough detail? I can fix that if thats what you mean?2011-02-06 10:51:00

Posts: 50

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